@eugene From a metabolic POV, every day you are alive, you have to bear with the immense stress that is caused by darkness at night time. This can explain why there can be almost perfectly linear rates of certain diseases over time just due to the amount of nighttimes that one has to endure.
Posts made by dan.dominic
RE: "My metabolism slowed down as I aged ... "
RE: How to increase ghrelin sensitivity?
@Peater0921 How long have you been avoiding Plant Oils for?
RE: I don't like eating
@nygerai Did you ever try just eating the foods you like the taste of?
Melatonin Bad= We should Blue-Light-MAXXX?
I've read some of what Peat has said on melatonin being somewhat of a stress hormone. This also corroborates with most degenerate behavior taking place at night time, and my hatred of the darkness as a child, so I find this intriguing. However, since blue light is one of the strongest inhibitors of melatonin, shouldn't we be blue light MAXXING 24/7?
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@brad The cannon of scripture wasn't created at the Council of Nicea, it happened over many years, and it wasnt finalized for sure in the Catholic Church until around the 1500s. I don't know the arguments against that text I just know that no church, even the ones that broke off from Catholics in the 400s or 1000s, accept it as an apostolic tradition. Also I think when you see that in the Gospels Jesus promised to build a visible church and perserve it to the end, then I see it as impossible that his church would be lead into error.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@Truth Insanity that he keeps Ray's name attached to the forum.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@brad Of course the key is always going to be reading the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), but, coming from the Catholic tradition, I think reading Confessions by Augustine of Hippo or any of Thomas Aquinas's works, starting with where he proves God's existence and a summary of Christian beliefs (Summa Contra Gentiles).Theres also the Church Fathers (from 2nd century AD to around 8th century AD) and all of their works will give you insight into what Christians have always believed. Some of them are Gregory the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Leo the Great, Ambrose of Milan, Iraneus, Hillary of Potiers, Ignatius, and/or Basil. If you're not interested enough to read these works, theres a channel on youtube called "Scholastic Answers" that gives brief overviews on Catholic Theology from Thomas Aquinas perspective with historic sources from all our theologians back to the first and second centuries AD. Aquinas is really a great amalgamation of historical Christianity though since he was at the halfway point between our time and the first century AD, he uses alot of Aristotle's metaphysics to break things down in an extremely logical way, and also constantly sites sources from the first few centuries of the Church.
Theres only a few churches that can say that their Bishops (heads of churches) go back to the Apostles (who were the first bishops) through a constant line, and they are the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrians, and the Roman Catholic Church. So if youre interested in Christianity, this is what'd you have to look into and decipher.
You'll really see a lot of derangements in ideology especially from people like Charlie who do not have the connection to the ancient churches. His behavior of also accusing
RE: Sleep Deprivation helps depression: Could this be due to the effects of laying down on gut motility?
@CO3 Ray has mentioned sleep deprivation as being used to help depression,. Maybe I should have included that quote from him in my post
Edit: Quote "On a Sunday, when a person
sleeps an extra hour or two, it's common to feel
lethargic for the rest of the day. And when a
person has to get up several hours too early, there
is often the feeling of being over-stimulated.
Many years ago, someone noticed that
depressed people who missed a night's sleep, or
who were wakened several hours earlier than
normal, came out of their depression, until they
caught up on their sleep. Sleep deprivation has
become a recognized treatment for depression" (Though and Energy, Mood and Metabolism).I've been on and off following his ideas, and I posted this here, aside from the fact that Ray mentioned it, because I know people on here are a lot more focused on gut motility and its importance in health and keeping the gut clean. Keeping the gut clean improves thyroid function and I'm wondering if reclining for too long (10+ hours) at night time could induce limited gut motility and thus impact the whole hormonal function.
And im not talking about movement, I genuinely just mean sitting up straight versus laying down fully reclined. And when one sleepes, maybe get up in the middle of the night, have something to eat, watch some videos or do some work for a little while and then go back to sleep.
RE: Sleep Deprivation helps depression: Could this be due to the effects of laying down on gut motility?
What do you think explains this phenomenon?
Sleep Deprivation helps depression: Could this be due to the effects of laying down on gut motility?
I have experienced, at times, feeling better on mild sleep deprivation. This is quite a common reported phenomenon. I am dissatisifed with certain answers I have recieved as to what is behind this and find them inadequate.
Theres also the aspect where people tend to feel horrible in the morning after a night sleep, most commonly in pregnancy. You'd expect to feel much better after resting, but it ends up being the worst part of the day, and coffee is needed to help cure this (gut motility increase?).
After thinking about how people report that their acid reflux is worse when they are laying down, I though how our gut health might be better when we are upright rather than laying down. This better digestion/increased gut motility for the removal of wastes can explain the better feeling.
Could the benefits of sleep deprivation be due to the effects of laying down on gut motility?
I think if this is the case, there could be an argument for splitting sleep in half (getting up to do some work in the middle of the night so that you dont accumulate the stress of poor gut motility, then go back to sleep 2 hours later) and also not laying down except when sleeping.
Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
Charlie has now said that "dairy is literally a liver destroyer" and "fructose is poison" and "a burden to the liver" (quotes directly from his posts).
He also uses the Bible a lot in his comments on health and tries to tie in his new paradigm with the Scriptures.
Yet, his words are insulting the Scriptures, since the Lord promised Israel a "land flowing with milk and honey" as a reward for his children and a sign of his love. Also, in the prophecy that relates to Jesus in Isaiah 7, the child is prophesized that he will eat curds and honey until he matures.
I won't even go into the quotes from Sirach (which you might not accept as Scripture) which state that honey and milk are a basic necessity for human life.
It would be one thing to say that an excess of these foods is toxic, as every food can be overdone. Is your claim simply talking about an excess of these foods, or that these foods are not something that you would give your children in abundance?
If you hold that these foods should not be eaten in abundance, then please do not use the Scriptures to support your nutrition plan, since your own words on these foods insult it and you are being inconsistent. You also tarnish the reputation of Christians when you behave inconsistently.
Also, to anyone else who's image of Jesus Christ has been distorted by the irratic and incosistent words of Charlie, I will let you know that what much of what he promotes is not historic Christianity that can be traced back in a continuous sucession to the Apostles. If you're interested in having any errors that he stated corrected, PM me or tag me.
RE: Is a no starch diet sustainable?
@GreekDemiGod probably if you had a moderate fat intake. Otherwise once you get past a certain intake of fructose, starch can be more appealing. I think that explains why some rat studies have bad results from fructose, there’s simply a limit where more glucose instead of fructose would be better. Doesn’t mean that glucose is better than fructose in principle.
RE: When did moral fagging become a popular thing on the internet?
@Sugar This post is a white-pill. Glad that degeneracy and lawlessness is being crushed in some ways.
RE: How to drink more coffee
@Orkneyman_ what’s your fluid intake besides coffee? Also check your urine output. Anything that’s going to produce more energy is also going to use more water, just think about how thirsty people get when running or doing sport. I notice so many symptoms when I don’t drink the amount of fluids needed to suppress them.
RE: Why is the epidemiological literature overwhelmingly in favor of PUFAs?
@Vapid-Bobcat Yes that’s his proposition.
RE: Why is the epidemiological literature overwhelmingly in favor of PUFAs?
@Vapid-Bobcat I think the answer is that both PUFA and SFA are beneficial. I’d be curious as to what the dose of PUFA is that’s considered beneficial. The issue might be the demonization of saturated fat, rather than PUFA’s specifically in themselves. Maybe something like a Saturated/Mono/Poly split of 45/40/15. I think this also explain taste preferences. Coconut oil doesn’t really hit the same as butter, steak, pork fat, chicken skin, etc.
RE: Garrett Smith AK. "How will I sell more programs today"
@Harlock I think there’s something good that he must be doing, but there’s a lot of conflating variables in order for him to claim Vitamin A is the cause. if you read what Charlie did he changed so many different variables. More fiber, less fat, different foods like beans which have certain nutrients, etc. For example, it could be that his diet is low fat, it could be the soluble fiber keeping the gut clean, it could be the high carb, etc.