it also blocks testosterone afaik so I'd avoid it
Posts made by deliciousowl
RE: Anyone have experience taking Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) and its effects?
tetany and weird magnesium reaction
So I've been taking magnesium because of a mild tetany diagnosis / stress, and it's consistently made me feel depressed/dissociated/anxious.
Basically every study and everything I've read says its good for treating these things, so I am confused?
I've tried orotate, glycinate, citrate, etc. same difference.
Also I had lower normal calcium and started supplementing a few months back, but I don't think that made a difference either. I also salt my food a lot.
Could this be some kind of electrolyte imbalance or does anyone have any idea how this can be happening? Why does magnesium make me feel worse when all the literature says it should be better?
RE: Share your T levels
600 - 650 and nothing I've taken has ever made a difference. tried basically everything on this forum and other forums.
RE: Whats the deal with "Vitamin" A?
@Verdad most likely the simplest explanation, because androgens increase sebum production and vitamin A reduces it
RE: Whats the deal with "Vitamin" A?
I've been taking 10,000 IU daily and it improved my skin quality significantly, and raised my resting body temperature.
Supposedly it's androgenic.
Whether it's good or bad as a whole.... that's a controversial topic. As others mentioned in the thread, it's definitely bad if you have hypothyroidism.
RE: How to quit nicotine
@CO3 pregnenolone makes me crave a cigarette more than anything on god's green earth
RE: creatine muscle cramps
@Santosh I was worried that this was going to be it. Basically my entire life revolves around coffee so I guess it's the creatine that has to go.
I figure that beef collagen/gelatin has all the precursors for the body to produce creatine so I will up my dosage of that instead.
500mg niacinamide has been better for endurance for me than creatine either way to be honest.
RE: What Causes Haunting and Incessant Memories?
@renaissanceman np, although I'd like to mention that it didn't get better on vitamin D alone, I had to add about a gram of supplemental calcium a day as well as more dairy products
RE: Tianeptine
I really liked Tianeptine but when I did a blood test my testosterone was HALF of my levels when sober. From 700 to 350. Went back to normal after I quit.
Also, I don't agree with the withdrawal scares in this thread. If you take the usually prescribed dosage of 3x 12.5mg a day, you will not have strong withdrawals at all.
RE: Hormone + Androgen maxing
deadlifts, eating lots of gelatin, cheese and meat
high-doses vitamin K2
2000 IU Vitamin Dnot much else you can do to be honest, messing with hormones at your age could seriously mess things up
RE: creatine muscle cramps
@NangaParbat If anything I massively oversalt my food, and the creatine supplement itself has salt, so unfortunately that's not it.
RE: Aspirin provokes gyno flare-up?
@thebodyelectric_ @NangaParbat yes it was 1000% correct! I did a bloodtest and had borderline hypocalcemia. Absolutely spot on you guys are legends
RE: Whats the deal with "Vitamin" A?
don't think it's bad but honestly I never saw any discernible benefit from it, except maybe less sebum
RE: Which antibiotics for gut issues and chronic fatigue?
randomly came across this tweet where someone claims they basically fixed their narcolepsy with clarithromycin
might be relevant
creatine muscle cramps
I keep seeing that "creatine causes muscle cramps" is a myth but whenever I take it, and despite enough hydration, I get absolutely insane muscle cramps even in muscle groups that I didn't train!
Is this a sign of an underlying issue or just an unfortunate side effect?
RE: why do b vitamins make me hungry for beef?
no clue but I know anorexics are prescribed B-complex to improve their appetite
RE: Can you become dependent or addicted to progesterone/allopregnanolone?
@notmcas pregnenolone converts to allopregnenalone
RE: What Supplements Do Y'all Take?
@grimdarkkk maybe in menopausal women, but I've never seen or heard any hormonal changes from gelatin/collagen in men. theoretically glycine is supposed to increase DHT and like 30% of collagen/gelatin is glycine, afaik