Denis Wilson's protocol for T3 can call for 180mcg per day of T3 only. I have tried it.
Posts made by Ecstatic_Hamster
RE: Supplementing T3 not safe afterall?
RE: Supplementing T3 not safe afterall?
I am not a fan of just T3 over the long haul, and I recall Dr. Peat saying he had his heart irregularly beating when he was only on T3. I think it's better to take T4 and T3 usually.
RE: Is Corn Good or Bad?
@questforhealth said in Is Corn Good or Bad?:
Ok but in a basic sense aren’t carbs really just pig food, whales and dolphins are spiritually advanced and eat whole fish, why don’t we just eat more animals nose to tail to become more advanced beings
as I grow older I am attracted less and less to meat, and more and more to well cooked starch, a little dairy and animal protein.
Carbs and well cooked vegetables are amazing. Fruit is amazing. Animal flesh is okay but not that much is more than enough.
RE: there is no one source of all your problems
that said, there are things that Duhigg calls keystone habits. I think a keystone habit can change everything else, kind of starts basic and then filters through your entire life.
I'll use an example. Someone who avoids dairy because the bros say "you shouldn't eat the milk of another animal." So you introduce a bit of cheese into your diet. That cascades through your life and choices you make are changed. You begin not believing them about, say, carbs...
In a relationship that has stagnated, often just kissing a lot and passionately can become the keystone habit that brings passion and interest back into the relationship.
So one thing can have profound effects in this way -- by being a catalyst that lets you change other stuff.
RE: Is Corn Good or Bad?
@questforhealth said in Is Corn Good or Bad?:
Eating grains is literal madness, why would you eat a seed which doesn’t want to be eaten, no wonder everyone is so sick when we eat wheat that causes hardening of the arteries and pasteurised milk with the cereal... russian cat experiments show raw milk makes them healthy but pasteurised milk makes them sick in a few generations. absolutely degenerated food degenerating humanity for profits
even my dad and uncles all told me milk makes pigs sick when you feed them it and i know humans are similar enough to pigs with one stomach
Madness I tell you, madness!
Pasteurized milk seems fine to me. Tell it to Fred Kummerow who lived a fantastic active life to age 105 drinking 3 glasses of pasteurized whole milk every day.
The subject of the thread is corn, but you changed it to milk. So back to corn.
People who live to 100 or 110 or 120 eat a lot of starch. That's a fact.
Grits (non nixtamalized corn)Madness!!
RE: Supplementing T3 not safe afterall?
hard to say. This is a "retrospective" study, and there are many hidden confounders.
The T3 peeps, maybe they were sicker to begin with. I can't really see how they accounted for that.
there is no one source of all your problems
on the other forum, all your problems are due to vitamin A, or a copper deficiency, or something. I'm not sure. But one thing -- and if you fix that, everything is golden.
However, in the real world, nothing by itself will fix your problems.
It's always lots and lots of things.
Weird how the body works.
RE: Is Corn Good or Bad?
Corn is very good. I prefer nixtamalized corn by a long shot, as porridge or tortillas. It is one of my main starches, besides rice.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Sugar said in Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?:
@Ecstatic_Hamster I do have experience with going without it for longer periods of time, I don't really like it all that much. Plus keep in mind what I just mentioned above. At the very least look into it.
Okay, so what. I mean, meta studies are worthless except as a way to look at their underlying real studies. Meta studies can be made to say anything.
Men who are less fertile have higher heavy metals often in their semen, I would believe that.
But how do you get to the idea of ejaculating daily as a result of that fact?
Perhaps daily ejaculations make heavy metals worse by loosening them up from safe deep body stores and bringing them to the virtual surface. I mean, who knows.
Less healthy men have more toxins in their semen, of course.
But daily ejaculations? Doesn't follow.
It takes about 6 months to get used to an ejaculation schedule, by the way. It just takes time to adapt. It feels great for me to build up sexual energy so much, and then have a release every x days. It's so much better than before when I would just ejaculate once or twice a day.
My libido is really high, I am always ready, and I am very hungry for my partner. It's a fantastic way to live.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
daily ejaculation is a for-sure loss of sexual energy, very depleting. I suggest you use your own libido and feelings to determine an appropriate ejaculation schedule. Could be every 4 days or every 40 days, but not likely to be every day.
You have no idea how draining it is to ejaculate every day if you have never experimented with doing it less often. You have to experience the difference to understand how depleting it is of male sexual energy.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Creuset so this happens when men refrain from ejaculating. Their sperm must meet end of sperm life, and must commit apoptosis and must be resorbed into the body, and this requires the immune system even if it's not as extreme as vasectomy.
RE: How libertarian leaning is this forum?
@Creuset you can make up the concept of collectivism, but there are only individuals. There is only me. I can be fairly certain of my own existence, but not of yours. There really is no "we."
RE: How libertarian leaning is this forum?
@DonkeyDude no it isn't a justification. It's a state of nature that things are scarce and that we all have to earn a living somehow.
RE: How libertarian leaning is this forum?
@DonkeyDude said in How libertarian leaning is this forum?:
@Ecstatic_Hamster said in How libertarian leaning is this forum?:
It is a natural law that we all must make a living.
It is as much of a natural law that the strong overcome the weak, and that an unorganized mass of people must be governed by an organized minority. Your position basically boils to "coercion I don't like is evil, coercion I do like is natural law".
everything is hard. Mises wrote Human Action and in the very first pages he shows that we always want to go from one state to a state of greater comfort and security, and this requires human action.
Coercion and compulsion come from government and private thugs. There is really no difference. Things being difficult and life requiring us to make a living is not coercion or compulsion. It is simply how things are.
Nothing comes to us easily. We aren't living in a land of make-believe where we can simply eat gingerbread from the nearest house.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Creuset there are a number of studies on this, that involve the male being snipped. Vasectomy is an extreme case of not ejaculating.
In a group of fifty-two vasectomized men, 1 year post-vasectomy, 73% showed sperm-agglutinating antibodies in the serum with titres of 8 to 1024 in the tray agglutination test, and 42% showed sperm-immobilizing antibodies with titres of 1 to 128 in a micro-immobilization test. 3 months post-operatively, about 75% of the men who were to develop antibodies within the year already possessed them. With sperm agglutinins there was a gradual increase in incidence in the period from 3 months to 1 year, with titres increasing up to the 9 month stage. At 1 year, 68% of the positive titres were 32 or higher. Although no increase in the incidence of sperm-immobilizing antibodies was seen beyond 6 months post-operatively, titres increased up to 1 year. A strong correlation was found between the titres of sperm-agglutinating and sperm-immobilizing antibodies, and all sera with an agglutination titre of at least 128 also showed sperm immobilization. Tail-to-tail agglutination was the most predominant type of agglutination observed. No correlation between the type of agglutination and the presence of sperm-immobilizing antibodies could be found. The total number of spermatozoa in a pre-vasectomy ejaculate (as a measure of antigen dose) could not be correlated with the incidence or titre of sperm-agglutinating or sperm-immobilizing antibodies.These results are discussed in the context of possible interference with fertility if vasovasostomy is to be performed.
RE: How libertarian leaning is this forum?
@Creuset said in How libertarian leaning is this forum?:
@Ecstatic_Hamster said in How libertarian leaning is this forum?:
@Kvirion that isn't anyone else's business. My contribution to society is my business and nobody else's. There is no such thing as "society". There are ONLY individuals. Society is just another concept used to justify coercion and compulsion.
What's interesting with people that don't understand the use of methodological individualism in the fields of politics, law or economics, is that they will all tell you in unison that humans are social creatures as their only argument to justify the use of methodological holism and collectivism, like if methodological individualism would prevent them from forming groups or was denying that this is a need for most humans (which of course is a strawman of methodological individualism).
They don't even understand that methodological holism and collectivism are irrelevant in the field of politics, by assuming that society is a tangible and homogeneous thing that has a will/consciousness acting on individuals, and that individuals should submit themselves to this will/consciousness, without ever proving any of it of course. Their position is in fact a metaphysical subjective one, pretty similar to that of Hegel, Marx, Nationalism/fascism. Isn't it funny that all of the totalitarian ideas are collectivist and using methodological holism?
On the contrary, methodological individualism in these field is consistent and demonstrated, as with praxeology or Natural Law which are only concerned with individual behaviors and actions. Imagine in a legal context judging a society (full of innocent individuals) for a crime, and not the specific individuals that did the action/took the decision. That's exactly what collectivism and methodological holism leads to in these fields, and none of the collectivists understand why this doesn't make any sense.
And the beautiful thing is that methodological individualism doesn't even deny cybernetic loops and feedback that flow from collective emergence back to individuals, such as cultures, markets or memes. Only collectivism and methodological holism try to restrict individuality by saying that the group is more important than the individual, methodological individualism doesn't claim any of that.
In summary, methodological holism in these fields is simply a fallacy of composition.
I don't understand any of your points. Can you simplify?
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Mulloch94 it’s difficult to know because there are almost no studies done with partner sex in the lab. They all involve masturbation.
RE: Flowers of Sulphur
A tiny light coating of flowers of sulphur over a fungal skin problem willl in my experience fix it pretty harmlessly. So topical is very good too.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Mulloch94 if you don’t ejaculate once a week or so, sperm will resorb into the body, which requires deployment essentially of anti bodies, the garbage collection system of the body. It isn’t healthy. But ejaculating daily or whatever is a great way to leak out masculine sexual power and lose it.