@FitnessMikey how much and how many per box?

Posts made by jhp
RE: got Thyroid-S to sell based in UK
RE: Lisuride and LSD
@mavuue how much lsd are you planning on taking? yeah all three would be a bit risky
RE: Lisuride and LSD
@mavuue not sure but sounds interesting. if you do or dont, feel free to post a trip report over at https://bioenergetic.forum/topic/2814/bioenergetic-erowid-lsd-lisuride-10-methoxy-harmalan-2cb-modafinil-and-other-pharmacological-detritus-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-sidney-gottlieb
want someone to combine acid and cypro as well, might have to be me once im back in the game
RE: Cyprohepaptidine Vs Minocycline
@LucH what are soem good beneficial bacteria? can you recommend any specific products? what do you think of the discussion in this thread?
https://bioenergetic.forum/topic/2188/l-reuteri -
RE: Eating these everyday Suckerss
@CO3 what do you cook them in? i have a non-stick pancake pan but have been cutting non-stick out and can't find any good alternatives for making these. i love them
RE: Oregano Oil as an antimicrobial
@LucH how do you "ration,[and] weaken then bludgeon the intruders who do not live in symbiosis"? i just got some of the now foods enteric coated oregano oil softgels, not taken any yet, definitely want to avoid "targeted bacteria will transmit the information to other bacteria to make them genetically evolved and get the capacity to survive to a new environment".
RE: whats your opinion on taking kefir?
@yerrag I found your thread on the old forum and this is what you said you were taking as biofilm busters (in a reply to "The Law and Order Admin" lol)
"I'm taking a blend of berberine extract, rhubarb extract, and chitosan in a ratio of 3:3:1. Split into 3 doses, I take them about 30 minutes after each meal, mixed in water."
RE: whats your opinion on taking kefir?
@yerrag thanks, do you have any specific recommendations for biofilm busters? i see lots on amazon with loads of ingredients which makes me a bit wary. im in the uk btw
RE: whats your opinion on taking kefir?
@yerrag sort of off topic, but what combination of biofilm busters and antibiotics did you take? would you recommend taking them? have you experienced other, not directly stool related benefits?
Coconut "Wax": Safe to eat?
I found this source of coconut "wax", which as far as I can tell is just hydrogenated coconut oil but the cosmetic focus has thus far prevented me from buying it to eat/cook with. Input appreciated, just don't buy it all before i can!
Bioenergetic Erowid: LSD, Lisuride, 10-Methoxy-Harmalan, 2CB, Modafinil and other pharmacological detritus Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Sidney Gottlieb
Please use this thread to post any and everything related to your use or research into "psychoactive" """drugs""". Take this as broadly or as narrowly as you would like. Personally interested in reports of tests of Bulgarian research chemicals on your respective rat collections and on more general discussions relating the American Terror State's weaponization of LSD and other drugs in its decades long war on the minds of it's citizens through operations such as MK-ULTRA and The Grateful Dead.
"Any of the essential nutrients, if used in isolation, can be used as a drug, for a specific effect on the organism that it wouldn’t normally have when eaten as a component of ordinary food. And natural foods contain thousands of chemicals, other than the essential nutrients. Many of these are called nonessential nutrients, but their importance is being recognized increasingly. The truth is that we aren’t sure what they “aren’t essential” for. Until we have more definite knowledge about the organism I don’t think we should categorize things so absolutely as drugs or nutrients."
-Ray Peat -
RE: Is it true that the Book of Talmud is Not Translated Into English?
careful goys, the forum is run by one of G-d's chosen people
RE: countertop reverse osmosis filter
@RealNeat Do you know where I would be able to get a aquanui or similar filter in the UK?
RE: Weed addiction, reaching homeostasis
I quit nearly a year ago properly after a regularly smoking for about 4 years. Massive improvement, feel able to do things, less bored, much less/no depressive/apathetic days. I really do not miss weed at all and I doubt you will either. Also live with my brother who smokes most days and have never really even been tempted to have any. Weed is a very, very mid drug that is only holding you back in boredom, things will be much brighter without it, especially if you are peating as well, t3, aspirin, progest-e exercise etc. I've been going to the gym regularly which I would never have done if I was smoking.