@VirtueAgonist Yes this is a common tactic and one that has worked for me previously. But I find it's hard to get recurring lucid dreams with that method. Usually works once or twice then stops for me.
Posts made by Master
RE: Lucid Dreaming Tips Thread
Lucid Dreaming Tips Thread
Personally, I have a lot of luck when I intentionally daydream before sleep, and then continually staying aware of the day dream as I drift into sleep. As I start to fully enter sleep I typically lose track that I'm daydreaming and get swept away. However, sometimes I will snap back into the realization of being in a dream after my body has fallen asleep, thus making me lucid. This only works occasionally but has by far been my most consistent method.
What else you guys got?
Especially interested if anyone has had any better luck with supplements or medications.
I typically have more vivid dreams with Glycine for instance, but it doesn't seem to help with becoming lucid. -
RE: Cyproheptadine Warning
@Mulloch94 Hmm this is super interesting. Appreciate the input! I unfortunately hadn't measured my heart rate prior as I didn't think to. But the nicotine sent, what was probably an already elevated heart rate, into over drive, which is how I noticed. I think a big part is that my cortisol and adrenals were basically totally shut down and cortisol/adrenaline is how your body gets nicotine's uncoupling effect under control. So without that, the uncoupling went wild. And I definitely felt it. Heart rate aside, I had a huge hot flash, sweating, lots of energy when I'd otherwise been feeling super lethargic.
RE: Cyproheptadine Warning
@tea I took quite a bit yesterday, I think around 12-15mgs. But today I'm taking a break.
Cyproheptadine Warning
Been using Cypro quite a bit the past few days and have been feeling pretty lazy and lethargic which I mostly expected. Today however, I decided to smoke a cigarette. Afterwards I felt quite off and experienced a large increase in heart rate. Currently at about 130 BPM. I'm not too concerned right now as it has fallen a little. And I expect it to fall more shortly. If not, I'll seek medical attention. Just figured I'd throw the warning out there for any Cypro users.
RE: I want to open up a discussion about condoms
I have no fucking idea what you're going on about. Obviously ejaculation is what leads to pregnancy. I never denied that.
RE: I want to open up a discussion about condoms
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here. Are you saying unprotected sex doesn't create children? -
RE: I want to open up a discussion about condoms
Just raw dog it. So what if you have a kid? Do something crazy.
RE: Yellowing of the skin
Have you ever had a cholesterol panel? Usually includes live enzymes. Yellowing of skin could be issue with liver.
RE: Supplementing T3 not safe afterall?
@Wkia No I've been trying to find the quote, but Ray definitely said it's good to take a break from time to time.
RE: Supplementing T3 not safe afterall?
I can't find the full paper it seems, but as others pointed out there are several issues with this paper.
The major glaring issue is that they don't distinguish the difference in outcomes in patients that took just T3 and the patients that took T3 & T4. This is pretty significant because it's entirely possible that there were no ill effects or even positive effects of T3 & T4 administration but T3 alone dragged down the stats overall.
They seem to reference that this was only the case for patients that were taking T3 therapy for over a year:
"heart failure was higher in LT3 users with a history of thyroid cancer and those who underwent ≥52 weeks of LT3 therapy."
" the risk of stroke was higher in LT3 users without thyroid cancer history and those who underwent ≥52 weeks of LT3 therapy."
As far as I'm aware, Peat, Haidut, and Danny all advocate cycling to some extent.
RE: recent bloodwork, NEED HELP
Have you had a doctor discuss possible causes? I mean this must be some serious testicular issue given that other hormones are in range. I'd be curious what your DHT is at. Also why is your B12 so high?
Green Shits from DHT - Concerning or Digestive Nirvana?
Been taking exogenous DHT for a few weeks and have developed green shits which I'm positive are due to the DHT and not other factors. I've read that green shits aren't necessarily a bad thing, as they usually mean that your stool is transiting so quickly through intestines/colon that your body doesn't have enough time to reabsorb the stomach acids as it typically would.
Aside from this, I've experienced no issues. No stomach pain, no issues with food, stools are otherwise perfectly normal. In fact, my number of daily stools has increased quite a bit. I've paused DHT for a few days now as a precaution but stools are still green. Could this present long term issues if I continue DHT? Or have I achieved peak digestion?
RE: The starch question
@CO3 Lol I got probably the cleanest/ripest fruit I possibly could in my country. Also got lots of fresh squeezed orange juice and real milk. I'm not saying it doesn't work. I certainly felt better on that diet than prior. I'm just saying I feel MUCH more stable and better energy on starch/butter heavy diet. With fruit heavy diet my blood sugar was constantly crashing. Despite experimenting with many things that supposedly increase liver storage. Butter ultimately is just great because it creates long lasting but acute insulin resistance. And that provided more energy and more stable energy no matter what I was doing. I still eat fruit though.
RE: The starch question
I've been focusing on a more Brad Marshall (fireinabottle) diet by mostly subsisting on starch and butter. And I've had better results than following the classic "peaty" foods. I mostly do croissants, potatoes (mashed, diced, baked), asian noodles, etc. I haven't experienced any issues with the endotoxin personally. Digestion is just fine. Personally given me more energy and more consistent temps.