@Jakeandpace Yes, 4oz of Liver and a few oysters once per week. Maybe I should up the amount of liver I eat?

Posts made by periander345
RE: Dealing With Acne Breakout
Dealing With Acne Breakout
I am looking for advice to help get rid of consistent acne outbreaks on my upper back and face. I started getting it after starting thyroid medication and assumed that it had to due with an increase in androgens by taking thyroid. I wanted to ask if it could be caused by increased androgens, as the acne is very similar to when I first hit puberty. Is there anything to help remedy this?
RE: extremely painful headach
@peater Thiamine, aspirin, caffeine, sugar
RE: Peating your way to different hair color?
@Love_The_Blacks You would probably have to shave your head to grow hair thats a lighter color
Has anybody here tried ondansetron ad had any good experiences. I know its used in hospitals to treat nausea and vomiting and works to inhibit 5-HT3 receptors. I'm wondering if this works in the same way as cypro, and if it can produce the same effects as I can get Zofran more easily?
Best Peaty investment?
What is the product or investment that you have made that has made the most difference in your health? Doesn't have to be expensive, but what helps you the most?
Not Responding to Thyroid Supplement
I've been taking One grain of Cynolus and an entire Cynomel tablet for about two weeks now. On the first couple days of T3, I felt relaxed, had an increase in temperature, and got somewhat sleepy after taking. Over the past week, I feel the impact of T3 less and less, and this morning I took a half of a cynomel tablet, and it produced zero effects. I don't feel very different and have had a steady temperature upon waking of 98.0 F, but it drops after breakfast and takes a while to get up to 98.6, usually in the afternoon. I know high adrenaline is causing this, but I want to figure out why I am unaffected by T3 at this point?
RE: Which antibiotics for gut issues and chronic fatigue?
@mostlylurking I started taking 500 mg of Niacinamide once a day, a B-Complex with 50 mg Thiamine and 25mg Niacinamide, and 200mg of Benfotiamine. I cut out coffee because I realized I developed an intolerance to dosages of magnesium, so i've been trying to limit mag intake. But I wanted to ask if headaches and brain fog are a side effect of taking B vitamins, because I've had a consistent headache since I started supplementing, and more fatigue.
RE: Resistant Starches
@ShiftGear I think the resistant starch decreases after reheating, after it is cooled. Resistant Starch in Cooled Potatoes
RE: Is there any way to gauge your PUFA levels
@thyroidchor27 I think you can gauge the amount of PUFA flush in the amount of foam in your urine. Not sure how accurate it is but Peat mentioned it once, and your pee can be very foamy after you wake up in the morning, because your FFA are higher during the night.
RE: Peaty alternatives to Pasta?
@peatistan Idk how peaty this is but I've been pounding this cream of rice for the past couple of weeks, and you can put down a ton of this stuff with very little digestive stress. Not sure it fits Peat but its pretty tasty with milk and eggs. link text
RE: Is Sam Sulek ugly gymcel cope being passed off as "based and sigma"?
@RapexEat Agreed. I think he's popular because he exists outside the norm of the 'influencer' style of content in the bodybuilding community. He is admired because of his faustian determination to get as massive as possible, without any regard for personal health or appearance.
RE: How do I get thin again, Peating fixed my health but made me put on a lot of fat
@GreekDemiGod Yeah I lost close to 10lbs by drinking skim milk and eating more sugar
RE: How do you incorporate sprints into your workout routine?
Sprinting is extremely anabolic and can help with muscle composition. But many of you are missing the point on the purpose of adding sprints to your regimen.
The point of sprinting is to activate the CNS, as sprinting is the only physical movement that activates 100% of the muscles in your body, and it is therefore the most CNS activating activity you can do.
I would not recommend sprinting more than 2-3 times a week, as consistent taxing of your nervous system can actually make you slower and weaker, as a suppressed NS will make you less explosive, and have worse reaction speed.
To achieve positive effects of sprinting, you only need to sprint a few times at maximum effort to achieve the desired effect. 5 300M sprints are far too long and not any better than jogging for cardio. Do short, explosive sprints and rest 6 seconds for every yard that you sprint. This may feel like you are being lazy, but remember, the purpose of sprinting should be to activate your nervous system, not to do cardio.
I would look up a program to add to your training, and start with as little as 6 10yd sprints with a minute of rest in between.
This is why you should also do Upper and Lower splits so you can rest your NS in between days where you sprint/legs to achieve the desired effect fro CNS activation. -
RE: Foamy urine
@PUFADestroyerPPO Bump. After meals I've noticed that it goes away, but after waking in the morning my pee is like a bubble bath.
RE: Bryan Johnson
Most of his markers are bullshit because he just uses replacement hormones to make them appear fine. He brags about his T level over 900 but he's on TRT. He just biohacks his blood tests to make them look good.
RE: Pressure feeling in Eyes
I believe this is a stress response that swells your pituitary behind your eye. It causes your eye to be pushed forward, and can be painful to move your eye around.