Knowing what I know now, I would have gotten a dula and a home birth. At least adjacent to your "regular " doctor.
I have never had medical problems in my life, so at that time I just did not have any thoughts it could be different with pregnancy.
Be prepared for the unexpected. I had a non eventful pregnancy at what the medical establishment considers "advanced maternal age".
I became pregnant when I wanted with no problem. Carried to term without problem. Then at a 39 week check my doctor said I needed to go to hospital and be induced. Something about the babies heart rate decreasing with contractions (to the best of my memory).
To this day, because of my ensuing distrust of the medical establishment, I am not certain that recommendation to be induced was necessary.
Be aware, if you are induced, there is an extremely high likelihood you will end up with a c-section. I did. It is the worst way to give birth. I believe my body was not yet ready and producing the high levels of progesterone it does at birth time, so an induced birth is agonizing.
Knowing what I know now, I would have a birth plan - Google that. Be prepared to never let baby out of your site. Be aware of injections they might give baby, do you want skin on skin immediately after birth before they go about their "medically necessary procedures". Do you want them to bathe the baby, or rub the vernix into their skin. Know your stance on vaccines and what they might try to give you or baby in hospital. And have a plan if your plan goes south.
Also, get a competent assessment for lip and tongue ties if you are having trouble breast feeding, or if baby has reflux.
And after you have successfully brought baby into this world, know that the days are long but the years are short. You will have 18 summers with them. Let them be messy, your house does not have to be perfect, do things, get outside, let them explore and be creative.
Get outside with baby in the morning light to set them up with a great circadian rhythm.
Self care for mom after birth: often overlooked in USA, but a standard test for Europe (so I've read) is thyroid testing. It is not uncommon for the thyroid to unload stored colloid after birth (according to Ray Peat), which will result in a hyperthyroid state, which should resolve itself in a few months. Ray talks about strategy for this. If you are not aware - as I was not- it might end in the medical establishment vaporizing your thyroid. Have a plan.