@war4512 georgis forehead is way leaner than one would think if you look close. there is a clip where you see his body more it actually quite buff. He has visible muscles and not that big midsection as some may think

Posts made by Uncover
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
@Razvan This paired with the things I mentioned in my posts is what I believe is going on
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
@Insomniac With more fair yet still less favourable image compared to his "old young photo lol" in terms of lightning, facial expression, blurryness and video quality he looks like this. This is why I dont think the difference is very big considering how much leaner and less bloated he is. Combined that with that its been 3 years or something.
Also the before pic you posted looks like as if it had gone through one of those ai smoothing filters lol, everything not only him is smooth....
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
@Insomniac I think the opposite effect of someone older gaining fat in the face happened in combination with some of the other things. What I mean is how someone with not that good skin their skin can seem way smoother with some more water and fat. Saladino is shredded now and been surfiiiin babeeeey
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
@Insomniac Georgi does have great skin dont he god daaayuuum
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
@Insomniac first pic, way leaner and way less bloated than the second pic. First pic he is also doing insane facial expressions. I have seen his videos he looks only slightly older now but way healthier than before in alot of ways also...
RE: Stanolabs DHT gel
@pannacottas With QSC do you mean Questcor? that got bought by Mallinckrodt?
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Truth 100000000000000000% this is perfectly aligned with the things I think also man. Cause their "reasoning" is formed by what their illogical psycho emotions and desires makes them feel and want instead of good morals, care for truth or logic. And their reasoning in that state is not about what they actually stand for but just a public facade of what they want to be seen as, which is based on their obsession with status and how people view them instead of actually having the morals that would actually logically be able to cause the reasoning they try to make it seem they have, which is why their actions never fit their fake moral reasoning, they dont even understand those morals and think their claimed reasoning makes sense to people who have those morals eventhough it doesnt. When they have no care for truth or other people and only how other people view them it just ends up being a whole lot of deformed reasoning not even connected to their actions whatsoever lol.
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Corngold I agree with this 99%, the only thing I would change is that in the event that this happens (90% likely) it will be more that biometrics connected with your social score would control your currency and what you can by with your currency. Its very likely that this happens after all. The bill about crypto regarding unrealised taxes and buying and selling no more than 1000 dollars in it per year is passing 24th january. Goes in to effect i believe 27th july if I remember correctly. If you have the right company structure you will be able to steal the money they still from the public. Instead of the money going from public to the satanist it instead goes into your pocket lol. That would be a shortterm play ofcourse. But one thing is sure, the credit score wont effect me if I have enough time to setup the same structure they themselfs use that will let them be unnafected by it. I will post ascource for this soon but I heard they are not taking in more people but his program is still open so I think he is letting some more join. Its expensive though
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Corngold No matter if its your belief or others doesnt matter. I assumed it was your belief which if its not then I apologize for assuming that. But it doesnt change my stance on the discussed belief... Its highly odd that you claim just because its not your belief that I was discussing about and only others belief that that means that it is wrong. That makes no sense, no matter if you believe in it or not doesnt change the content and context of the beliefs I was discussing.
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Androsclerozat 100% the fukked up thing is how hard it is to find high quality dht faaaking hell bro haha.
No but on a serious not I 100% agree, men have a stronger and more robust system against serotonin, estrogen and cortisol. Every really manly man I knew always saw the bullshit of the system fro a young age. I have been through so much shit cause I cant help but stand up for truth. All that shit is their retarded system implementations of fucked up rules paired with poisoning of people, paired with extreme programming of the weak psychotic state authoritarian majority of the population.
But we are actually seeing them panic also now, multiple things have not gone to plan and there is hope. Things regarding the fake ufo attack can bring alot to life. Some of the newest Steven Greer podcasts talks about this.
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Corngold We have technology to provide free electricity for everyone on planet earth, its simply kept hidden by the satanistic psychos. Its been exposed many times. But their intense on purpose attack to make us serotonergic, weak, stupid and authoritarian paired with the ridiculous amount of psychological warfare we are bombarded with has succeded making people so braindead, psychotic and authoritarian that 50% of the population wish people that speak up against this madness dead is why it is not common knowledge. If that device paired with the other tech held away from the population got released poverty and slavery would easily be solved quickly.
Another reason its not public is their ussage of highly compartmentalized systems of ruling in the millitary industrial complex leaving many unknowing of the illegalities that the literal maffia like illegal corperation that has infestated the states and leading parties of the world are actually doing. Most of americas dollar goes to them through bullshit projects the goverment funds them unknowing that those people arent even the goverment, slowly stripping away the money of the united states and putting it in their pocket.
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Corngold Try explain why it makes any sense to state that one needs pseudo-religious beliefs to research. This makes no sense. Also explain why you grouped secular scientism/globalism and actual religion + politics. Religion can have any of the existing outcome on politics view, on scientific view on globalist view. Scientism can have any of the existing outcomes on the politics view religious view and on globalist view. "Actual religion"(whatever thats supposed to mean) can have any of the existing outcomes on the politic view the scientific view and the globalistic view. Globalism can is more niche but the same deal still goes here, and same for Politic view.
All above mentioned regarding the effect it has on research and the outcome of your research. All is a scale of up and down, all has a scale of different individualistic viewpoint of each matter.
This mean they dont have any deep interconnections making the statement something highly filled with nothingness.
Instead observing reality through every angle seeing the signs before your eyes (+purposely seeking and looking for how each and every known view or idea connects to things that are infinitely observable) and seeing what all previously completely observable information shows you while still revisiting it everytime something else observable is observed, always connecting everything to everything, always. This is a way to logically finding out what is actually going on and is the reason why what I am referencing to above this paragraph(your text) including my parahraph (my text) above is both a waste of time and is simply a effort at explaining or connecting things in a way that is observably not anything with meaning. Reason being is that the ideas end up with a whole lot of things that if one observed the way I talked about in this paragraph we are in now is blatantly most of the time nonexistent.
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Corngold Yes secret societies is not running the world. A cooperative elitist group runs the world. Its not exactly a society, they live in our society. They are simply openly satanists. There are satanistic signs, symbols and references everywhere. They also make artist do highly fukked up satanic things for fame. Jewish, buddhist and islamic people are just as much against this as christians. Talking about a jewish angle is retarded when they are satanic (often nazi) non jewish people.
Dialectic stands for people with different viewpoint argumenting in a reasonable manner in an attempt to reach the truth. seeing two people arguing in an attempt to find truth will be seen identically between christians, jewish, and islamic "angles" lol.
You are using "cool" words to talk about a whole lot of unrelated things which in the end equates to a whole lot of nothingness. a VERY typical strategy used by the satanists that rule this world when argumenting on why one sould that the covid vaccine, why the aliens are hostile, why we should have cbdc's to name a few modern and relevant subjects.
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@ThinPicking Their general view is that the only important thing is being a good person. They dont really fuzz about their belief and most of them have highly different views from eachother. it even says in the book that its more important to be a goodhearted person than believing. I have read many christian, islamic and jewish books trying to figure things out. I live in Thailand now so I am looking into Buddhism now
RE: Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
@Corngold The grand disoriented psychotic beliefs of authoritarian and serotonergic people that live in a culture where its highstatus to seem openminded is the exact precise behavior you are displaying. I am as truthbased as you could get and have a long trackrecord of being right. You are very wrong. If you think you are right give me your large amount of observabilities, connection to every aspect of life, the proof of knowledge of these different cultures and ideas being read in on through all angles, how each peice of truth fits perfectly in to a puzzle where all the peices fit togheter as if they were next to each and every other peice. People that have your belief it never fits the puzzle. Essentially its just as wrong as the mainstream idea of these matters.
RE: Stanolabs DHT gel
@pannacottas How long would shipping be to thailand you reckon?
RE: Tased Thyroid
@smelllikacowshit If this is true I would honestly take thyroid, forever.