Ideas for getting more CO2 into your everyday routine
Well, if you want to try supplements you could try those that are carbonic anhydrase inhibitors such as acetazolamide.
Bag/Milk jug breathing. buteyko breathing. Sleeping in a blanket fort or with something over your head / sleeping cap.
Here is a segment that is very similar. Instead of doing a full bath sounds like he just fills bags around his legs and arms and even a swim cap on his head with CO2 and sleeps that way. -
Of course just living in or getting to higher elevation spots is the most ideal as well to continually be exposed to higher levels. Peats states that 2000m+ is ideal for this to have much effect though so may not be plausible. But if its a matter a life or death this could be helpful.
Thanks @jamezb46 @Cearrson some new things to look into, I appreciate it! Id heard acetazolamide mentioned on dannyroddys podcast but hadnt realised it was connected to co2. With the shower cap on the head at night im guessing once on your head, you fill it with CO2 from a source?
The other thing I forgot to mention is diet, I personally have been trying to increase quality carbohydrates to increase the production of CO2. Trying to get my mum to give it a try!
Will check this other thread too, Thanks!
@josh The easiest way is to breath carbogen, which is a 95/5 mix of oxygen and CO2. Carbogen is an old hack (a hack only because mainstream medicine disallows its use by trivializing it while exaggerating its dangers) dating a century back.
I've used a carbogen machine of an earlier version made by It has been very helpful in getting me to recover from sickness. Simply put, it is vital in getting the optimal metabolism restored that allows the body to heal itself from illness. Imho, it is the reason mainstream medicine bans it.
It cost $700 and worth spending on when compared to how much more we spend on useless supplements and keep taking them just because.
Breathing carbogen and sleeping in it like on oxygen as used in hospitals is safe. The worst that can happen is developing respiratory acidosis. But like anything, it helps not to be a dumb user. As using it correctly is not rocket science, and listening to AMA propaganda makes one dumber and sicker ( like the scam of CPAP respiratory therapy).
The only knock I have on the unit is Steve being controlled by shysters. He limits his machine to 30 minutes usage per use, to keep himself from patients suing him, for an unlikely fail which would likely be used by the establishment and the complicit Talmudist press to frame him like what they did to Chauvin using George Floyd.
@yerrag wow thanks this is super helpful. I’ve heard of carbogen in the book “cancer cured” by mark sloan, but your firsthand experience has got me very interested. Also, i did not know there was a carbogen machine!
I had been experimenting with different ways to absorb the CO2, finding the bath really amazing in bringing down adrenaline. A co2 bath before bed and i woke up really calm. Yesterday i tried filling a wheely bin with co2 from a fire extinguisher, seemed to take alot of co2 to fill (tested with a match), also have to stand in a bin forever
️. My latest plan tonight is iv just bought a used ex-military survival suite from ebay. Its like a dry suite and i thought i could fill that with co2 so i could walk around whilst absorbing the good stuff!
I think a carbogen machine would work well for my mum!
Just taking a look at the website and they also have co2 suites which are pretty expensive but to me looks really similar to my next experiment with a survival dry suite filled with co2. The only difference with their one is that they vacuum out the air first, but from experience with a dry suite you can push out the air by crouching in them, like when you go in the sea to stop you bobbing upside down when all the air goes to your feet. The only sketchy part of this plan is ive got to then fill it with a fire extinguisher without getting cold burns haha theres always a price to pay doing things on the cheap! (Suite £35, fire extinguisher £16, gbp).
Anyway the carbogenetics breathing generator looks like a good cost compromise so im going to give one of these a go for my mum as i think its a softer introduction rather than blasting her with a fire extinguisher
Breathing carbogen and sleeping in it like on oxygen as used in hospitals is safe. The worst that can happen is developing respiratory acidosis. But like anything, it helps not to be a dumb user. As using it correctly is not rocket science, and listening to AMA propaganda makes one dumber and sicker ( like the scam of CPAP respiratory therapy).
Sorry @yerrag after that huge ramble i forgot to ask how do you use it when you sleep with it on and stay safe? Just interested in your personal experience, im in danger of being a dumb user!
@josh Thiamine is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. -
@josh said in Ideas for getting more CO2 into your everyday routine:
Breathing carbogen and sleeping in it like on oxygen as used in hospitals is safe. The worst that can happen is developing respiratory acidosis. But like anything, it helps not to be a dumb user. As using it correctly is not rocket science, and listening to AMA propaganda makes one dumber and sicker ( like the scam of CPAP respiratory therapy).
Sorry @yerrag after that huge ramble i forgot to ask how do you use it when you sleep with it on and stay safe? Just interested in your personal experience, im in danger of being a dumb user!
It is safe to use as you sleep. Carbogen is normally meant to be used as a 5% mixture of CO2 with the rest of the mixture being oxygen. But the carbogen machine as sold does away with pure oxygen and in its place is atmospheric air, which is 79 percent oxygen.So the carbon dioxide is adjusted accordingly to have that relative ratio to oxygen. All you would need is a tank of CO2 and you save trouble of having an additional tank of oxygen or an oxygen concentrator.
I had to tweak my carbogen setup as it came with a mask that I have to hold in place, which makes it hard to sleep with it, as I have to be awake to be able to the mask cupped. I finally modified enough such that I am like breathing using a CPAP machine, except that I'm breathing carbogen instead of oxygen and atmosphere ( as you know breathing pure oxygen kills).
Breathing carbogen does not kill. No matter what bad the medical complex says about carbogen, it is not to be trusted given how it maligns good treatments and substances ranging from the Rife machine to real vitamin E to estrogen good progesterone bad and how it purposefully misdiagnoses thyroid conditions and makes us fear microbes unduly with the banshee of covid-19. Carbogen is very safe to use. But like anything, it can be used wrongly and there are idiots in this world who are the shyster's dream via the litigious Talmudist sue happy system in their conceptualized and practiced ”rule of law," which is in reality a barbaric way of implementing rules among so called civilized people and nations.
Unlike with oxygen tanks where you can increase the flow of oxygen to provide a positive pressure by increasing the flow rate to as high as 5 lpm (liters per minute), the flow rate of carbogen is fixed and it is like breathing normally. What you can tweak is the ratio of CO2 ranging from 0 to 10% and no higher. This gives the user some latitude as user's response to carbogen would vary with context.
I've experienced increased breathing rate which is easily detected by both the user and by an observer on duty, be it a caregiver or nurse or a relative. When the breath rate increases too much, it is because the blood acidity becomes high enough to trigger a respiratory safety reflex to increase the breathing rate. This increased breathing rate is normally induced by metabolic acidosis, and in cases of lung issues like emphysema, by respiratory acidosis (where expelling CO2 is difficult due to gas exchange issues due alveoli being blocked from exchanging gases by thick phlegm).
But in the use of carbogen, the increased blood acidity is caused usually by an existing high amount of lactic acid in blood, which leaves little room for carbon dioxide, in the form of carbonic acid, to be present in blood - without causing the respiratory reflex to kick in and increase the breathing rate, in an attempt to lower the CO2 in blood.
But this attempt to lower CO2 in blood via increased breathing is going to be a fail, as the lungs cannot breathe out lactic acid. So the high rate of breathing does not stop. As the lungs cannot do what the kidneys do, but the kidneys excrete lactic acid albeit in a delayed response, at its own time of choosing, which is usually at night when the body is in a detoxing mode.
Knowing this, one can adjust lower the CO2, or better yet, start with a low CO2 setting, and gradually increase to where high breathing rate gives a sign to stop.
It will also help, while at it, to take thiamine, in order to help lower the lactic acid in blood, to give more room for blood to take in more CO2 without causing increased breathing rate.
As you can see, this is no rocket science.
Thanks @mostlylurking, great article and gives the dosages, might be worth trying 600mg, wondering whether high thiamine would unbalance the other b vitamins?
One thought today is how critical timing of the intervention is. My physiological stress, like many, peaks at night making me feel awful on waking. I think i must become very low energy at night and my stress hormones have to take over. I think thats why the co2 bath in the evening has been effective.Maybe there is a slow release thiamine?
This is where the carbogenetic inhaler set at a low co2 % could come into its own, instead of a pulse of co2, its a more gradual sustained level of co2. @yerrag what percentage co2 did you run your inhaler at overnight? thought i would try 2% to start for 8 hrs. Also wondering if there is a variable resistor in the inhaler electronics that can be tweaked to let it stay on for longer!
Iv also heard that in cancer you want to try a sustain an alkaline state ph of 8, which maybe a sustained use of the inhaler will help with. Can test with urine strips, and when ph8 reached i could maybe see how this correlates to a the oxygen saturation on a pulse oximeter. Once i know the number the pulse oximeter dips to when the co2 displaces the o2 when at ph8, i can use the oximeter as a quicker check to see what the ph is being sustained at. Will need to retest on mum. Thoughts?
Thanks @yerrag sorry i sent my message before i was your reply. I appreciate the detail you have given, my inhaler is on order!
aspirin (+ vit K + glycine).
cascara sagrada.
bag breathing.
These things moved the needle most for me.
@josh said in Ideas for getting more CO2 into your everyday routine:
Thanks @mostlylurking, great article and gives the dosages, might be worth trying 600mg, wondering whether high thiamine would unbalance the other b vitamins?
Yes, other b's can get depleted. Anytime you improve oxidative metabolism, whether it's from supplementing thyroid hormones or from thiamine, the act of increasing/improving metabolism is naturally going to use up other nutrients faster. B2 is one to consider taking more of. A good b-complex in addition to high dose thiamine would be helpful.
Here's a good interview about thiamine that you might find helpful.
One thought today is how critical timing of the intervention is. My physiological stress, like many, peaks at night making me feel awful on waking. I think i must become very low energy at night and my stress hormones have to take over. I think thats why the co2 bath in the evening has been effective.Maybe there is a slow release thiamine?
I follow Dr. Costantini's protocol and his advice. He recommended to always take the last dose of thiamine for the day by 3:00pm because later doses can interfere with sleep. I suspect this is because thiamine improves the conversion of blood glucose into cellular energy which would lower blood sugar which can wake you up.
This is where the carbogenetic inhaler set at a low co2 % could come into its own, instead of a pulse of co2, its a more gradual sustained level of co2. @yerrag what percentage co2 did you run your inhaler at overnight? thought i would try 2% to start for 8 hrs. Also wondering if there is a variable resistor in the inhaler electronics that can be tweaked to let it stay on for longer!
Iv also heard that in cancer you want to try a sustain an alkaline state ph of 8, which maybe a sustained use of the inhaler will help with. Can test with urine strips, and when ph8 reached i could maybe see how this correlates to a the oxygen saturation on a pulse oximeter. Once i know the number the pulse oximeter dips to when the co2 displaces the o2 when at ph8, i can use the oximeter as a quicker check to see what the ph is being sustained at. Will need to retest on mum. Thoughts?
Metabolic Acidosis and Thiamine Deficiency
High Dose Vitamin B1 Reduces Proliferation in Cancer Cell Lines Analogous to Dichloroacetate
another video:
The Amazing Link Between Thiamine And Fighting Cancer -
Thanks @LetTheRedeemed! I take 2 gram of taurine but have heard L-glycine mentioned positively a few times, what sort of effect do you think it gives you? Do you split doses or take them at certain times?
Wow thanks @mostlylurking i will get stuck i to this!
@mostlylurking said:
Yes, other b's can get depleted. Anytime you improve oxidative metabolism, whether it's from supplementing thyroid hormones or from thiamine, the act of increasing/improving metabolism is naturally going to use up other nutrients faster. B2 is one to consider taking more of. A good b-complex in addition to high dose thiamine would be helpful.
@mostlylurking said:
I suspect this is because thiamine improves the conversion of blood glucose into cellular energy which would lower blood sugar which can wake you up.
Humans have no thiaminase to break down thiamin. What's known about the metabolites of thiamin in the human body and their pathways is quite murky.
They are very strong inhibitors of MAO and other aminoxidases, especially in the ganglia. This (also) happens through displacement of enzymatic flavoproteins (made from vitamin B2, which is crucial but of which very little (not even double-digit mg/day) is needed).
Much stronger than rasagiline, selegiline.
The MAO-inhibiting metabolites of thiamin are also very long lasting in the human body, as their effects wear on for two to three weeks, easily. Although once a week as per Constatini really maintains the maximum plateau.
This MAO-inhibition, beside the positive metabolic effects of active thiamin itself, is the main reason for Constatini's high-dose-thiamin protocol working so well.
Since thiamin and its metabolites also effect MAO-A it can cause strong diarrhea.
Now, this is not only because of flavoprotein displacement in various aminooxidases, though, but to a far extent due to the lack of available glucose which in turn raises stress and adrenergic hormone actions and serotonin at tissue levels.
It's important to generously supply glucose through carbohydrates or dextrose with HDT (high dose thiamin).
AFAIK this immediate glucose context about HDT has not been put forth appropriately to its crucial significance anywhere. Not by Constatini, not by Lonsdale at hormonesmatter, not by Georgi nor at the lowtoxinforum. -
Thanks for this @CrumblingCookie. It seems like Thiamine, as with other pro metabolic substances like thyroid, needs to be supported with plenty of fuel, from good sugars. I have always been pretty thin which i now put down to stress hormones, so not too worried about over fuelling at the moment, but it is amazing as my stress hormones have come down im starting to put weight on for the first time in my life.
This post is deleted! -
The best way is to have a lifestyle of raising CO2 in everything that you do and preventing loss of CO2. For example, taping your mouth at night if you're a mouth breather is a great help. When you're walking around, always nose breathe, nose breathe all the time. And when you're walking or exercising, build up air hunger so that you always want more air than you're actually getting.
These train the respiratory centers in the nervous system to get accustomed to a higher CO2 level all the time and will make you much healthier.
These are the principles that Professor Buteyko discovered and they are how I live my life and it has been a great advantage. I don't get winded when I go up hills. I have tremendous endurance even compared to people who are supposedly very fit and I can exercise without ever having to mouth breathe.