natural deodorant
Would love suggestions for smelly armpits. I have tried every natural deodorant under the sun and they now all seem to make my armpits irritated and sometimes break out in a rash. I believe I have some systemic fungal issues that may be contributing to this, which I'm working on. I've used just lemon with some success though it burns a bit.
@nothingclever topical application of androsterone improved my natural odor greatly, even after I stopped using it. I suspect that stress hormones mediate smelly pits in some way, when I feel good I smell good. haven't used deodorant in many months and I ask my friends frequently to tell me if I smell, they say they never noticed anything.
@nothingclever Perhaps some anti-bacterial essential oils (eg tea tree) diluted in a suitable carrier oil that doesnt cause issues (Olive? Coconut? Jojoba?)
Milk of magnesia works for me as a deodorant. -
@samson interesting. I’ve never heard of androsterone so I’ll check it out. I agree that when I’m relaxed I have no noticeable smell and when I’m anxious I stink
@wrl thank you. yes I’ve used that effectively in the past but most oils feed seb derm and fungal issues so I’m looking for alternatives.
@happycat I’ve heard this from many on the RP forum and haven’t tried so I’ll look into it. Thanks