I have intense cravings for cigarettes
@Korven This twitter post is focused on the science of the effects of nicotine. Stay away from cigarette smoke.
I’ve never noticed a “cognitive” boost from smoking. I simply just want a buzz . I can start off by smoking 1 hand rolled cig a day but after a week I am already thinking about smoking as soon as I wake up.
Temporary. Long term effects are not good. -
@Korven It’s likely that you just want the dopamine.
If a “normie” ex-smoker was in your situation, and wanted to have a cigarette, would you think his body desires the nutrients, NAD boost etc of smoking or does he just desire the pleasure of smoking a cigarette?
The latter makes much more sense, smoke a cigarette if you choose to do so, but let’s not cover it up with some fancy biochemical reasoning.
Smoking is pleasurable and that’s a large reason it’s desirable, and why people quitting cigarettes return to cigarettes, even though they are getting way more nicotine at steadier concentrations, through gum and patches
@sushi_is_cringe high risk high reward.
@Korven this is how I feel about coffee
@Korven The last few times I've craved cigarettes over the last year or two I've come down with a cold shortly afterwards. Not sure if that means anything
They contain nicotine, which is converted to niacinamide in the body. Since niacinamide raises NAD+ levels, nicotine should too.
In fact, I found a study purporting to show just that.
@gg12 I think coffee is far superior and safer! I love both but I really don't like cigarettes and all the chemical shit in them. Even american spirits are probably pretty zogged.
You are correct. All cigarettes are required by law to contain flame retardants. You want to be inhaling flame retardants? BIG NO