Are the claims about aspirin's cancer-shrinking effects Ray or Georgi / Danny spoke about backed up in any human studies?
Posts made by Corngold
RE: cancer
RE: Mediterranean and Peat-arian
@sneedful said in Mediterranean and Peat-arian:
good cheese
favorite cheeses?
Parmigiano Reggiano
Blue Cheese and Roquefort
St. Angel
Peccorino Romano -
RE: Mediterranean and Peat-arian
@dapose said in Mediterranean and Peat-arian:
But a better name for the Mediterranean diet at least in some areas could be the Cheese diet.
Very interesting. Hard cheese would be high-ish protein and low-ish fat, then, right? I love peccorino and reggiano, and just about every other kind of cheese.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
Only what is Real has a right to exist.
Marxism and Socialism are limited by scientific materialism, just as much as a republic or democracy is. Parmenides is of some help when he states we can only talk about "what is." My issue is this: is language the only thing of importance? Our speech is willed into "is" too. If we say "nothing," then we have willed nonsense into existence. The moral guidebooks of any major religion are of course examples of language and often said to be the word of God, or the words from a source higher than everything and immutable.
The problem of the USA is like the problem of Rome - endless plunder, corruption, and little genuine innovation or self-sufficiency. The laws also become like the moral guidebooks of a religion ("sacred democracy"). My belief is the sham religion America is supposed to believe is a gnostic individualism (Harold Bloom), and, at the same time, a "sacred democracy" formed by the active "will of the people" who demand, and are entitled to "representation," like @LetTheRedeemed mentioned with the French Revolution and American Revolution.
The problem with this, I think, is that it is basically grand-scale solipsism. Cicero said "the more laws, the less justice." The US is large and isolating; the people hardly have any representation, so their will is hardly accounted for in any meaningful way.
We can see lately the many lunacies which have been given "a right to exist" because of the absurdly liberal interpretations of the 1st amendment. So, again, "freedom of speech" can be the freedom for the proliferation of nonsense. I guess I'm guilty of favoring education reforms that might better instill ideas of decency in language, as language is the tool of thought.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@LetTheRedeemed said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
and this produced the greatest art humanity has ever known, the baroque era.
Neat post. But, I think the Romantic or "Late Romantic" era produced better art ;). Bruckner, Wagner, Mahler. The sciences and astronomy were also unhinged in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
This is true. Hence the application of Lysenkoism in the USSR, especially its preoccupation with frost-hardening of plants:
This is a fascinating idea. I'm aware that much of the advanced science, biology, physics, etc was taking place in Soviet Russia and other Soviet countries. I think this is "in spite of" and not "because of" the governance system, though. For example, there is plenty of art or music from the Soviet era, but much of it conforms to certain aesthetic ideals. Schnittke came about in a more liberal time; Shostakovich supposedly lived in fear during Stalin's regime, for example. Physics, chemistry, and natural sciences were being developed in Germany throughout the 19th century. But I think Germany's importance was due to it's geographic centrality in Europe after the peak of colonialism and new industrialization, not because governance.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@LetTheRedeemed said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
Yeah the intelligentsia of all of the west was entirely pro-communist — up to the top of the Roosevelt administration. All the cool people — from Hollywood to journalists to universities, were pro-communists. Lucile Ball was an example of communism sympathies, exhibited in the popular/cool crowds of the west. Not to mention the US govt funding them thru the Red Cross in Russia proper. The only people opposing them at the time was pre-war US state dept, the US navy, and the old untrendy WASPs of the aristocracy.
Very well put.
I meant to elaborate on how communism or Fabian socialism etc. were A-OK for the ruling elite, oligarchs, pop culture icons, but not necessarily pushed onto the masses. The Congress for Cultural Freedom and things like Tavistock with the Beatles and 60s "beatniks" to me demonstrate a really layered approach to sowing chaos within the host cultures in western countries.
My thought is "Communism" and "Fascism" and "Liberal Democracy" can't really describe the sorts of power structures and governance the west or anywhere else is operating within. I guess "Populism" is a pretty good term which basically shows a "big tent" political movement that is defying previous party boundaries of Rep. or Dem. at least in the US but probably South America, while the Nationalist/Right parties in Europe are obviously using similar tactics.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
I think you're missing the point. Ideologically the blast furnaces are constructed in the backyard in a way to be extremely cheap. Hence "Great Leap Forward". The same is exactly the Peatarian method for brain improvement, as none of its interventions are ludicrously expensive.
Ok that's fine, but seriously, to think the Peatarian diet is not benefitting from the same exploitative third world labor it supposedly wants to replace is short-sighted.
Orange juice, coffee, fruit, coconut oil, chocolate, etc., is almost all coming from equatorial and poor countries.
A true Peatarian diet could not exist without the western neoliberal capitalist economy, and arguably can only exist in wealthier or western countries. It is to me pretty humorously displaying the ironies of communist or socialist idealism, as well as the paradoxes of right wing or ethno-nationalist "rigidity."
What is truly Peatarian would end up being ancestral local diet which is either high carb or high fat but not the so-called swamp of western SAD diet.
Anyways, I don't think Peat's philosophies and science should be reduced to politics. I don't even think it's relevant, unless one is trying to live in accordance with permaculture / communitarian ideals which is great for those willing to do it.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
The USSR gave support to Yasser Arafat and his PLO.
The vast majority of the weapons used, from Katyusha rocket systems to AK-47 type rifles, are of Soviet or Chinese design/manufacture.
Fair enough. Palestine aka "Philistia" was invaded and renamed Israel. And now Israel funds Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and others. The US machine has given the most support to Israel over the decades and that machine depends on cheap / exploitative labor and outsourced economy. Furthermore I've read that Israel likely created PLO, Hamas, and ISIS as controlled oppositions in order to justify to the public the destruction of Palestine and the rest of the Middle East.
If anything China or Russia benefits from the Israel/US destruction, as they offer Belt & Road and BRICS to failed third world countries. It's a sort of mutualism and I don't think there is any true antagonism at the level of oligarchs and rulers.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@risingfire said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Basically going to try to change everything Peat has said
Ok, but can anyone seriously tell me where Roddy and Dinkov came from? How did they just emerge as Peat's two lone disciples from the ether? St. Daniel the Mexican and St. Györgi the Bulgarian spreading the gospel of Lord Peat?
Why are they pushing supplements?
Is the Peat triad a clever psyop run out of D.C.? -
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
It's very Maoist. "Make blast furnaces in your backyard" maps onto "Consume Fruit to Grow Your Brain' pretty well. All the more so because right-racialists lean toward the brain's trajectory already being fixed. Have you read Peat's "Mind and Tissue"? He himself lays it out pretty well in that book.
Ok, and who's going to build the blast furnaces? Who's going to pay for the materials? Please speak to Mao's Four Pests Campaign. It is reckoned to have caused famine as it disturbed the ecology of plant and animal communities. Is this just anti-Chinese propaganda?
Castro wanted to breed miniature cows so that all families could self-sustain. Why did it never happen? Why do all communist utopias inevitably fail and cause more pain and suffering than they relieve?
All governments are corrupt at some level. Belief in regime change is the same whether it be in Russia or the US; an election gives a false hope of change just as "reform" or other measures or direct promises from the dictator inspire hope in dictatorial countries.
MAGA is basically socialism. The Magi want to "clean house" and rebuild the federal system. Some of that has taken place because of certain judges being appointed, etc. They offer the same false hopes that a communist would offer but most people are seeing it as "far right" or Nat. Soc. To me they are not very different. There's a good book called "Three New Deals" written by a German about Hitler, Mussolini and FDR, who all undertook monumental national civic programs in the 1930s. This book obviously doesn't include Soviet Russia which was a major project in the 1930s.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@LetTheRedeemed said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
Yeah that infographic was hella gay. Like they won’t show all the former ww2 Wehrmacht in East German uniforms serving a soviet state post Nazi affiliation.
I think we're saying the same thing.
If one believes "Nazis are evil," and should have been punished, one wonders why so many important Nazis were not put on trial or anything. I think Nuremberg has the look of a hoax or show trial, similar to the "Nazi hunters." I imagine the new-found Israel and their intelligence were creating and fueling anti-Communist propaganda and anti-Nazi propaganda.
It's not like many people knew about Paperclip. Plus the Holohoax narrative didn't really emerge until the 60s and 70s. In a way, it helps shut down any questioning of Germany or of USSR, and most importantly of US, UK, and Israel.America looted the spoils of intellectual property and technology of Germany. I'm sure USSR did the same but I haven't read much on this half of it.
@Rah1wooot seems to think the UK opposed communism but this is false. Much of Europe became socialist and is still socialist. Democracy is a tool of socialism; it exists on a spectrum.
The "space race" and Nuclear war were other successful hoaxes to shut down any socialist or communist organization in the West, as was Gladio after that. -
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
I don't like mass migration, or as I call it, "irrational migration", where it is harder to import intelligent foreigners legally than less intelligent ones illegally.
I will agree to this extent: in a homogenous culture/country governance style can be changed somewhat, following the Aristotelian observation of democracy only working in a homogenous culture. Mass migration is the key element that has distorted unified cultures, in America at least since the 1860s, but much more by the 1890s-1910s, and all the way up to present day.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
You are aware that the USSR supported and made possible in its current form the anti-Zionist movement, right? And today, it is China that hosts the foremost anti-Zionist factions? Does this consist of "Judaic governance" in your view?
In what sense? I've heard Stalin did use anti-Jewish anti-Zionist tactics occasionally. I've not heard that China is anti-Zionist. If anything I understand the opposite, that because of their central importance in the western and global economy, they rely on strong bankers. Soviet Jewish bankers helped establish Mao IIRC.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
your touting the lie of 500 trillion victims of Communism shows that it was not sublated into the liberal-fascist project. It is the true opposition to it, which is why it seems, from the other side of the aisle, like the actual "Spectre" of pure evil, as Marx himself described already in 1848.
I said 50-60 million; those are figures I've read and I have no way of verifying if the historians are lying on behalf of the Cold War/US propaganda angle. I sense that these numbers are inflated, and I have no problem stating that western powers continued endless wars throughout the "developing" world post-WWII. Communist countries typically did this at a domestic scale and most offered very little to the world (in arts, sciences, etc) with Russia being the exception. I suspect an ethnic component to "Russian exceptionalism," however silly that may sound. Even still, Russia has had many natural resources and important industries after the 19th century, which is very important to their relative development as a communist or now semi-communist country.
The Holodomor claimed several million in Ukraine via famine, intentional starvation, etc. This is suppressed because the UK/US helped suppress negative press and reporting on the real Communist Russia. This paved the way for communist policies to continue deceiving populations as they battled for parliaments in the wake of post-war Europe. Then Operation Gladio set out to destroy all communist or socialist opposition parties through state-sponsored CIA-Vatican terrorism. The "Holocaust," meanwhile, became "gospel truth;" questioning it became illegal, and teaching it became mandatory, though it's fabricated and false. The Second Vatican Council was a Judaic overhaul of the shell of the Catholic Church, which is fitting given the intelligence apparatus of the Church.
The creators of communism were obviously Jews, and communism is nothing but a way of initiating a global Judaic world governance. Lincoln brought soldiers and other Europeans from the 1848 revolution(s) to fight on the Union Army against the Confederates. The Confederates were holding onto slave labor to finance their meager existence which was being robbed of them due to the Jewish bankers in New York and Jewish bankers in London. In other words, Judah Benjamin was Jeff Davis's right-hand man and co-conspirator in the South, while Lincoln was clearly another Masonic president serving the same function of bringing the US to its knees under what would become the Federal Reserve a few decades later. Lincoln wrote to Marx; Marx admired Lincoln. Jews loved Lincoln; Lincoln was a radical reformer and the legacy of leftist/progressivism in America to some extent starts with Lincoln's flood of European immigrants / political prisoners.
There was never a true opposition - there were battles that could have been avoided but were fought at the expense of the soldiers' lives. The war killed expendable people, not often those of importance. Lincoln's death is about as believable as JFK's.
The opposition, whether it be then, or now, is controlled, or will be controlled.
You can talk about communitarian living, farming, etc. but where did that get Russian farmers? By the time the bankers and their government came around to collectivize property and land, the earnest farmer, the honest person was robbed and killed. Ownership may be an illusion but collective work is also an illusion. And obviously, as was true 3,000 years ago, the Jews are involved on all sides and are the first to know. Hence they are able to steer events in ways that benefit them financially. -
RE: Energy Drinks
But I drink regular coke or pibb daily and feel pretty good with that. Any opinion on HFCS? I get mex coke or real sugar root beer somewhat often too. I try to get vitamins only from food. -
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
@Rah1woot said in Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech:
That is just counterfactual. In fact Communism was probably the single greatest political force for the improvement of living standards for the global majority in the entire 20th century.
Yeah, only like 50-60+ million people had to die or be killed for "better living standards." China is still a panopticon prison state. Russia is the same. Eastern Europe is similar. Oligarchs make bank, the government gets enriched, and everyone else pretty much works for the state. Then China developed a 1 child policy. Now they allow 2-3 children - because their population is declining. The gov't obviously has a central role in major aspects of life. The so-called liberal western democracy or global "fascism" only differs in that if there is more profit to be made, certain ideals and norms can be abandoned. Hence the push for de-growth, the push for transgenderism, legal prostitution, legal drugs, etc. Self-destruction becomes fairly profitable when citizens can be literally imported from the terminally over-populated Africa, India, Bangladesh, etc. into the US and Western Europe. We're all being played no matter what the system appears to be.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
This and Operation Paperclip are basically a macro-view of enslavement during tribal warfare. Generals either will obey a new king or be killed. High-ranking Germans that obeyed were tolerated or promoted. Those that didn't suffered Nuremberg, whether guilty or not.
RE: Ray Peat name drop during American Communist Party convention speech
Whatever he was, or what he believed, I don't think his scientific or biological views can be reduced to politics.
He said he visited Russia in college. Well, Tim Walz went to China in college and is running as VP; Bernie Sanders went on a honey-moon in Moscow; Swalwell had a fling with a CCP spy; and there are countless other examples known and unknown.
What is "communism" at this stage, really? It's obvious that the UK got friendly with Russia via Churchill and the Jewish bankers/oligarchs, and that the US provided the firepower for destroying Germany and arguably implementing global "democratic" communist governance across the world - all throughout South America, Europe, Central Asia, East Asia, etc. I think post-WWII, we can say Communism and Fascism are thesis and antithesis, if you will, and the US/UK/Israel-Zionist-globalist project became the synthesis.
In short, many of Peat's political opinions I find to be silly. I can't see how his lefty views could somehow influence all of his opinions and statements about nutrition, health, energy, etc. I don't think there's a conflict, and if anything he always struck me as a great example of "horn theory" - where the far left and far right merge into a new synthetic position.
RE: Mediterranean and Peat-arian
Agree, this has been my impression since reading and listening about/to Peat.
Funny you mention coconut oil - I haven't noticed too many good results eating it regularly - whether by the ice cream recipe, with fruit, in coffee, etc. I use butter much of the time for cooking. Mostly the coconut oil makes me queasy and/or seems to "shock" me a little bit. Actually reminds me of high pufa meals slightly, but I will feel fine after a few hours, whereas pufa always leaves you slow, tired, etc.