The best use of CO2 is training your body to increase the levels it is accustomed to internally. This can fix over 200 health issues and lead to a longer life. Nothing like it. Endogenous CO2, baby!
See Buteyko method.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
The best use of CO2 is training your body to increase the levels it is accustomed to internally. This can fix over 200 health issues and lead to a longer life. Nothing like it. Endogenous CO2, baby!
See Buteyko method.
I confess I didn’t yet read the Substack. But I recovered from life threatening lifetime asthma through using Buteyko method. I became a coach and helped thousands of people over the years. It is quite easy really. But it does require a bit of work and I never found any solution in pills, or herbs, or food.
Ideally lots and lots of sex and not that many ejaculations. A disciplined ejaculation schedule of sorts. But lots of sex.
@Lamarck even magnesium causes me to feel worse.
@happyhanneke they last about a year. The rubber feet or something else breaks. I have a backup and when one breaks I throw it away and use the backup and re-order. I think they are amazing for the price.
I find lately that I feel much better without taking any vitamins other than K2 MK4 and D3.
Thiamine makes me feel worse.
I've bought 5 or 6 of these. They break. But they're decent.
Smart Weigh 50g x 0.001 Grams, Premium High Precision Digital Milligram Scale, Includes Tweezers, Calibration Weights,Three Weighing Pans and Case
And if you want a really good scale, this is what I have for commercial operations
U.S. Solid 110 x 0.0001g Analytical Balance - Density and Dynamic Weighing, 0.1 mg Lab Balance Digital Precision Scale
In a libertarian world, numerous sources issue money and this is a market function. Think BTC and XMR as competitive crypto. Easy peasy. We used to have a competitive market in money, in the form of bank notes that people could accept at par or at a discount depending upon the issuer.
Scarce resources aren’t “allocated.” They are owned by someone. Everything is owned by someone.
For the death tax, everything is owned by someone. That person can designate others to own his assets, in event of death. Taking from him is the same as stealing from his family and beneficiaries.
The primary tenet of libertarianism, in the anarcho capitalism interpretation, is the non aggression principle. This says that you should have complete freedom to do whatever you want, so long as you don’t hurt (aggress against) someone else.
I have noticed that Libertarian principles are built into how we think, into our brains. We have a built in sense of fairness, of “you give me something, I give you something”, of reciprocity.
That is the idea of choice, of voluntary actions and voluntary exchanges. Aggression is the opposite. It is coercing or compelling someone to do something they do not want to do.
One big question people always bring up is the question of “public goods.” Of why not pollute the rivers with your factory pollution, which is a form of aggression, since you don’t own them, and there is no reason not to commit aggression by polluting someone else’s rivers or streams.
The answer is that in a libertarian world, someone owns everything. So if you want to pollute a river, you are polluting “my” river, and you need to work something out with me, that is, compensate me so I’m okay with your pollution.
The non aggression principle is core. But so is the idea of ownership and specifically owning what you create or extract out of the world. I’ll talk about that next time.
@TheSir the liver does not lose weight. This is utter nonsense.
I'm starting this thread to explain libertarian beliefs. I do not want people to carp on me, troll me, or personally attack me. Any questions are welcome, but I have no intention of arguing with people. This is for education.
There are two ways of doing anything.
One is by choice.
The other is by force.
The #1 premise of libertarian belief, is that doing things by choice is superior to being forced to do it.
Government works by coercion and compulsion. The free market works by each party, the buyer and seller, feeling they are better off BY CHOICE in exchanging money for services or products, selling products and services in exchange for money.
In a market transaction, the buyer is better off because he bought the thing. The seller is better off because he sold the thing.
And it's all voluntary.
Say you are in a free market and need to buy schooling for your child. You find a school who offers the best service and price and quality that you can afford.
But in a coercive compulsive system, there is a monopoly of government schools that are forced on the customer. People are robbed via taxes and the government imposes monopoly schools on them, so they have no choice.
I'll get into non aggression next.
@metabolicmilk No I don't like DMSO. I have had amazing results with this. Dr. Peat demonstrated how the tocopherols and T work like a time release thing and give you good absorption over many hours.
@metabolicmilk I use about 4 or 5mg T base in tocopherol daily applied to belly button and it works very very well. I have not tested blood levels but I feel more energetic, better mood. I normally have a high libido so that isn’t any different. Everything works great for me as a man. Muscle is easy to build without working out or doing anything. I have a 1 drop = 1mg that I use.
@Peater0921 sulphur soap is good. You can also get some sulphur powder, flowers of sulphur, and put a very thin layer on the affected area, after a shower in the morning. This works very well.
@the-MOUSE the alternative I’m familiar with is ketotifen, and of course, diphenhydramine. They both work well but not as well as cyproheptadine. Ketotifen is closest probably.
when you wake up your blood sugar has fallen several times during the night and you have suffered high adrenaline and cortisol to bring it up, and this is a stress reaction. The result can be feeling crummy and nausea in the morning.
You need to eat foods that support good blood sugar during sleep.
@retard l Paracasei can help almost immediately.
@fiester there are no countries without taxes. Every country levies taxes. I live in a state that doesn't have an income tax.
@Hando-Jin who is holding the majority "to ransom"? It is a natural law that we all must make a living.