@peatyourmeat He very much so is. Him deriding Sam Sulek is peak health content.

Posts made by eugene
RE: What do you all think about Goatis aka Sv3rige?
Do faggots here really care about moralizing on a man's personal life? Gatis is a retard because his episteme is flawed. He's right about most things nutritionally. He has a horrendous view of nature that is totally incongruent with his longetivity life philosophy, but it would have a noticeably positive impact on nearly the entire population today if they took his word as law. I believe someone will come along soon with another raw carnivore style diet that is closer to Gatis than Saladino or Liver King and will make huge waves and may even mainstream the diet. He's right about Wim Hof (from his deleterious breathing technique, to cold exposure) being a quack. He's mostly right about exercise and entirely right about bodybuilding.
RE: What do we think about blue light filters in glasses?
@eugene Here is the amend at the end
Here is the light spectrum. I am going to go with the $20 purchase and maybe if there is any interest in this post I will update with my experience when they arrive. I have no faith in the ISO TR2002-2018, because they want me to pay lots of monies to read the summary on blue light.
What do we think about blue light filters in glasses?
I am looking to buy a pair of prescription eyeglasses, and many of the online sites have an option to get blue light blocking lenses. Does anyone have experience with this? Does it actually mitigate blue light absorption into the eyes? I already have my night light on my phone and computer near maxed out for blotting out blue light, and I walk around blind most of the day anyway, from not wearing my glasses. EyeBuyDirect has an option, for $20, to add a blue light filter. Some people online have raving reviews, but I am skeptical still. That $20 is roughly 6 quarts of Aldi ice cream. I'm already broke as is. Advice appreciated.
RE: Favorite way to drink Bloo?
So to get back on point of our favorite energy drink, I have concocted a new Bloo special beverage. A fourth a dose of bloo in an ounce of hot water, mixed, then add in half a cup of OJ, half a cup of milk, and a tbs of honey. Bloorange Creamiscle flavored energy drink. Yum!
RE: "My metabolism slowed down as I aged ... "
@pittybitty Sure, and everyone on the planet would agree, but the question is the just-so nature of his archetype in the decline of their metabolism as a process of aging, which is what I am contesting. Is it aging or is it hormones or diet, or sunlight and stress as put by someone in this thread. Why is metabolism slowing down taken as a quality of aging at such a young age.
RE: Craziest Delusions from the Normieosphere?
@JulofEnoch THC is arguably the best answer for normie delusions. People will, in total earnest, prescribe smoking weed to treat depression. Among many other things. CBD is also pretty abusrd considering studies where effects are felt are done by hundreds of times the dose in the average CBD item at a given smoke shop.
"My metabolism slowed down as I aged ... "
I was watching this video where the guy who eats a diet exclusively of Velveeta mac and cheese claims he's at the age where his metabolism has slowed down This has never sat right with me. Most people are just complacent with the idea that for seemingly no reason, in your 20s, your metabolism slows down. It's not that I think this is necessarily wrong, but it seems to start in adolescence, takes a brief period of reprive in during the onset of puberty and the honeymoon period, then sets in for the average modern diet consumer by 30. Harvard has some data that seems to be conflicting to this logic, basal expenditure is stable (not relatively stable, just stable) from 20-60 years old, and does not decrease over time. It's almost certain that the logic behind the average normie attributing weight gain and exhaustion to an arbitrary date in their 20s is meaningless. The dietary explaination doesn't seem to be adequate because I don't believe that enough people change their diet significantly enough to explain a biological change. Could it be hormones? Sleep seems out of the question considering that most teenagers get horrendous sleep already. Could it be accumulation of estrogens and where it hits terminal velocity at around the mid 20s. Curious to hear other thoughts.
Craziest Delusions from the Normieosphere?
I can't believe that this wikipedia actually exists. I still get a chuckle when I read the "Possible explanations" tabs on why saturated fats still lead to coronary heart disease despite the evidence pointing overwhelmingly in the opposite direction. Associated is this inverse article where serious biologists try to explain how Israelis have a high incidence of coronary heart disease despite their low saturated fat diets. I genuinely believe that these articles were composed by Peatists to slander normie researchers. It's almost comical how it gets meekly surmised as wine intake, healthy lifestyle and "animal fats" by serious researchers, instead of their premise being wrong.
RE: Heavy metal poisoning from cheap kettle?
@Leon it's certianly plausible. I discussed this briefly in my coffee thread. I would highly recommend not using a metal kettle at all. I bet most people who use metal kettles have chronic toxic metal poisoning. I used to get daily mild midday headaches using a stove top metal kettle, then I switched to microwaving my water and it went away. Those electric kettles you can literally see and smell the toxicity accumulating in your water with the wear on the base of the plate kettle and the smell of what I assume was degrading metal with mine. I threw mine away years ago because I thought it was burning plastic, but apparently it's just a general feature of electric kettles. I would recommend a glass kettle. Even if you have an induction stove you can either keep the heat low and use a plate, or get a burner.
RE: New study shows declining energy expenditure is the result of decling basal expenditure, not activity expenditure
What I think is interesting is how activity based expenditures have maintained mostly even on an aggregate scale, though the least active quartile today are most certainly less active than the least active quartile anywhere in human history. The most active quartile of gym-slaves are probably the most active in human history and debilitate themselves from the unnecessary self-torture. Both contribute to the decline in basal expenditure.
New study shows declining energy expenditure is the result of decling basal expenditure, not activity expenditure
New study published in Nature shows that energy expenditure has declined among humans. Basal expenditure, particularly in men, has declined over the decades despite an increase in activity-based energy expenditure. A related note is that body temperatures have dropped significantly in mere decades.
RE: Favorite Coffees? Favorite Coffee instruments?
@CO3 How do you heat your water?
Jewelry Discussion
Thread for discussion on Jewelry:
I want to buy a thin chain for femoids to bite on while I penetrate them. I have a few hundred dollars (up to $400) budget. I know that mystery metal stainless steel is contentious around these parts. Am I really at the hands of department store upsellers or small business labor-of-love garbage? Where do people look for used/affordable sterling silver? What do people on here wear? If I'm feeling a bit flamboyant, maybe I would like a ring as well. I don't mind buying steel, but I would hate for my vanity to give me cancer or metal toxicity. Where we looking? What about a copper chain?
RE: Pillows
@mostlylurking Thank you for the resources. I feel like the average persons apprehension to Chiropractors as practitioners is unwarranted, but I will most definitely be doing my due diligence to ensure I don't waddle into a quacks office.