have tried a whole bottle of cypro, a lot of liver, pineapple and nattokinase. maybe the latter 2 not extensively enough, but so far nothing's moved the needle.
levetiracetam sounds promising, but the health system in my country is garbage. a friend of mine recommended i try naltrexone to recover my sense of smell, since it worked for her mother. doctor stonewalled me despite agreeing that it sounds like it would help. if i manage to find a more loose doc i'll look into it.

Posts made by killchaos
RE: visual snow
RE: visual snow
@Charger yeah, these all sound plausible. i've had constipation, digestive issues, white tongue etc. for years and haven't been able to clear it up. i recall reading some of that might be gall related, as far as liver issues go.
it being excess glutamate seems to line up with what little i've found on the topic, too. i feel like that might be the main cause, but i got no idea how to lower it effectively.i've always had a low amount of visual "grain" i'd see at night since i was a kid, which i just assumed to be normal. after talking with some friends, turns out it's not. i'm assuming covid at the very least worsened those symptoms since i'm dealing with it at day now, along with all the new symptoms.
thanks for replying. it's encouraging to see someone else trying to solve this puzzle.
RE: visual snow
been a while and am still dealing with this, though i think i've realized it might have to do with my sinuses.
i've gotten more aware of the pain/discomfort and it feels like it's located around my sinus areas. possible that the flu i got (maybe covid, didn't get tested) has chronically inflamed them or done some damage, and everything else is downstream from that.
RE: Peaty Video Games?
i find challenging action and fighting games really thrilling and satisfying. but i find if my mood isn't well, no game is really enjoyable, which probably relates to overall health.
some of the most fun i've had is entering semi-flow states playing competitive fighting games against other players, at which point playing at a high level feels effortless and even losses are fun. sadly it's really rare for me, and i instead end up getting frustrated with myself for losing or misplaying. i've been chasing that rabbit for a while now.
RE: Bloody Stools
@Cearrson was the blood bright or dark? dark would be cause for concern because it's higher up in your digestive tract. bright probably means something on the way out got hurt. i've had the latter for years due to hemorrhoids, which usually flares up if i'm dealing with inflammation or constipation, but it's very noticeable for me.
RE: Resolved lifelong problem with dandruff
@KippleRemover yeah, im not sure why baking soda worked before but doesnt anymore. i put a bunch of coconut oil with some drops of rosemary oil in my hair today, since theyre supposed to be anti fungal. it helped a little. i suspect showering too warm and too long hasnt been helping.
RE: How to take Tyronene?
@scamp i take it sublingual. tastes awful but i do notice its effects. i havent tried topical, wonder what that would do.
RE: Resolved lifelong problem with dandruff
i tried vinegar after reading this thread, but i dont think it did anything for me. baking soda+niacinamide+taurine (basically trying to copy bloo) only gave relief the first time. egg felt like it irritated my face skin more. warm showers always leave my skin irritated.
ive been dealing with acne and poor skin for years but its been particularly brutal the last few days, really sucks. -
RE: visual snow
@Peatly i started taking bulksupplements thiamine the past 2 weeks (along with taurine and riboflavine). thus far nothing, but ill keep it up for a while. ill give these links a more thorough read, thank you.
RE: Almost 2 weeks on T3, here's what I noticed so far.
been trying T3 since february as well. its definitely made me a lot mentally sharper and "on the ball" in conversations. i have a WAY easier time coming up with jokes off the cuff. at least socially its been a huge boon to me.
i would very much like the vibrant colors and memory recollection OP was experiencing, though. been struggling with pretty bad anhedonia and lack of creativity the past year or two.
and oddly, it also cleared up my acne when i first started taking it, but it has since come back and im dealing with pretty bad scalp itching now as well.
RE: Whats the verdict on Psyllium Husk powder?
ive been taking it too and am a fan as well. i dont notice other sources of fiber doing much for me but this stuff definitely does.
RE: visual snow
been trying to live with it and pray it goes away by improving my health in general, but i feel its getting worse somedays. ive been taking a few b vitamins but have noticed no changes.
i saw it suggested its an issue with the thalamus, excitotoxicity, or an issue with 5-HT receptors. which seems in line with my hunch that its a problem with brain signals misfiring and not my eyes. but nothing conclusive and i have no idea how to approach it still. it's a bit hard for me to grasp.
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
@bengobeil said in Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found:
So after the first 3 days, I felt like the benefits started falling off.
While testing with a multimeter, I discovered the the wire that came with the mat wasn't conducting anymore!i got a grounding pillowcase and the first day or two i had extremely vivid dreams. felt like my imagination started to come back online. it tapered off since, i wonder if my cable is also busted.
RE: blue light blockers
they came in, nice quality. been wearing them for the last 2 days. they do really take the edge off my monitors. checking how my colors look after a few hours of wearing them feels like im getting flashbanged now.
RE: visual snow
@Norwegian-Mugabe ive had that before, its not really what im dealing with around the clock. its more like "logical" static around what im looking at, or tunnel vision. ie if i look at a landscape i know i can see everything fine, but i can only really process the one point im looking at instead of the entire thing.
visual snow
anyone deal with this?
long story short, i got a flu in late 2022. lost my sense of smell, then sometime after came anhedonia along with my sight getting worse. still dealing with recovering all 3 somehow.
it feels like ive had trouble visually processing things for the past year. everything either appears "flat" or like im staring through a tube. couple days ago i was a bit sleep deprived and saw dancing white spots while going on a walk, kind of like mosquitos or flies fluttering around on a summer day. after looking it up, it did line up with this.
for the longest time i thought it might be an issue with my eyeballs or sinuses or something, but after some reading and factoring in the anhedonia, it seems more like a brain issue. the only thing i could really glean from the old forum was someone suggesting thiamine, which cant hurt to try. but i wanted to see if anyone here has any other ideas.
RE: Most effective way to learn a new language?
definitely not duolingo
RE: Recovery from drinking beer
@CO3 gin & tonic and moscow mules also never give me trouble. and tasty!
RE: Recovery from drinking beer
@Ruben i would drink beer frequently too, but it also makes me feel kinda crummy compared to liquor. it's the hops that are super estrogenic. but even drinking beer, i rarely get hangovers because i always eat a meal with it and try to drink an equal amount of water. lots of people mix red wine with water. drinking on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster, same as coffee. you wanna couple it with a saturated fat.
i read somewhere that liver damage from drinking is driven mostly by PUFA, so avoiding PUFA should help, if you haven't already been. i think vit E would probably be useful in this case, the progest-e others have recommended should be good.
RE: blue light blockers
decided to order the truedark ones, both day and twilight. it's gonna take a while until i get them and try them out, i'll write what i think if i remember to.