That is an interesting take, and one that is consistent with other success stories I've heard — where one's diet brought them back from a point of deficiency, allowing for success that otherwise would not be possible. As you say, a lot does come into play, but at the very least, high quality food — that which normally would need to come from outside the corporate food monopoly — should be objective #1. I have been positioning myself for that, over the last several years, but I'm not 100% free yet, from the corporate food manufacturing system. Though, I have been able to eat as whole food as possible, though just not from my own garden yet, or from local farms. Little by little I hope to get there.
I hear you on farmed sea food. I do look for wild caught, but due to budget constraints I need to wait for it to go on sale. Sea food is probably my least eaten food, simply due to price. Though, i do like it.
Alamang sound interesting. I'll have to look those up.
@LucH @yerrag
After a quick search I see my original understanding of iodide and iodine was lacking, to say the least. I thought they were distinct from each other. But this quote helps to clarify: "... iodide is the ionic form of iodine."