@RawGoatMilk88 Yo do know that many original users had lovely creative names referencing Hitler and racism and that your beloved admin banned them for "trolling" right? The "free speech" admin is a child about the whole thing and acts tough while I was open about my methods.

Posts made by NotShanalotte
RE: New Poll: You, the People Decide the Fate of a User
RE: New Poll: You, the People Decide the Fate of a User
@Lovesickhs18 I'm not a mod anymore so your option is only to block such users now. You can see the quality of discourse in the rest of this thread, but this is what the admin wants, free speech. Though I recall him wanting high quality discourse, which seems impossible this way.
RE: Apology
@ThinPicking Yes, your point is what my rhetorical statement embodies. It could be persuasively argued that setting him off on purpose would be for the good of the forum, as it would assuredly set new rules de facto regardless of his intention. But as I said, I won't. Nor will I crap up threads even though that's not against the rules either.
Be well and leave me a chat to tell me how you're doing from time to time, okay?
RE: Apology
@LetTheRedeemed I concur with all of your points. I will not sink to his level, but if the basis of this forum is that I could call him, the admin, every slur in the book, I'd be curious to see how that has to do with bioenergtic principles.
The strange union of libertarianism at large and the truly alt-right never ceases to amaze me.
I'm sure topics with racial slurs and slapfights will inspire others to join.
"Take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature." ~ Marcus Aurelius
I used to read that quote often, and made sure I lived by it. Contributing to this forum, regardless of my unmodding, doesn't go with that. I'll check in to chat with you and some others though.
RE: How to restore glucose oxidation/ insulin sensitivity?
@GreekDemiGod That's too bad, sorry to hear that. If I think of something else I'll let you know.
RE: How to restore glucose oxidation/ insulin sensitivity?
Have you ever used or considered digestive enzymes? I found good success with those to get my body really absorbing the food I was eating. Very positive effects on digestion too. Supplemental bile could also be something to consider if you're still having pale stool after lowering fat intake.I've seen taurine work in others for similar issues, 500mg morning and night.
I hope you find relief!
RE: toxic heavy metals everyhwere
@yerrag Could be even simpler than that. Crappy processing to cut costs that leaves the Cd in the Phosphorous. They find a cheap method for extraction and trade that off, but the rest of the Cd "costs too much" to extract and they claim it's totally natural as cover. That's my take anyways.
RE: Periodontitis as the latest manifestation of an underlying unexplained problem
@visalibero I'd get thyroid and vitamin D levels checked to start. Last year I was out in the sun every day but was somehow vitamin D deficient! I also had dental problems then.
RE: If Ray Peat is so great, why is he dead?
@Hando-Jin I did hear Ray say in interviews near the end of his life that he was experimenting more with vegetables. Sounded a lot like his original "Nutrition for Women" actually. Problem is I can't remember the interviews and bioenergetic.life doesn't seem to have the clips either.
RE: New Poll: You, the People Decide the Fate of a User
Remember to please leave only a yes or no response. I intend to open discussion after this poll ends, as that also gives me time to confer with the other mods. Big update post here:
For now, DoomerZoomer has been reinstated, but I'd like more responses due to the influx of "the rules say" and "free speech" posters along with claims of bias.
His first post back includes the free speech claim which was:
where I suggested he should make a topic in The Junkyard to discuss the anti-Peat matters and wished him luck.
As for the free speech claim in general:
Please refer to the following screenshot from Brad for why I made my original decision:
To me, racist terms and belligerence do constitute degrading the experience of others. I experienced this directly in the form of personal attacks. To me, the association of racism and bioenergetic ideals also degrades this forum for everyone.
My vote does not count despite this statement.
Again, I am conferring with the other mods for future such situations. We will let you know if we escalate it to Brad.
The count so far to reinstate, which may guide future decision making, is:
2 Yes
1 No
with about 45 hours to go. -
RE: NotShannalotte's Zoo
@doomerzoomer3 Hey I was just talking about you. You're free to go. If you want to make an anti-peat post, it goes in the Junkyard. A good opening post will net you more discussion and better replies. Good luck!
RE: NotShannalotte's Zoo
@LetTheRedeemed You're a class act as usual. I made a poll about the user that started this whole thing in this topic except I couldn't get the actual poll function to work. It would be a great help to have you and as many other users as possible vote on the matter.
RE: NotShannalotte's Zoo
@noodlecat59 I'll see what I can do to prove that. For now, you've had your say. Posting numerous times will just make it difficult for me to resolves this, so please stop. Sound good? If you have proof, send it to me by Chat so I can review it, please.
RE: NotShannalotte's Zoo
@noodlecat59 You gave me a good chuckle but give it a rest, okay? Your concern is noted but I can assure you from lurking the old forum that Truth did this enough that I witnessed it several times despite all I did was use external search engines to find good posts. It's just how he is.
New Poll: You, the People Decide the Fate of a User
There's been some unrest recently about me banning a user, DoomerZoomer, who technically did not violate the rules. Said user was asked not to use a racial slur, but no moderation action was taken. Later he made personal attacks against me and besmirched Ray Peat and the ideas underpinning this forum. He also mentioned Brad, our admin, being a Jew which I saw in a negative light due to DZ's use of racial slurs.
At that point, based on over a decade of forum moderation and classroom management from middle school on up, I banned that user. Reasoning: reputation of the forum; inability to respond in a mature manner; lack of forum etiquette (proper posting, composition, etc).
IOW a "shit-poster"
He then made an alt account and posted several links rather than make a topic for discussion, which would have been allowed despite being anti-Peat.
Should said user be reinstated? Do you, the users at large want such a user here? Have your say by leaving a yes or no. Please refrain from other responses until the "poll" is complete. to keep the thread orderly and make counting easier.
It is 0100 EST in the USA right now and I will lock this topic and count the votes at midnight, morning of the 26th, about 2 days.
I wanted to do a real poll but it isn't posting properly, sorry about that.
RE: A Small Announcement
@Truth I just got done composing my reply to you in the other thread. There is no need for you to post the same message in multiple places, I saw it the first time.
RE: NotShannalotte's Zoo
@Truth Any user could do nearly the same just by copy-paste instead of moving posts. It's not against the rules. that's your whole issue right? Likewise you have no right to complain about what I post.
Your reasoning states that I could call you every name in the book right now if I desire simply because it isn't in the rules. I will never do that, but I want you to think about it.
It isn't in the rules that I have to answer your questions either. But I try to do so to foster understanding by my own choice. Would you like me to ignore you instead?
Do you have any idea what would happen if every user treated each other that way, using racial slurs and God knows what else because there isn't a specific rules? It wouldn't take being a moderator to get users to leave the forum. I've watched forums die overnight that way.
The only user that I moderated outside of those rules, DoomerZoomer, was a user who was only asked to stop using slurs (not a moderator action). Then he went on a tirade of personal attacks about Peat being a charlatan. Upon his return he didn't even make a thread or compose a post.
I'll tell you what, DoomerZoomer would be done with a short cool-off timeout soon. I'll make a poll and see what the forum at large thinks.
We'll see what the will of the people is. My concern is that a casual observer sees bioenergetic/high metabolism == racism. Reputation is important.
As for the Muhammed thread my only post was to the two users arguing to stay on topic before that devolved. Your claim is a blatant lie you just told. I see by your numerous edits that you're still wrong.
IME letting threads devolve whether about Islam, Christianity or otherwise just makes it impossible for any related topic to ever be posted.
Still, I intended to move merge lisan-al-gaib's posts into one, and put that back in the thread. That is not why the user was banned.
lisan-al-gaib was put into what was supposed to be temporary containtment. They broke a rule but didn't know it. I spent all day dealing with that user when I could have banned immediately, who also seemed to hate me.
According to you, it's not in the rules I needed to do that and you have no leg to stand on.
RE: Brad.
I've reread the topic, and while I'll leave my post up for the sake of transparency, I do apologize for coming across so strongly.
If I could do it all again, I'd be more clear about my intentions, which were to show Razvan that there would actually be more and harsher moderation without the human touch. It wasn't to get after you personally. I apologize again how I came across. I truly didn't mean to be personal. I should have been complimentary and said something like "But I wouldn't do that at all, and the rest is in the past, you haven't let Norwegian Mugabe get to you lately and that's best for you and the forum. Well done."
To be clear, no moderation actions have been taken against you and I don't foresee that changing, especially if we can come to terms on discussing difficult (emotionally?) subjects like agreeing with Peat on certain topics like Stalin. Could be fun, actually.
It's not too late for us to resolve whatever differences we have. It's not a trap, just send me a chat about anything at all you need resolved and we'll do it.
I know I can't actually take it back, but I offer my apology for whatever it's worth.
All that said, I must protest your points.
It is not a moderation action to request that someone send me a chat. Leaving an interaction up to a user is the opposite of power-tripping, wouldn't you say?
Btw I don't even know your political beliefs. You insisted I had to agree lockstep with Ray Peat about Stalin. I truly don't understand the issue which is why I offered to set aside time for one-on-one. I was a bit harsh on the essay part, but it's a big ask and would require a very strong analysis.
I never used the language you claim about "settling" things.
I spent pretty much my whole day making sure that lisan-al-gaib was clear on the rule in question and my requested edit. That's an awfully generous amount of time and chances if I'm so drunk on power.
Oh, I must also say that I do want to get posting more but my backup drive with all my studies died, so I must try to recollect them all. You're not wrong that it would help my reputation, that's for certain.
I must mention that @ThinPicking agrees with my decisions overall. Hopefully he chimes in. His approach is different than mine and well-appreciated.
RE: A Small Announcement
@Peatful I hope it's clear that I don't think you're racist and that I posed a rhetorical question. Put another way, when I moderate I ask myself "If I were admin, would I want (whatever material) on my forum?"
And if I get it wrong, I'm sure Brad will have words with me, though I wouldn't think his reasoning is "Yes, posting hard-R n-words are fine on my forum as long as no one clicks Report. Schrodinger's N-Word."
My offer for collaboration is always open.