ThinPicking has the right idea, to grasp the essence of your questions, the easiest way is to jump in and participate.
The following is more detailed, as I want to be sure to address your questions comprehensibly, even if it mainly aids users reading this later seeking the same info. I do not wish to be patronizing.
The point is I wish to use mediation before moderation and how that would look. I could go iron fist but that tends to suppress discussion and that's the worst thing possible for a forum. I intend to only moderate, as in threadban, ban (including timeouts), and so on to resolve situations and only as needed. For a non-bot user, it would have to be a pretty big and obvious situation for me to outright ban someone without much discussion!
It's to make users comfortable with expectations and so they don't feel powerless if something does occur.
Secondly, my main concern is the need to gatekeep to a degree lest this forum lose its identity like the RayPeatForum. I can't simply act as Empress even if I were the only mod or even the admin. It's a delicate process, and I saw while lurking the RPF how destructive and chilling it was for the admin and moderator to be secretive of how they handle matters. There are even posts there where users didn't know what to report, or not, and the admin and mod just said "report it, we'll take a look, but don't backseat mod and don't question our decisions." 
My attempt at transparency is to involve everyone else, in order to develop a strong social fabric where all users know they can freely speak and have expectations in order to function, but not to the point of suffocating things. Like creating our own miniature culture.
I'll try to answer your particular questions as best I can.
First question if I had to pick, it would be anyone like Ray Peat so guys that inspired him like Barnes, Selye, and so on and new guys inspired by him like Danny Roddy, Haidut and Mike Fave. People that work with the material in some way and understand it and seek to further understand it. Even an average Joe or Jane posting a study to look through suits this, to me.
Like i
f someone said "I have discovered a paper adding more nuance to serotonin, let's discuss how this might have affected Peat's ideas." then that's a great discussion starting point. Similarly, if someone asks "hey, is there anything to 'vitamin A toxicity'?" that won't be banned. Ray even warned about vitamin A and thyroid using the same transport molecule and to be careful of concurrent dosages, amounts, etc.
The point is someone causing chaos, posting mainstream talking points, not participating, etc is opening themselves to the start of moderation.
How I attempt to moderate is necessarily a reflection of the forum users. I have changed some wording in my post that should be more clear. Plus I try to encourage users to see a different perspective to avoid trouble. I might say to a user, "Do you realize all your posts look like they advertise a particular idea? With AI getting better this concerns me." Some people just get hyper-focused, it's not a big deal, but bots and shills are.
So if I see an odd influx of users trying to do that without engaging otherwise, yeah, that's called forum sliding and topic dilution. Trying to redirect established discussion, that sort of thing, is the same as spam it's just not from bots or a specific advertisement.
Or more succinctly, to use an old catch phrase, if someone is Perceiving, Thinking, and seeking how to Act, there should be no issue at all.
The last question won't affect how I moderate, but personally, yes. It saved my life. To be able to act in the world requires good health, simple as. It's not just ideas, it's a whole paradigm.