Describing your passive-aggressive, ragequitting attitude while criticizing Hatch are not personal attacks. You obviously chose not to read my post, attacked me anyways, and like the pigeon and chessboard, declared yourself the winner. You are causing the drama by going into histrionics every time the topic doesn't go how you want, including ragequitting. Then you answered Mulloch with the info I, and I assume others, wanted anyway. So yeah, I've read your posts on RPF and I know you can write well and be descriptive but you decided to be an absolute donkey to me and, previously, anyone else who criticizes Hatch. So I can't see how describing your actions as ass kissing is a personal attack, you don't react like this to any other subject matter as I recall.
Choose virtue over drama in the future, don't project, attack someone and play the victim.
@anyone else
For everyone else, I independently came up with the Hatch recommendations Holmes posted and can tell you, without sufficient hormones and thyroid, it may not make a difference. Very helpful and not to disparage, but many others came to the same conclusion on the (former lol) RPF to "eat what their grandparents ate" and their mileage varied as well. IME, T3 may still be warranted as well as hormonal replacement which I have done much more aggressively than Ray ever recommended. I still stand by not wanting to buy an expensive book for the same reason I wouldn't charge money for ppl to read my own personal experiments.