@sushi_is_cringe Basically correct.
Posts made by Rah1woot
RE: fully radicalized solarpunk extremist
RE: fully radicalized solarpunk extremist
Not really into anarchistic theory. All of the technology you see in the video was the result of fully organized, militarist, states. The former can live on the peripheries of the latter only as a kind of fungus.
So like Trotsky, you just end up becoming a whore of fascism in actual fact.
RE: just3another3normal3person
That’s fine, but call it what it is: a leap of faith, not a triumph of reason.
Will do, have been. Have a nice day.
RE: just3another3normal3person
It is not designed “to work” in the world but to clarify the limits of what can be claimed. That this strikes you as “nonfunctional” only shows how deeply the conflation of epistemic modesty with political disempowerment has sunk in.
Yes. I am not really interested in anything that doesn't work, almost by definition. Unlike you I do not recognize any cavities and divisions in my reality. One cannot hold any kind of garbage idea, even if it calls itself "transcendental", without poisoning the metabolism. Philosophy is politics is art is nutrition is me is you is mitochondria and biology and the citric acid cycle. It's all one and the same. Nothing comes at the expense of something else. A formal logic for "epistemic modesty" does not exist in its own right but is something that informs everything else here.
nothing outside the given is justified. Everything else is projection.
Exactly right. And yet it is only projection that always produces the next set of givens -- the atomic bomb. Without projections of this kind there is no life.
You accuse me effectively of being too much involved in my own life. I might accuse you of the opposite, obviously it comes across in the way you say "The critique" instead of "your critique", etc, and never appreciate "TS" as being a position you concretely happen to hold instead of something floating in the aether. The difference is that I can use materialism to improve my actual life, whereas I cannot use solipsism to do anything. The same goes for you. As an actual living animal, I only care about the former. With my advanced political technology I happen to know that you too are an actual living animal. To deny yourself this will produce only pain and confusion. Which is a Bad Thing.
RE: just3another3normal3person
it simply suspends judgment about what, if anything, exists beyond consciousness. Weapons work, physics works, and materialism functions
Because the future is unconscious, yet physics always explains it as it self-develops, this statement is a contradiction. Physics REACHES INTO the unconsciousness that is the future itself.
utility justify belief in an unexperienced substratum.
You can say this in writing, but you will simultaneously never jump from the top of a tall building in life, because even though you haven't experienced the fall yet, you do actually know it will come unconditionally. And if you did do it, given some light assumptions, I can say with certainty that you would fall and die.
I'm not misunderstanding your view. I'm just pointing out that it's worthless, restrictive, and masturbatory. In the same way that "physics works" even though there is no real reason to have faith in it, this view is designed to "not work". It's basically the ideology of the self-interested cancer or yeast cell -- both "valid" forms of life, but objectively lower than the human being, which is structured as the collaboration of energetic differentiated cells. Do you think that each individual cell in the human body is solipsistic? I think all of this becomes very clear as a worker in an organization and gets murkier the less you do in life.
RE: just3another3normal3person
Not relevant to the position
That would make sense if you think that formal abstract logic outside of concrete human life itself is possible, which is at the same time the position that produces solipsism. If we instead see perspectives as flowing through actual real people (or things), who can not always be taken at their word, it is quite relevant. But I can be happy you're mostly doing fine in either case. Rather than being a broken soldier, you just haven't been to war yet. Still in The Academy.
When you fall back to a "coherent dream" or "field of consciousness" to explain the apparent consistency (i.e., recurrence into the future from the present and past) with which experience occurs, all of this is really a coded, weak way of describing exactly what materialists know as "reality". You make mere acknowledgements, but unlike materialists, you make no assertions. And again, this is all well and good until you have to develop new weapons technology to destroy the enemy before they destroy you. While you might circle back and encapsulate everything that you've ALREADY seen, including the future-predictions of your past self, as part of a "field of consciousness", you will never be able to seriously work with the future in each instant. Since you have not experienced it yet, you can say exactly nothing about it. Thus it is an inherently reactionary, past-oriented pattern of thought. The religious monotheistic concept of "faith" is exactly this faith in the thing outside which produces the future: it is a perspective that takes great energy, a certain configuration of the brain, and it is something that can waver with the constitution and spirit. There is no formal justification for faith, and yet, it is impossible to be alive without. The present configures the future. The Pilot Wave Theory demolishes the Copenhagen Interpretation. Solipsism does not offer any explanation for why even though materialism is never actually justified in each individual instant, it has always won in the past.
Ray Peat's quote on the topic: https://bioenergetic.life/clips/3aec8?t=5347&c=100
RE: just3another3normal3person
@Nomanarch What is the content of your life? Do you do meaningful Work with/for other people? Any major life issues? I'm trying to see something.
@NoeticJuice Just because this guy correctly uses philosophical terminology doesn't mean his theory holds any water for actual living animals. Try being a solipsist while at the front, in a factory, working to feed your family. You will Fail, get Hurt, feel Pain, and Die. Put your hand on a hot stovetop and keep it there, just because "all experience is actually in the mind". You will lose your hand. Of course your real, objective nervous system will stop you if it's working correctly. While you're at it, you should also quit Peating, because all of those dietary choices are also irrelevant when all experience is in the mind alone. Just will yourself into feeling good, bro. Go to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Or you'll have some kind of confused mentality where you just encode the perspective of objective materialism in new words, like a "dream", as a kind of emotional safeguard. Much like a basement dweller's obsession with his fundamentally superior "IQ" (or "race", for some), the social purpose of solipsism is to grant defensibility to useless dysfunction. In this way the lumpenproletariat and financial bourgeoisie is united in stifling the development of reality.
It's not incurable, but it is anti-life.
RE: just3another3normal3person
@Nomanarch If you admit that solipsism has no utility for developing the future (i.e., for the life process), then I think that you agree with me and we're done here.
Ballistics does not refute solipsism; it merely shows that the dream is internally coherent.
Like all "solipsists" you basically have to go to coded objective materialism whenever you have to do anything in the real world or reason about it. "The dream, singular". With one dreamer who is necessarily not you. Every time. It's the basic life function.
Again. Solipsism isn't logically wrong. On paper it is completely correct. It's a myopic, constipated fixation on one aspect of living that impoverishes life. Its logical rectitude is exactly what produces its real infertility. Much like "nihilism" it is a perspective refuted by life itself.
RE: Need help with bowel movements
I find that simple coffee gets my bowels moving. Seems like a fine quick fix if it works for you.
RE: just3another3normal3person
@Nomanarch Solipsism is a "logically valid" worldview, making no assumptions outside what can be said on paper, but accomplishes nothing in the real world. This alone is good reason to discard it. Solipsists cannot use ballistic calculations to destroy the enemy's real position without betraying their own philosophical one. It is basically the result of alienation from active/working life.
If you care to read, Lenin destroys this philosophical position further in "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism", "Empirio-Criticism" being the articulation of this solipsism in 1909.
RE: What's up with all the spam posts?
@ThinPicking The laser cutting machine industry has it out for Peaters. Driving up the price of Co2; they threaten to cut us to pieces.
RE: What's up with all the spam posts?
@Luke Speaking from a position of some knowledge. The fundamental tradeoff you get is between accessibility and protection from spam. On one extreme of the spectrum, signup processes are very long and/or require money/vetting, several spam-heavy countries are banned by IP range, et c. On the other side, literally anyone can post absolutely anything all the time. The only trouble is that every obstacle for spammers is also an obstacle for legitimate users. The optimal amount of fraud is not zero: https://www.bitsaboutmoney.com/archive/optimal-amount-of-fraud/
The happy medium changes depending on desired requirements. But yeah, it looks like the configuration for this place is really extremely open right now. A bit too liberal perhaps.
This "Anubis" thing has a really stupid design, but the fundamental concept of using proof-of-work with javascript in the browser seems really solid to me for filtering out almost all bot traffic. The anime girl graphic is probably easily replaced.
You could put it up in front of the sign-up web route only or the like.
RE: just3another3normal3person
Yeah, good ol Hegel + Engels + Carl Schmitt
Everything is Developing All the Time.
RE: Blood flow/ Erection strength, please help
Beef liver seemed to improve my erection quality from good to great and increased my libido. Probably because of steroid hormone effects. But I would not recommend it if you are hypothyroid because of vitamin A toxicity concerns. Measuring temperature can help to analyze that.
And yeah. Erections have the biological purpose of filling out a vagina. I think over time the brain just gets bored of pornography when there is no such connection. Make no mistake, it knows what's going on.
I think being obsessed with sexual function without considering the whole-body function can be a pathology in its own right. Ray Peat wrote about how hypersexuality is basically a response to what the body thinks is a death coming somewhat sooner, i.e., a tree struck with an axe will produce more pinecones, and girls under stress have earlier menarche. I think whatever you do to make progress will ultimately make you healthier in pretty much every way. Not just your device. Judging from your limited post history you seem like a somewhat unhealthy guy in general rather than having a specific penile mechanical problem. Nothing at all wrong with that, the only way to go is up.
RE: Lobotomize-me athletic logs
@lobotomize-me It's hard for me to say since you have lots going on and seem to take things pretty intensely in whatever direction you choose, and I almost worry you'll overreact to whatever I say. I'm not nearly as intensely into the supplementation thing.
But yeah. Maybe get rid of ashwaganda. I'm not sure if that's something that has to be tapered in any way to avoid a discontinuation syndrome especially since you've been on it for a while.
Any kind of supplement which is dried plant matter (like the turmeric, which often contains lead anyways) I tend to be highly skeptical of. Some researcher finds that it increases some hormone for some length of time (on a toxic adaptation basis?) and people end up spilling tons of cash over it as a result. For instance a lot of the so-called "testosterone increasing" plants end up damaging the testicle function in the long run.
Your meticulous logging of food intake makes me think that you might not be eating to hunger or desire, but instead eating to a schedule. As far as I see it, over time that is basically guaranteed to cause imbalance, because your mental model of what you need is often deficient relative to the organ that produces that flawed mental model, and its real mechanism of desire. That, and your activity varies from day-to-day.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see mention of thyroid status/temperature/pulse anywhere. This is very easy to check and can be a starting ground for other stuff. If your waking temperature is not 98.6F (or a bit higher) you are probably somewhat hypothyroid. For instance, I would not recommend eating beef liver for people with low thyroid. But if you were higher thyroid I might advise you to try some of that. Peat talks about how low thyroid makes you more vulnerable to vitamin A toxicity.
I also don't see much calcium in the intake. Maybe add some skim milk?
Very briefly:
- Actually measure temperature to help rule out thyroid-type problems. Don't skip it.
- Re-evaluate which supplements in your intake are mostly fluff. Make a plan for getting off of them if any kind of tapering is advisable. My personal orientation is to take in simple stuff and let the body machinery do most of the work of producing the necessary downstream products in the proper quantities that it detects as needed. But I'm Just Some Guy.
- Listen to yourself more than online advice. There's probably no magic chemical you can buy that will instantly make you great at everything soccer related you want. But you can adopt mindsets that create systems that produce that outcome. Spamming all of the supplements you read about is apparently not fruitful anyways.
RE: Lobotomize-me athletic logs
I can't help but feel that your huge list of systemic interventions, and ruminative (over)analysis, indicates a very serotoninergic disposition. It's so huge it makes me wonder if you are trolling, yet it is so incredibly specific it kind of feels that you are not. It almost feels like Bryan Johnson's Blueprint thing where you just throw a million interventions at the wall because you read 1-2 studies showing effectiveness without necessarily considering how it all interacts together. Talking about "PM" would also indicate that to me: it produces for you a temporary escape from the serotonin.
It is difficult for me to go through everything here. I have heard pretty bad things about Ashwaganda causing that kind of mind though.
I like the glucose water. Used to do something similar for sports.
RE: Healthfully acquiring Vitamin A in the diet, experiences?
@jd_au I tend to identify that hypothyroidism in/around the forums with people that are very melodramatic. They often latch onto various forms of obscurantist mysticism babble when this is exactly the mindset that Ray fought against through most of his work, which was materialistically informed.
RE: Tell me your opinion on the covid vaxx
The v sucks. And yet people will probably largely survive and deal. Maybe 10-20 years of life expectancy will be deleted due to more cancer.
A lot of us here are orthorexic (i.e. fragility mindset) so we lack a solid appreciation of just how tough the organism can be in the face of poison/stress/damage. Even including the ideologized genetic stuff. Ironically the right-wing concept that the v will instantly kill you through genetic incorporation is rooted in their genetic reductionism. If this does not turn out to be the case at scale then perhaps that view should be reexamined or at least complexified.
RE: Healthfully acquiring Vitamin A in the diet, experiences?
@Rah1woot Does anyone have a good read on how often beef liver should be eaten to control dandruff?
I have not had any dandruff in the days after consuming beef liver. But it does come back nearing the end of the week after a number of days without it. Is that a sign to increase the intake, or maybe that would cause toxicity problems?
RE: Feeling alive
Ray identified two paths for this kind of situation: go to sleep, or escape.
The rise in serotonin caused by agonizing routine, a hormone of hibernation, represents the first option.
The latter option is afforded for working people in small segments of (8 - 2 - 2) = 4 hours (or often less) of daily time to do something nontrivial, weekends +- other chores/maintenance, sometimes a week or two of vacation time per year.
What to say? Maybe it's the serotonin talking but sometimes I feel the need to be a good soldier and live in the trenches for a few weeks.
Injecting just a tiny bit of novelty (go for a walk outside for ten minutes, a chaotic living environment) really helps when you're in this mode.