@urbrainonsugar I dont track I just eat when im hungry and aim for nutrient dense, high carb, lower fat

Posts made by urbrainonsugar
RE: Post your chronometer screenshots
RE: Post your chronometer screenshots
@lividcorpo Me? I am definitely not. Thats nothing though. I can do way more then that
RE: Is Bioenergetic.live No Longer Available?
@Wildflower Its coming back.. My laptop got destroyed in the rain and it had the server running on it. I'm hoping to get it back up ASAP! Sorry for the downtime
RE: Temp/Pulse tracking app?
@herayclitus using chronometer for this is good because it shows what time you entered it and you can also see how it changes based on what you eat
RE: Critique or provide potential additions to my protocol
@Kvirion Vit e is definitely something i want to experiment with and its on my list of things to buy. Yeah i should also do a quick write up on the foods i will be eating as well. Im aiming for a significant amount of gelatin from powder but also from gelatinous cuts of meat. I havent really considered limiting methionine and cysteine specifically but ill be limiting muscle meats to a degree which should take care of most of the potential issues regarding that without having to take too many things out diet wise. Thank you
RE: Critique or provide potential additions to my protocol
@TexugoDoMel Great points, And thank you, Ill switch aspirin to tues, thurs, sat. I didnt even think of that
RE: Critique or provide potential additions to my protocol
@Kvirion Yes I have but I also don't feel the need to make sure everything I do aligns perfectly with what Ray Peat liked. I was always like you and thought that protocols were dumb but as said, I just want to see what I can do by putting the ideas in a more formalized, measurable form. This wont be a forever thing but im interested in finding out what an ideal protocol might look like for me in regards to bioenergetics. And yes I will change it up depending on how I feel but I want a solid base to start off with and go from there. Its not like my protocol is really hard to follow or time consuming I think its fairly casual so it may not be necessary to have a day off as you said
Critique or provide potential additions to my protocol
I've been working on creating a bioenergetic inspired daily protocol for myself to see how far I can take and implement the ideas in a more formal and systemized way. Please provide any critiques, suggestions, additions, advice, or anything else related. During this I will also be eating a peaty diet consisting of lots of dairy, fruit, coffee etc...
RE: Clearing "mental hurdles"
@farragut_fox Could be many things but looking into inflammation, nutrition, and serotonin would be a good start. Sometimes things like this are literally as simple as a single vitamin that you are deficient in such as vit d or calcium or maybe a type of food that is causing inflammation like gluten
RE: Carrot salad as replacement for Brushing your teeth
@voldtzeig Flouride doesn't seem to be a massive issue with brushing teeth as long as you're not swallowing it or using too much. Also, many of the 'natural' fluoride free toothpastes have a lot of other unsavory ingredients that often make them worse then the fluoride ones. There a good quality toothpastes with fluoride and not too many bad stuffs and same for fluoride free but if you have a good gut and rinse your mouth out with water during the day, just oil pulling and then brushing your teeth with water is likely enough to keep them clean. Cascara, unsalted butter, milk, coconut oil, are in my experience all very good for dental health
RE: Maple Syrup
@magnuscoffee I imagine its similar to honey where as long as it isnt allergenic for you then its good. I believe quite a few people have bad reactions to certain things in it though so just be careful if you're sensitive
RE: 12 Eggs a Day + Carrot Juice Diet: From Kitchen to ICU
You need to rethink everything. I recommend putting parental lock on all of your devices so only very select few are available. This includes the internet, no more for at least 6 months. During this time, go to the supermarket and buy foods that look tasty and eat them. Also spend lots of time going for long walks outside and interacting with other humans
RE: Rapamycin: Anti-aging and metabolic dream drug?
https://academic.oup.com/jimb/article/44/4-5/537/5995855?login=false -
Post your chronometer screenshots
It would be interesting to know what people actually eat on a daily basis so post any food logs/ chronometer screen shots here
Rapamycin: Anti-aging and metabolic dream drug?
I've heard a lot of great things from people taking rapamycin and have read a few interesting studies regarding the potential anti-aging and wide range of other postive effects. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge regarding this drug? I've heard of a few potential negative side-effects but that might only be a problem if you're a cold brain so I'm interested to hear any thoughts