Eating a lot of sugar helped reduce my acne, especially acne cysts, but it hasn't completely resolved it.

Posts made by VehmicJuryman
RE: I have hit rock bottom please help.
RE: Kurzgesagt argues that exercise does not cause weight loss
@oliveoil @Hearthfire As explained in the video, your body compensates for the training by reducing calorie expenditures in other areas. This is why overtraining is bad for you and causes physiological stress, just like Ray Peat used to say.
"Humans and other species adapt dynamically to changes in daily physical activity, maintaining total energy expenditure within a narrow range. Chronic exercise thus suppresses other physiological activity, including immunity, reproduction, and stress response."
"Rather than increasing total energy expenditure linearly in response to physical activity, individuals tend to adapt metabolically to increased physical activity, muting the expected increase in daily energy throughput [5, 10, 11, 12]. These metabolic changes can be behavioral, such as sitting instead of standing, or fidgeting less, but they may also include reductions in other, non-muscular metabolic activity. For example, men and women enrolled in a long-term exercise study exhibited reduced basal metabolic rate at week 40 [11], and studies in healthy adult women have shown suppressed ovarian activity and lower estrogen production in response to moderate exercise [13]. Other species have also been shown to keep total energy expenditure remarkably constant in response to increased physical activity, reducing energy expenditure on growth [14], somatic repair [15, 16], and basal metabolic rate [17, 18] and even reducing lactation and cannibalizing nursing offspring [19], even when food is available ad libitum and total energy expenditure is well within maximum sustained levels [5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]."
RE: Kurzgesagt argues that exercise does not cause weight loss
@the-MOUSE When you exercise your body compensates by resting more, sleeping more, etc. and you end up burning an equal amount of calories as if you hadn't exercised.
RE: I’ve got a problem with Danny Roddy.
@yerrag Liver is one of the dishes in the video.
I don't see what OP is complaining about. Cheese and collagenous meats are tasty, simple and Peaty.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@Jaffe Milk has a worse ratio of methionine to glycine than any muscle meat. Milk and dairy products actually have more methionine than glycine, while all muscle meats have more glycine than methionine (though still not at a high enough ratio to be optimal). Maybe the difference is significant enough to account for the anecdotes from the anti-vitamin A followers? Here is a comparison of milk to filet mignon (aka tenderloin) steak, one of the cuts Charlie says he eats:
Does anyone know if the any of anti-vitamin A followers took enough glycine? According to Chris Masterjohn the daily minimum should be 10g. That's 30g of collagen or gelatin daily, which is quite a lot, like 8 tablespoons of pure collagen powder.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
This thread argues that the high methionine in the standard Ray Peat foods explains the negative symptoms better than vitamin A. It makes sense, many of the "poison A" believers talk about their negative experiences with dairy, which has the worst methionine:glycine ratio of any food.
RE: Can I replace water with milk?
I thought most Peaters didn't drink water. I've found that I almost never crave water, I get 99% of my hydration from milk and juice.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
The low toxin lifestyle followers on the "Ray Peat Forum" are reporting that the low vitamin A diet is making them sick.
RE: Dr. Garrett Smith asks for help outing "little rat" charlie who owns and moderates the raypeatforum
Charlie and mosaic01 are such hypocritical rats lol. They have a thread on the RPF excoriating Smith for doing literally the exact same things as Charlie - banning dissenters based on emotion and dogma with no room for debate. Mosaic even referred to Charlie's mass banning as "separating the wheat from the chaff". Well I hope the Charlieists enjoy being the chaff separated from their new low vitamin A friends.
Is pulse the most direct measurement of metabolism?
Is it even better than body temperature? Newborn babies have a bpm of up to 200, gradually declining until they reach the adult average of 60-100 bpm at 18. Body temperature stays mostly consistent throughout life as far as I know. That children have a higher metabolism than adults is well established.
Long distance athletes (i.e. people who trained their bodies to be in a perpetual state of stress) have a resting bpm as low as the 40s, while according to Ray Peat students who perform best on tests have a bpm of 85. That huge difference seems easier to make inferences from than the few degree differences in body temperature.
As a bonus, pulse is easier to measure than body temperature. No need for a thermometer, just use a 15 second timer on your phone while counting your pulse, then multiply by 4. Also, body temperature is influenced by the external environment to a degree that pulse rate is not. Ray Peat acknowledged this in an anecdote about taking the pulse rates of people during the summer while working in a clinic. They had hypothyroid symptoms and a pulse rate in the 40s while having high body temperatures.
Yesterday my bpm was 130+ in the morning. I was giddy, euphoric, randomly bursting into laughter while reading Wikipedia articles about British and German royal houses (not something particularly comedic). I ate some Bugles (made of starchy cornmeal) and I immediately felt sleepy. My pulse gradually decreased to 60 bpm in the evening and before I went to bed at night my normal depression had returned. This morning I had some sugar, my pulse went back above 100 bpm, my depression vanished and I started thinking more quickly. I didn't feel noticeably colder or warmer throughout this. All this makes me prefer pulse as a measurement to body temperature.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
The RPF is currently unreadable from fireworks animations all over the page. Thanks Charlie!
Edit: looks like it was removed right as I posted this.
RE: Getting majority of calories from Mexican coke is not optimal?
@VehmicJuryman I replaced cane sugar cola with bottled orange juice from the store this past month but it is simply not sweet enough, especially after I started supplementing thyroid. I just drank 180gm of sugar from cola for the first time in a month and my mind is racing, my depression and fatigue disappeared, etc.
Right now my options are 1. Drink cola while supplementing thiamine 2. Buy a juicer and make my own orange juice with store bought oranges and see if it's sweet enough
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Wouldn't you get thiamine deficiency from eating pure dextrose?
RE: Its been 3 weeks now since I started to eat ultra low PUFA
@Ray-Peat-Fanboy Just FYI I consumed most of my calories from cane sugar cola for a while and didn't feel good from it. I found out that natural sources of sugar like fruit juice contain thiamine which is necessary to process carbohydrates.
RE: A Small Announcement
@Truth You are at the limit of your IQ here. Don't worry about it, try some picture books instead.
RE: A Small Announcement
@Truth It seems my post requires a level of reading comprehension and critical thinking that you simply don't possess.
RE: A Small Announcement
@Truth That post does not talk about sexual slavery as a positive thing in any way. The entire post is obviously a criticism of Muhammad, and a sarcastic way of arguing that minimizing stress through violence against others is not Peaty. Make sure to apologize to me for your calumny.
RE: Muhammad Pbuh, The original peater?
This is just the natural diet of a pastoral culture like the Arabs, plus fruit due to living in the tropics. Not sure what makes Muhammad unique in this regard. Although I'm sure having a harem of slave women and captives, plus living off the profits of predation and banditry against his neighbors helped reduce stress. Still his inability to father sons and his personality disorders including psychosis and anger issues may indicate some metabolic issues.
Getting majority of calories from Mexican coke is not optimal?
Greetings, for the past few months I've been living primarily off of Mexican coke. I'd say it's about 40-50% of my calories per day. I also eat McDonald's cheeseburgers and sweet tea, cheese slices, grass fed milk and orange juice. It occurred to me that I'm not improving my chronic fatigue or other issues. I did some research yesterday, and apparently you need a vitamin known as thiamine to process sugar. Lack of thiamine is also the first thing people mention when talking about fatigue, my main symptom. Mexican coke doesn't have this vitamin in it at all. So the past few months I've been consuming massive quantities of added table sugar in cokes for naught as my cells can't even use it without accompanying thiamine. Apparently both milk and orange juice have adequate amounts of thiamine to process the sugar within them, so hopefully I'll see improvements if I completely replace the cokes with milk/orange juice.