The forum is inaccessible and the archive isn't working for me. Even if I copy and paste the exact title of the thread I want to read into the archive search I can't find it. Very cool how Charlie wiped out tens of thousands of posts of priceless information from the internet to defend a copyright he quite literally has zero legal or moral right to hold. Genuinely unfathomable how he thinks he has a right to profit from the Ray Peat name because he registered a website domain.

Posts made by VehmicJuryman
RE: is down
RE: Peating in poverty
@Njegos said in Peating in poverty:
@Norwegian-Mugabe Of course food is very important but I eat like shit most of the time because I live with my parents and they get really mad if don’t eat stuff they make. Yes I’m 19 arguing with my parents about food but whatever
What do they make? Tell them you can't eat food fried in vegetable oil.
RE: Vit D to Vit K ratio when supplementing aspirin? your experiences/suggestions?
@pseudomonkey Yes I was taking x4 325mg pills without any special techniques or supplements. It cured a growth (tumor?) in my armpit though
RE: Vit D to Vit K ratio when supplementing aspirin? your experiences/suggestions?
Aspirin gave me tinnitus for two weeks that went away when I started drinking bone broth.
RE: Is being a virgin peaty?
@pseudomonkey I remember reading about how during The Troubles the traditionally chaste religious people of Northern Ireland became more promiscuous. Also Peat observed that stress from PUFAs causes puberty to happen earlier. It makes sense to me that chronic stress would make an organism desperate to reproduce as soon as possible before death.
RE: Is being a virgin peaty?
I've often thought of porn/sex addiction in Peaty terms. Peat said he didn't know anything about porn addiction in an interview once but I see it as coming from stress and an excess of estrogen or cortisol.
RE: Has anyone felt worse after eating seed oils?
Foods deep fried in PUFA oils are without a doubt the worst thing in the modern diet and should be avoided 100%. This really shouldn't be controversial on a Ray Peat forum. Peat always recommended getting as close to completely eliminating PUFA as possible.
I can easily notice when I eat anything with PUFA. I get chills and stomach pain immediately.
RE: Countries with most bald men in the world
The west needs to start third-worldmaxxing. Take siestas, take vacations, be unemployed, be lazy at work.
RE: The ethics of having children while in sub-standard metabolic condition
Is this any different from normies who say they're not ready to have children due to finances, their career, wanting to travel, wanting to not settle down etc.? These reasons may have truth to them but you're also losing valuable time. Also, keep in mind that babies have a 50% higher metabolism than adults. If you raise a baby pro-metabolically from birth it might be much healthier than its parents.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@AkJono said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Wow, deal offer for the RPF name, but no dice says the lion.
I know Charlie reads this thread, so I want to ask him, what exactly does he think gives him the right to profit off of Peat's name while constantly insulting him and banning anyone who agrees with or defends his theories? What a pathetic man.
RE: Anyone eating bread?
@Milk-Destroyer I'm not sure. It tastes good and I was really craving starch when I was just eating sugar. I figured that white bread made with palm oil was probably the least bad starch I'd be able to find.
RE: Anyone eating bread?
@Milk-Destroyer I eat white bread whose ingredients are just "wheat flour, water, palm oil, yeast, sea salt, natural flavor, dextrose."
RE: Sleep Issues - Please Help
Aspirin temporarily (for about a week) fixed this for me but after a few particularly stressful days the problem returned.
RE: How to cope with not having optimal development
I grew up eating PUFAs and was always hypothyroid, skinny, cold, acne, anxious etc. Then when I became an adult I started avoiding sugar, tried carnivore multiple times and always failed, have done multiple extended water fasts and have consistently done intermittent fasting, and have eaten probably an average of less than 1500 calories a day for the past decade. Despite trying multiple alternative diets like the Weston A Price diet, paleo, carnivore, autoimmune protocol (AIP), Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), etc., I really never understood that PUFAs are the most significant cause of bad health so I was never careful in avoiding them. I also spent 7 years in one of the most stressful jobs there is, plus did some time in the military which is also absurdly stressful. I'm nearly 30 now and have literally never been in good health. I only discovered Peat ideas in the last year.
So in my opinion you are in a relatively amazing position. I've often fantasized about what my life would have been like if I had been a Peater back in 2012 when the original forum started. My life would be completely different if I had started Peating at age 21. Knowing about Peat at that age probably puts you ahead of about 99.999+% of the world population in terms of health and nutritional knowledge. Be grateful.
RE: Peating after traumatic event
Update: I started taking 700mg of aspirin before bed. My thought process is that it helps block serotonin and I'm more comfortable using an easily accessible over the counter drug than cypro. It seems to be helping, it makes me fall asleep almost immediately.
I started eating ham and cheese sandwiches with white bread. I think ham is high in glycine without many of the stressful amino acids. It definitely hasn't been giving me the anxiety I had experienced from the ground beef. I still mostly just eat milk and orange juice, and also cane sugar cola.
RE: Kosher/Halal Peating?
I have often reflected on how religious dietary restrictions can be peaty or unpeaty. On the one hand, the kosher bans on eating or cooking meat with dairy, eating shellfish, etc. are highly unpeaty. On the other hand avoiding pork in favor of ruminants is peaty.
RE: A list of members banned from the Ray Peat Forum
Weren't all of you paying to use the forum? Surely he can't legally ban all of you, especially for simple disagreements or posts on other forums. Seems dangerously close to theft or fraud.
Peating after traumatic event
One month ago I had an extremely traumatic event happen in my life. I removed myself from the situation by quitting that awful work environment but I still have ongoing stress just from remembering what happened and dealing with the aftermath. More than a month later I still have no appetite, no ability to sleep at night (I can only fall asleep for a few hours after sunrise), regularly get nauseous, etc.
I only eat a few a few cups of orange juice and grass fed milk per day due to the low/nonexistent appetite. I ate ground beef a few times and experienced intense existential dread from it. I don't take any supplements or medicines.
In terms of healing from this, is this just a matter of waiting for time to heal all wounds or should I be doing something differently?
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 "You clearly did not know." Based on what?
This is an embarrassingly feeble line of argument, frankly. I have in fact already pointed out that the USSR was an atheistic murderous regime that viciously hated Christianity, as you've now acknowledged. You're the only one who keeps harping on the fact that marxists misuse Bible verses. This doesn't disprove that marxism is antithetical to Christianity. If you want proof of that, here are some more Bible verses for you:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
"You shall not murder."
"You shall not steal."All moral precepts that marxists delight in breaking, which contradict the very heart of marxist thought.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 I'm aware that Marxists have quoted the Bible out of context to support their hateful ideology. Satan quotes the Bible too. Btw, you're quoting Acts which happened after Christ left earth so claiming Christ lived the same way is speculative at best. It's also very different from Marxism - Marx didn't believe in voluntarily forming communities that shared property, he believed in mass murdering and terrorizing everyone in society who owned property.