I have hit rock bottom please help.
well it won't be overnight. I'd just focus on foods that don't trigger a gut reaction first of all and go from there. It does seem like you need to fix your gut before anything else.
@Jakeandpace already am. i eat meat, yoghurt, dates, honey, some ripe fruits and wild caught fish.. ive been eating like this for a good while now.. diets dont seem to be making a difference, i think theres a underlying problem with my gut not being able to digest literally anything.. i need something drastic..
Perhaps vitamin D.
@lulueatsmeat hypothyroidism, look into that if you haven’t already. Taking T3 changed my skin and my life. All the best friend
@lulueatsmeat the most likely thing is that liver glycogen synthase has been inactivated because of the carb deprivation from your carnivore dieting. Carbs and T3 likely the solution. About 10 years ago I did keto and intermittent fasting for long enough that I got myself into an insomnia loop waking up at 3:00 every night with a cortisol/adrenaline rush and this went on for over a year. The only thing that broke the fight-or-flight cycle was 1/4 of a cynomel pill (~6.25mcg of T3) and Mexican Coke taken around 7 or 8 pm. That made me sleep through the night for the first time in over a year and then things started becoming normal again. Once you break out of the high adrenaline/hypothyroid cycle you can start to fix the rest.
If you do this make sure you have enough magnesium in your system so you don’t get heart pain. This amount of t3 is a small dose but it can still be very powerful. Peat and T3uncoupled talk about some people experiencing this if they are magnesium deficient. Peat talks about it on the weight loss for women podcast and T3 uncoupled mentions it in one of their earlier substack articles. You can drink milk and eat cocoa and other high magnesium foods but I am thinking an Epsom salt bath might be the most surefire way.
@herayclitus do you have a product which has all 3 components or do you apply everything separately??
@Shar_to_the_dae thank you this really makes me feel less alone..🩷 I have been thinking of trying T3 or NDT but theres alot of people saying that you should fix your gut first before trying anything thyroid, which kinda put me off.. as well as the fact that i am running on cortisol (as my dropping temps indicate) so im really scared how my body would react. But I actually believe hypothyroidism could be the root cause of my constipation so I really wanna try.. Did you only take T3? So Cytomel? How much? And did you take anything with it like magnesium, b- vitamins? Would love to hear about your story🩷
@vocedilegno Thank you so so much! I‘m glad theres other past keto dieters..My sleep has honestly been a mess as well. I‘m just kinda scared how my body would react as I feel like its still under alot of stress..Would you also recommend me to start with 1/4 of Cytomel? Did you increase it or take T4 with it now? Would epsom salt baths and magnesium spray be enough? If not what magnesium is best? biglycinate?
@VehmicJuryman wow really? any sugar makes me breakout even honey and fruit.
You can try taking t3 by itself and if it helps transition to a t3+t4 combo like cynoplus. Also the standard Peaty things like increasing Calcium, Vitamin d, Vitamin k, Aspirin dissolved in water with baking soda. cyproheptadine is very good for nuking cotisol and helping sleep which goes a long way when your unwell. Danny Roddys Demestrying Thyroid Supplementation is a good article to learn about supplementing Thyroid and should help you out.
@Jakeandpace honestly dont think so.. i get lots of sun.. even on vacation where i was outside the whole day things didnt get better. tried supplementing as well didnt do anything
@PrinceTrebata thank you so much i will look into the article.. I’m still trying to figure out a source for cynoplus in germany but cytomel should be easy..
What do you think of NDT? Ive been told that its better to get started with? Also I can only get a Vit K2 in MCT oil, would that still be worth it (since alot of people recommended to only use one with olive oil, because MCT could be irritating or something..?) -
@lulueatsmeat Ray Peat only recommends Cynoplus and Cynomel because the doses were accurate to the label in comparison to NDT where the actual t3 and t4 can be more or less than what is stated. Some people find MCT oil to be irritating but I think it's better for transdermal use. Parsley is also a very good source of food source vitamin k which can be cheaper than the supplement.
@PrinceTrebata Alright thank you! If you dont mind could you please explain why I should start with T3 only? And for how long?
@lulueatsmeat T4 is a longer term, slower acting molecule which addresses dysfunction of the thyroid gland itself, mostly, and can make things worse without T3; I suspect because of your history which was similar to mine, this is a simple liver glycogen issue. So, as a (hopefully) one-time thing to knock the system back into balance, T3 makes a lot more sense. I don’t take t3 any more and I’ve never taken t4. I’ve only taken t3 at that ~6.25mcg dose 2-3 times in total (around 2016) to help with sleep. It made me feel amazing immediately, completely shut down stress and made me warm and peaceful. And then my sleep was back on track forever after that. But you must must must take it with a good amount of some kind of carbohydrate otherwise you definitely will have a stress reaction. Mexican Coke worked well when I took it. I imagine fructose-heavy carbs work best so the liver can have first crack at absorbing the carbohydrate and storing it for the overnight sleep.
Peat said magnesium glycinate is the only oral form he knew about which didn’t give people bad reactions or digestive upset. Epsom salt bathing definitely makes a positive difference for me and I do it often. Never tried transdermal magnesium spray but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Best of luck!
@vocedilegno thank you!! Didnt you notice bad affects from the caffeine of the coke though? I havent tried coke but when I tried coffee with lots of honey I get tired from it but then have trouble falling asleep at night..
@lulueatsmeat I didn’t have any effect from that caffeine, didn’t even feel it. I think the amount of caffeine in coca-cola is very small compared to the amount in coffee, also thyroid hormone improves metabolism of caffeine by increasing the metabolic rate, helps you get more of the good effects of caffeine and eliminating the bad ones. Your experience with coffee/honey further supports the hypothesis that it’s a liver glycogen issue. The T3 should fix the liver glycogen issue and that should be that. I’m extremely hopeful that it will work! FWIW I just remembered that for insomnia Peat talked about 10mcg
@vocedilegno Yes and accutane also impairs liver function! It all makes sense honestly haha. I am going on trip next week for 6 days but I will try it out after and will post an update! Thank you lots!!!
@lulueatsmeat best of luck, enjoy the trip!
@lulueatsmeat you are absolutely not alone
I would first like to recommend Kate Deering to you, if you don’t know of her already. She wrote ‘how to heal your metabolism’ and has so much useful info on her instagram & blog.
I ordered Cytomel and started slowly, breaking it into 4s & taking 1 4th with breakfast for 2 weeks. Then increased by a 4th every 2weeks. I take magnesium with it, which I recommend. I’m on 1.5 tablets now.
I was also eating lots of bone broth soup at the time because I was healing my gut.
My skin started clearing after two weeks and I had normal bowl movements again around then too. My sleep improved dramatically after about a month. I sleep so easily and deeply.
I did get blood tests to check reverse T3 & free T3 which both said I was hypo. So I went straight ahead with getting the T3.
I hope some of this helps!