I have found this old gem in the 2016 - 2019 (2023) Molybdenum, Hard To Pronounce, Harder Still To Obtain thread on the RPF:
"A male health practitioner in his late thirties (the patient), apparently in full health, wanted to be even the healthier. His colleague suggested that he should try a molybdenum supplement (Molybdenum Chelated, 100 μg molybdenum per tbl., Nutriwest Co., Douglas, WY) to cure his »allergy« to perfume of his patients. That far he had had a remarkably empty medical record and was outstanding in his educational curriculum. According to his wife’s testimony, he was »easy going, doesn’t get angry often, and it takes a lot to rattle him«. The patient consumed a HCl supplement for »indigestion«, and other non-noxious nutriceuticals (Table 1) before he started to take molybdenum on 1 July 1997. The manufacturer’s recommendation read: »One tablet per day, or as directed«. Instead, the patient followed the recommendation from his physician »Take as needed« and consumed an average of 7 to 8 tablets of molybdenum per day (700–800 μg). He did not start with 700 μg; he started with about 300μg a day, and then gradually increased the intake over a period of 18 days. On day 7 he showed the first signs of anxiety and agitation. On day 14 he became mildly psychotic and experienced visual and auditory hallucinations. He also exhibited excessive craving for salt; so much so that he woke his spouse up at 2:00 a.m. to get him salt from a grocery store. On day 18 he could »smell the molybdenum all around him« and he abandoned molybdenum supplements. The smell was like the one of salt water, distinctive but mild. By the time the patient stopped taking molybdenum, he had already consumed a total cumulative dose of 13.5 mg of molybdenum. On day 19 he had severe psychosis with strong audio and visual hallucinations, insomnia, intense craving for salt, diarrhoea, and painful and cold extremities. On day 22 his hallucinations were accompanied by petit mal seizures and on day 24 he tried to take his life with a knife and, »chased by the devil«, he ran through a plate glass window and jumped headlong off a six-metre wall. The flight ended up with multiple body contusions and difficulties in movement. He struggled with an officer when the police picked him up, as he thought that they were trying to hurt him."
@Amazoniac 's comment on that back then:
Nice. This is what a true detox phase should look like.
Thanks for this, Amazoniac. It made me laugh.
I'm not too worried about it, he was taking a lot of other stuff that could've created a favorable environment for trace mineral toxicity. As always, most of these reports involve people taking more than necessary, insisting despite bad reactions for too long, and including a cocktail of other questionable compounds.
I agree with that. That guy had also taken various glandular extracts, betaine (which spares methionine demethylation to gain cysteine and further downstream sulfur metabolites incl. crucial sulfate), lots of bone meals (heavy metals? copper overload?). Whereas he had taken no B6, no extra sulfur, no extra zinc.