Posted by the domain owner charlie:
Change is in the air! Our forum has transitioned from the domain to the domain. I decided it was time to move away from Ray Peat's name. Yes, we will still discuss his work here, just as we discuss everyone's work, but we have changed the domain name. It is clear that this new paradigm, the low toxin lifestyle, is where it's at. The results in the community speak for themselves, and I have no doubt this movement will significantly benefit at least a portion of society.
Ironically, a few days after I decided to switch away from the domain, Mrs. Peat contacted me asking us to move off the domain. I expressed that even though I have written and verifiable permission from Ray Peat to use the domain, I am not interested in litigating his widow. When she contacted me I took it as a sign that I was doing the right thing by moving off the original domain.
As we launch our new forum domain, I am running a special on subscriptions. I have reduced the subscription fee to $2 a month or $20 a year. We are maintaining the paywall for posting to help keep troublemakers out and elevate the level of discussion. If you have a current subscription at the higher price, you are welcome to cancel it and renew at the lower price, or you can continue to help support our forum at the prior subscription price. You just need to contact Stripe or PayPal and have them cancel the current subscription if that's the route you choose.
This is a great and exciting change, and I have a feeling this forum is about to reach new heights as we do our part to help make health great again.