You’re welcome, @GreekDemiGod. I split it into 4 doses taken with 3 meals and a snack.
Posts made by Jennifer
RE: Share the T4 & T3 doses that you feel best at
RE: Share the T4 & T3 doses that you feel best at
Having tried over-the-counter thyroid glandulars, standardized desiccated thyroid and synthetic thyroid, I feel my best and have the best blood work with 2 grains of standardized NDT (Armour) so a 4:1 ratio of 76 mcg and 18 mcg. I started at 1/4 grain and increased my dose every 2 weeks by 1/4 grain until I was at my optimal dose—TSH ≤ 0.4, thyroid antibodies and rT3 at the lower end of the range, morning temp ≥ 97.8° and daytime temp ≥ 98.6° with warm extremities, pulse rate ≥ 80 and of course, a resolution of symptoms like hypoglycemia, amenorrhea, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, depression, anxiety, hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, brittle teeth etc.
RE: Floaters in eye?
I’m not sure what eye floaters are a sign of, but mine disappear on an animal-based diet low in fiber and return on a plant-based diet. Maybe intestinal irritation since they usually accompany tinnitus like the posters in cs3000’s link?
RE: Thyroidic sleep
@gg12 said in Thyroidic sleep:
@Jennifer What is release work?
Essentially, it’s releasing stored trauma through nondestructive outlets. I believe trauma and the feelings and emotions attached to it are energy that wreak havoc on the body so to heal what diet and thyroid alone hadn’t, I made a conscious effort every day to release the energy of trauma through physical ways. For example, I had a lot of suppressed rage from suffering molestation at a very young age so while punching my mattress, I would yell out all the things I wanted to say but hadn’t to the one who abused me, and do styles of dance that focused on the hip/vaginal region where I was assaulted to move the energy of trauma out. I also climbed the flights of stairs in my house to let out the rage I had from my spine collapsing and my Mum dying tragically, as a result of medical malpractice.
RE: Thyroidic sleep
@Cezar4911 said in Thyroidic sleep:
Have any of you here managed to reach this optimum state?
Having enough bioenergy accumulated to feel absolutely 0 stress and sleep without any problems
If so how did you make this happen?I’ve managed to reach this state, even while living through tragic events and in very stressful conditions. I achieved it via release work, diet and thyroid supplementation. Release work was to overcome trauma and the coping mechanisms I had developed since childhood that were harming me in the present, diet was an abundance of all three macros with fruit, honey and raw milk as my main carb sources, raw dairy, eggs and shellfish as my main protein sources, and coconut, raw dairy and eggs as my main fat sources, and thyroid was mainly standardized NDT (Armour, WP Thyroid and TyroMax). I felt exhausted for a few days after each release session as I let out a lot of energy—mostly anger/rage—and for roughly two weeks following an increase in my thyroid dose as the stress hormones I was running on were reduced. It took years of consistent effort, especially when it came to self-love and having my back no matter what, to reach that optimum state, but I noticed improvements almost immediately and continued to see improvements, even improvements in things I hadn’t realized needed improving. Having lived through trauma and dysfunction and learned to accept less, I grew accustomed to suffering and had no idea what it really meant to feel alive.
RE: The immortal, eternal Bryan Johnson broke his frail, childlike ankle while dancing at age 47
With a temp of 93.4°, he is extremely hypothyroid so it makes sense he would break bones easily—the thyroid/parathyroid glands are the main glands involved in bone/connective tissue metabolism. Also, if his diet and/or supplement stack is irritating and/or estrogenic, that can contribute to bone thinning as the former raises serotonin and both serotonin and estrogen cause bone thinning (per Ray). A low irritation diet abundant in nutrient-rich animal proteins (raw milk, raw yogurt, raw cheese, eggs, bone broth and small amounts of meat—mostly shellfish) reversed my advanced osteoporosis. I went from a DEXA score of -6.7 to -3.6 within a year. Just for reference, -3.4 is considered osteopenia and -3.5 is osteoporosis. With the addition of a thyroid supplement (standardized NDT), I’ve slowly been gaining back the 4” of height I lost when my spine collapsed in my late 20s, while following a high-carb, low-protein, fruit-based (80/10/10) diet. My bones were so brittle that I fractured 12 vertebrae, 8 of which compressed, within seconds of lifting half a watermelon.
RE: Milk and Cheese with NDT feedback
@GRay, my pleasure. The results of your experiment are very interesting. Thank you for sharing! I take thyroid right before my meal or during it—I oftentimes remember to take it after I’ve started eating—and I take my last dose around 7 pm and go to bed around 10 pm.
RE: Does exogenous thyroid shrink the thyroid gland?
@GreekDemiGod said in Does exogenous thyroid shrink the thyroid gland?:
This is an important question that I haven’t seen much addressed in the Peat spheres.
Does taking thyroid long-term lead to shrinkage or atrophy of the thyroid gland?I need to know what are the risks of taking thyroid meds when one has a functioning thyroid gland.
I understand that for people who had their thyroid removed or they had severe hypothyroidism, there aren’t much risks, but for many of us Peaters who have a functioning gland and we have just a slight degree of hypothyroidism, is it worth it?
Will we regain our thyroid function fully when going off meds?If despite diet and lifestyle changes a person is still hypothyroid, even if slightly, I think supplementing thyroid is worth it, given how important the thyroid is to all bodily processes because nothing in our body works in isolation. Without the thyroid functioning optimally, we’re dependent on its backup, the adrenals, and the backup hormones produced by them are catabolic to the body long-term so it seems to me that even a slight degree of hypothyroidism can have potentially devastating effects down the line. Along with dairy, which naturally contains small amounts of thyroid, my ancestors consumed all parts of an animal, including the thyroid gland, so I think of my use of NDT (Armour) as something that would have been a regular part of my diet if today’s meat processors weren’t required by law to remove the thyroid gland because “gullet trimming” is now banned in the US. Ray said this when asked if there is long-term effects from thyroid supplementation:
“Experimenters using isotopes gave large doses of thyroid until the subjects' glands were completely shut off, and when they stopped giving the doses, everyone's gland returned to normal activity in just 2 or 3 days. The gland is extremely quick to adjust its activity, both up and down, except when it's inhibited by stress, or PUFA, or estrogen, etc.”
RE: Milk and Cheese with NDT feedback
@GRay said in Milk and Cheese with NDT feedback:
Thanks for your feedback. What is your dose/frequency?
I think the T3 in Armour is bound to protein, so it may be more slow released already than Cytomel for example. I’m not sure Peat used to refer to a synthetic T3 and therefore the need to take it with food multiple times per day?
Yes, the thyroid hormones in NDT are bound to thyroglobulin, but even though it’s a slower release than synthetic, I was taking 3 grains at one point and found it to be way too much T3 in one dose—it triggered symptoms of adrenaline—and Ray’s recommendations to me were the same as his recommendations to those taking synthetic T3. I currently take 1 1/2 grains of Armour daily and half a grain with my three main meals.
RE: Skin care cont.
For a total body cleanser, I use this soap nut shampoo:
For exfoliation, I use this ayate washcloth:
For a toner (and hair mist), I use these hydrosols:
For a total body emollient (and hair conditioner), I use these monoï oils:
For sun protection when hiking at high elevations, I use this sunscreen (it comes in a tinted version):
For lip protection during the winter, I use cocoa butter and beeswax mixed together:
RE: Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable
@Samyo, do you have access to raw milk and if so, have you tried it? I experienced the same issue as you, even after eliminating the methane SIBO (causes constipation) that I had, when pasteurized dairy comprised the majority of my diet and my diet was fiber-free. My skin and gut were happy but like you, I had rabbit stools. Also, I’m not sure why but eggs caused constipation too, until I switched to eggs from heirloom hens. With raw milk and heirloom eggs, even without fiber, my eliminations are perfect.
RE: Milk and Cheese with NDT feedback
@GRay, I’m not sure if the same can be said for calcium supplements, but I’ve always taken NDT with meals to slow its absorption so I can dose more than the physiologically appropriate 4 mcg of T3 per hour without running into problems, and my thyroid numbers and stats (temps, pulse rate etc.) are the best on a dairy-based diet so it hasn’t been my experience that dairy decreases the absorption of thyroid. I don’t recall Ray ever saying to take thyroid away from dairy, either. I only ever heard him say it’s better to take it with food and he recommended dairy so…
RE: So how much protein we trying to get for optimal muscle growth, while balancing health? General discussion
@SpaceManJim, I believe it comes down to personal context. Take me, for instance. One would think given my small size (99 lb at 5’2”) and relatively sedentary lifestyle that I wouldn’t need nearly as much protein as a large male who lifts weights and/or does hard, manual labor and yet I do—I average just as much protein as my brother who is 200 lb at 6’4”. When I don’t get enough, my blood pressure, temps and pulse rate tank, my muscles atrophy, I lose hair and bone density, and my blood work shows a protein deficiency, something the vegan community in particular claims is impossible for someone who consumes adequate calories (I average 2,500+ daily). Anyhow, all that to say, your body will most likely let you know what a good amount of protein is for you, and which proteins treat you best, if you pay attention to it.
RE: How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?
You’re welcome, @RPadmirateur. Thank you for letting me know you sent a PM as I wasn’t notified. My apologies if I gave you the impression that I’m a health professional, but I have no medical training so I don’t do consultations.
Complex carbs triggered my hypoglycemia, but not simple sugars—the latter prevented it—and there was no transition to fruitarianism—I developed a severe case of gastritis when I had SIBO, which left me unable to digest anything but fruit. I didn’t go long without eating as that would crash my blood sugar, and there wasn’t a concern for stomach emptying time using dairy, eggs and seafood, no. I take 1 1/2 grains of Armour, no extra T3, with meals, this way I can safely go above the physiological dose of 4 mcg of T3 per hour. Since my diet varied when I still had hypoglycemia, I’ll give you an example day of eating that worked best for me and continues to:
When I first wake up (5:00 am): Tea (decaf or herbal) sweetened with honey or Dolcedi apple sweetener
Breakfast (7:00 am): Compôte with a chunk of raw cheese or flourless banana crêpes stuffed with strained yogurt and an all fruit jam (St. Dalfour), and a glass of juice
Snack (9:00 am): Hot, spiced cider
Lunch (11:30 am): A slice of crustless quiche (3rd pic from the bottom) or seared scallops with honey butter, a glass of raw milk and banana nice cream (last pic)
Snack (2:00 pm): Hot, spiced cider
Dinner (5:00 pm): Strained yogurt with jam or zucchini soup topped with eggs and strained yogurt (2nd pic from the bottom), a glass of raw milk, and a glass of juice
Snack (7:00 pm): Sweetened tea
Basically, I have fruit and animal protein at every meal and juice or tea between meals, and make sure to get sufficient calories throughout the day or else my sleep suffers.
RE: What effect does OJ have on you?
Juice from sour, unripe oranges that are commonly used for commercial production, and the enzymes/clarifying agents and flavor packs often added, is nothing like the juice from truly ripe oranges, i.e., sugary sweet with low acidity and no bitterness, that I make at home. For example:
• Commercial, pasteurized OJ causes me intestinal burning, diarrhea, inflamed skin, hives, stuffy sinuses, tinnitus, a sore throat, hair fallout and tooth enamel erosion
• Commercial, raw OJ causes me intestinal burning, diarrhea, inflamed skin, hives, stuffy sinuses, tinnitus, a sore throat, hair fallout and tooth enamel erosion
• Juice from ripe oranges causes me none of the above symptoms, but instead results in mental clarity, joyfulness, boundless energy and soft skin
It’s hard to find juice made from truly ripe fruit in general but when I do, I take advantage of it and can drink upwards of 4 liters of it a day—apple cider is my go-to. With that said, I still find raw milk superior to juice for many reasons.
RE: How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?
@RPadmirateur, no worries about scattered posts. I understand. I started on 1/4 grain and increased my dose by 1/4 every two weeks, yes. To discern better temps and pulse rate from adrenaline and cortisol, I measure my temp and pulse rate 20–30 minutes after eating and take note of my extremities (feet, hands, nose and ears). If I’m running on stress hormones, my temp and pulse rate are lower after eating, and one or more of my extremities are cold within an hour as my blood sugar crashes and adrenaline cuts circulation to them to keep vital organs warm.
Regarding the insomnia, I had frequent waking, as frequent as every few minutes during an adrenaline attack. As I fell asleep, I experienced a falling feeling that would jolt me awake, followed by a racing heart, heat surging through my core to my head, shortness of breath, convulsions and syncope. And because the adrenals have to compensate for the thyroid when its function is poor, and systolic reflects adrenal function (and diastolic kidney function), my systolic would spike as high as 170 with the surge of adrenaline. This went on night and day for 6 months straight until I went against doctor’s orders and took an over-the-counter thyroid glandular. Within an hour the attacks ceased completely.
The raw milk and yogurt were both whole and semi-skimmed, and I consumed other foods, as well. My hypoglycemia was both reactive and non-reactive. If I had meat or starch, I had a hypoglycemic episode, and if I went too long without simple sugars, my blood sugar would crash (as low as 50). The first time in my life that I slept through the night without needing to pee was when I followed a fruitarian diet and my mum, who went years on no more than 2 hours of sleep a night, slept through the night when she greatly increased her sugar intake so maybe trial less protein and more carbs for a few nights to see if your sleep improves? And yes, my hypoglycemia resolved with more thyroid.
My diet during recovery varied between plant-based, animal-based, and both plant and animal based, but the foods were fairly consistent—simple carbs (fruit, jam, honey, maple syrup, raw sugar), dairy (raw A2/A2 milk, goat cheese, ice cream and shakes), eggs (omelettes and quiche) and seafood (scallops, crab and tuna), with gelatinous broth, hot dogs and beef teriyaki making a brief appearance. I kept a log on the old Ray Peat Forum where I posted pics of some of my weekly grocery hauls and have also posted some here. To give you an idea of what my diet consisted of:
RE: How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?
@RPadmirateur, I was prescribed many antibiotics during my recovery, but not PenVK, no. The last one I was prescribed was a month long course of rifaximin (550 mg 3x a day) for hydrogen SIBO. The only synthetic thyroid I’ve taken is TyroMix and I didn’t fare well on it long-term so I’ve stuck with NDT ever since. I started on a 1/4 grain and didn’t feel improvements until I was up to 1 1/2, but they were felt almost immediately. For dosing, the best measure is temp and pulse rate, IME.
In regards to dosing antibiotics, you and I are a similar size (I’m 5’2” and just under 100 lb) and my doctors have always prescribed me the same, standard course of treatment that even people twice my size are prescribed so I don’t think body size matters much among adults. If I’m not mistaken, Ray recommended a starting dose of 200 mg and lowering it as soon as symptoms subside.
Regarding the insomnia and adrenaline, have you experimented with different protein sources? Back when I had a bad case of insomnia and was suffering daily adrenaline attacks, I did an elimination diet and discovered that dairy was the only protein that didn’t cause insomnia or trigger attacks. It’s also a very anabolic food, for me. I went from 80 lb to 95 lb in just a couple of months consuming 4 liters of raw milk and yogurt daily, and it was mostly muscle and bone, proven by DEXA.
RE: 3-4am waking
@SpaceManJim said in 3-4am waking:
Odd that nobody's mentioned it, especially after seeing your username, but...
How about salt?
Probably because he listed salt before bed under the things he has tried.
RE: 3-4am waking
@temple-of-salt, this may seem counterproductive but to break the pattern, you could try setting an alarm to go off an hour before you typically wake (so for 2 am), keep something sugary by your bedside like juice or gummy bears and have it when the alarm goes off? Ray recommended a similar approach as a cure for insomnia.