@RPadmirateur, no worries about scattered posts. I understand. I started on 1/4 grain and increased my dose by 1/4 every two weeks, yes. To discern better temps and pulse rate from adrenaline and cortisol, I measure my temp and pulse rate 20–30 minutes after eating and take note of my extremities (feet, hands, nose and ears). If I’m running on stress hormones, my temp and pulse rate are lower after eating, and one or more of my extremities are cold within an hour as my blood sugar crashes and adrenaline cuts circulation to them to keep vital organs warm.
Regarding the insomnia, I had frequent waking, as frequent as every few minutes during an adrenaline attack. As I fell asleep, I experienced a falling feeling that would jolt me awake, followed by a racing heart, heat surging through my core to my head, shortness of breath, convulsions and syncope. And because the adrenals have to compensate for the thyroid when its function is poor, and systolic reflects adrenal function (and diastolic kidney function), my systolic would spike as high as 170 with the surge of adrenaline. This went on night and day for 6 months straight until I went against doctor’s orders and took an over-the-counter thyroid glandular. Within an hour the attacks ceased completely.
The raw milk and yogurt were both whole and semi-skimmed, and I consumed other foods, as well. My hypoglycemia was both reactive and non-reactive. If I had meat or starch, I had a hypoglycemic episode, and if I went too long without simple sugars, my blood sugar would crash (as low as 50). The first time in my life that I slept through the night without needing to pee was when I followed a fruitarian diet and my mum, who went years on no more than 2 hours of sleep a night, slept through the night when she greatly increased her sugar intake so maybe trial less protein and more carbs for a few nights to see if your sleep improves? And yes, my hypoglycemia resolved with more thyroid.
My diet during recovery varied between plant-based, animal-based, and both plant and animal based, but the foods were fairly consistent—simple carbs (fruit, jam, honey, maple syrup, raw sugar), dairy (raw A2/A2 milk, goat cheese, ice cream and shakes), eggs (omelettes and quiche) and seafood (scallops, crab and tuna), with gelatinous broth, hot dogs and beef teriyaki making a brief appearance. I kept a log on the old Ray Peat Forum where I posted pics of some of my weekly grocery hauls and have also posted some here. To give you an idea of what my diet consisted of: