@dan-dominic Makes me feel worse acutely, but the ways in which it makes you feel worse are difficult to pinpoint. I suppose the most obvious thing is coughing. I typically never cough, but after a pufa meal I will.

Posts made by NangaParbat
RE: Has anyone felt worse after eating seed oils?
RE: Psychosomatic disorders
I think the short answer is that it is caused by some metabolic dysfunction. Closely related to learned helplessness."For about 50 years, the concept “psychosomatic” has been trivialized to mean “it's just imaginary.” But now, the studies of the physiology of helplessness show that a seemingly small difference in experience and attitude can cause a very great difference in the ability to mobilize biological energy and various aspects of immunity, "
RE: Varicocele Remedies
@bluebloodmed Nitric oxide issue. Many ways to remedy.
RE: Concentric exercise and "bio-electric" direct current
@brad said in Concentric exercise and "bio-electric" direct current:
Bioelectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for its Use by Tom Valone
I'll check it out, thanks
RE: Concentric exercise and "bio-electric" direct current
I find this very intriguing, in the early 20th century it was believed among physiologist, and written in quite a few reference volumes and encyclopedias, that the medicine of the future would be entirely electrical. When it came to light that you could stress tissue using electricity without damaging it (contrary to say stressing it with heat or chemical agents), it was believed that a whole new paradigm of medicine had been discovered. Yet here we are, a century and change later, and medicine is still to an almost exclusive extent organised around chemical agents.
RE: Nosebleeds
@Pulastye Difficult to say, many factors at play. 2mg daily, just to give a ballpark figure.
RE: Nosebleeds
@Pulastye Likely Nitric oxide issue, many ways to counteract. Vitamin K, D, Progesterone, even methylene blue, are things I might try if it's happening in the day. If in the morning or night I would try B2, and getting more light, and some good source of Vitamin C (not supplement).
RE: how to get the most out of a sauna
@snack_log Aspirin and fruit juice, that said I don't believe either of those things are physiologically helpful, but otherwise a good spa experience certainly can be!
RE: creatine muscle cramps
@deliciousowl I had the same experience when I took is as a teen. In retrospect I think it was caused by a salt intake much to low. I would focus on getting enough salt.
RE: Chamomile has anti-estrogen and pro-progesterone properties
@Mr-X Can't imagine it would cause any problems
RE: Keep coping with cyproheptadine
Been on cyproheptadine and similar anti-histamines for almost 20 years. No side effects like what you describe. I had the drowsiness for a while as a kid, but never anymore. If you get bad side-effects from cypro but need anti-histamines just get cetrizine or ketotifen or some shit. If it makes you feel worse then by all means, don't take it, but that hardly translates to other people.
RE: Aspirin provokes gyno flare-up?
@deliciousowl Prolactin increases sodium secretion. Calcium carbonate to probe intracellular calcium, since parathyroid hormone can increase prolactin just getting enought calcium might make the difference.
"Calcium carbonate (eggsheil or oyster sheil, fOf exampie)· and
vitamins D and K, can sometimes produce quick antistress effects, alleviating insomnia, hypertension, edema, inflammations and allergies, etc. " Milk in context Peat -
RE: Aspirin provokes gyno flare-up?
@deliciousowl Does it also give you low blood sugar? Mb try pairing it with some fruit juice to see if the effect persists. You should also check for a change in temperature after taking it, as this can reveal what physiological state you are currently in. If temperature drops as a result of taking aspirin, then a generous serving of salt, calcium carbonate, or bicarbonate are avenues to explore.
RE: Chamomile has anti-estrogen and pro-progesterone properties
@Fructose Traditionally employed (among other things) to prevent frequent cramps and intestinal distress. And as a remedy for fungal infections when prepared as a bath.
RE: The Force
His most comprehensive is Character Analysis but it needs some understanding of freudian analysis. Also Ether, God & Devil & Cosmic Superimposition and The bion experiments. There is a publisher reprinting most of his works in affordable paperbacks, that's where I would start. -
RE: Brother is having month-long psychotic episode after "Peating"
@eric So what? Schizophrenia still has biochemical causes, it doesn't just spring out of nowhere. There is no clock inside of a baby counting down until it's time for schizophrenia.
RE: Pressure feeling in Eyes
@hypermensch are your eyes bulging out more than typical? Or are you speaking about a feeling of pressure within the eye itself?
RE: Brother is having month-long psychotic episode after "Peating"
@Sugar I mean that serotonin syndrome was the cause of the psychosis. Anti-histamines can cause hallucinations in themselves in large doses. The symptoms of psychosis are closely tied to serotonin. But as you may know cyproheptadine is a standard treatment for ss, but in the case where the ss follows from an overdose of anti-histamines, this must of course not be the line of treatment. Nicotine is another problematic compound in this context, which is best avoided.
Good luck!