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Posts made by NNight
RE: Silicon the dietary nutrient
RE: Silicon the dietary nutrient
@sushi_is_cringe Do you speak french?
If not, what did you use to translate the text? -
RE: Silicon the dietary nutrient
You should translate your posts in english as we are on a forum where people speak english.
I think you're mistaken if you think people will do the effort of translating them, and even if they would do it, it would be a pretty inefficient way of sharing information on an international forum, as every people reading should do the translation themselves while if it's you, you'd have to do it once for everyone.
I say that as someone who speaks french.Thanks.
RE: Silicon the dietary nutrient
@DavidPS thanks.
Seems quite logical as aluminum can be "chelated" by silicon. -
RE: Silicon the dietary nutrient
I'm interested in silicon too now.
I'm wondering whether boiling diatomaceous earth in water and then filtering with coffee filter for example, to keep the water only, could produce a non dangerous way of supplementing it.
RE: Iodine as a game changer
Been there, done that. Iodine supplementation can feel good at first but it doesn't last long, at least for me.I doubt that high doses are needed (except for some pharmacological uses, e.g. breast cancer) while our historical consumption as europeans/americans was quite low. I'm not sure the reasoning about our consumption of other halogens competing with iodine is really compelling either, especially for us health nuts.
Low dose supplements seem more appropriate.
RE: Urgent overdose (b1, prog)
What about stopping overdosing on supplements or doing stupid things, and returning to the hospital if it's needed?
RE: Ramadan fasting
You could try to supplement with substances which are osmolytes such as taurine, TMG or inositol. They might be protective against dehydration.
RE: Would taking thyroid supplements be a good way to lose visceral fat?
@AnxiousMess I wonder if you couldn't have an issue of oxidative stress.
This is what T3 could especially aggravate and oxidative stress is thought to be linked to anxiety.Regarding OP, there are lots of papers about the benefits of thyroid hormones for fatty liver.
RE: What is your opinion on this iodine protocol to double testosterone
@William-Shat I'd say no need to take such high doses of iodine, especially if you don't see any benefit.
RE: Bloodwork shows elevated TPOAb (Hashimoto's disease)
Grapes are high in boron and so is wine.
Apples too. -
RE: Bloodwork shows elevated TPOAb (Hashimoto's disease)
Both are involved in the antioxidant system.
It's especially known regarding selenium but I think it's also true for boron.
Boron seems to have a particular affinity with the thyroid which is intriguing.
IMO, boron can be seen as an element that could balance the action of iodine in the thyroid.
I don't think there are papers showing an improvement of Hashimotos with boron though, as I'm not sure it has even been studied.
Keep in mind that too much could be detrimental too. -
RE: Bloodwork shows elevated TPOAb (Hashimoto's disease)
I would say, try to increase your selenium and boron consumption.
RE: Beyond thyroid: Iodine and PUFA interaction, greater protection than vitamin E?
I believe boron might be important if you consume lots of iodine/iodide, to decrease oxidative stress.
I wonder if kelp contains some boron as well.
RE: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Heme Oxygenase Breaking Down Hemoglobin
I don't know if it will be useful to you (you've already been there and done that), but TonEBP/NFAT5 activation could help deactivating HO-1:
We found that TonEBP is a potent suppressor of HO-1 in human and mouse macrophages.
The FXR might help too to rebuild heme:
FXR orchestrates the expression of multiple heme biosynthetic enzymes. Finally, human HepG2 cells and primary human hepatocytes treated with obeticholic acid, showed increased expression of several heme biosynthetic genes.
(In the liver...)
RE: Low salt diet and water restriction
Manganese is interesting as it's part of the SOD2 enzyme which is particularly needed in case of "dehydration".Empirically, I've also found it to gave me what (the energy) you described. But I don't believe it stayed that way very long, I don't remember well.
Also, manganese is interesting as it seems to do positive things regarding the AQP4 aquaporin, which is involved in the glymphatic system (cleansing system of the brain).
In brain, astrocytes predominantly take up and accumulate manganese and are thus vulnerable to its toxicity. Manganese was shown to induce cell swelling in cultured astrocytes, and oxidative/nitrosative stress (ONS) mediates such swelling. As aquaporin-4 (AQP4) is important in the mechanism of astrocyte swelling, we examined the effect of manganese on AQP4 protein levels in cultured astrocytes. Treatment of cultures with manganese increased AQP4 protein in the plasma membrane (PM), whereas total cellular AQP4 protein and mRNA levels were unchanged, suggesting that increased AQP4 levels is due to its increased stability and/or increased trafficking to the PM and not to its neosynthesis.
Aquaporin-4 in manganese-treated cultured astrocytes
They talk about AQP4 in negative terms here but it really seems to be fundamental for the glymphatic system, for example:
CSF transport is facilitated by the expression of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels on the perivascular endfeet of astrocytes. Mice with genetic deletion of AQP4 (AQP4 KO) exhibit abnormalities in the brain structure and molecular water transport.
RE: My mother and sister think I have an eating disorder...
Ok, maybe all starches are not equivalent in your situation (rice is often said to be more easily digestible for example).
Personally I find some lettuce to be well digested too, but it's something personal and you know better than us what works for youAnyways, welcome to the forum!
Ps: I should have seen that your english was too perfect to be a product of the french education system lol.
RE: My mother and sister think I have an eating disorder...
The standard answer would be that your diet might be healthier than what you used to eat but is not necessarily optimal as is.
Absolutely no starches nor greens? This seems like a typical "Ray Peat diet".
Don't fall in the "the more atypical my diet is, the more it will be healthy" mentality (I can be a victim of it, I was at least).
You didn't ask that I judge your diet sorry, but adapting your diet and making it more "normal" seems like the only solution. And I am not talking about eating fried PUFA
Are you french?