What are your views on race? Are you in favour of multi-racialism? Or do you want to racially cleanse the west as badly as I do?
If you had consistently bet on the "racially superior" category, you would have made the wrong choice for pretty much every conflict of the 20th and 21st century. Materialism and modes of production, cheap Soviet stamped-steel machine guns, decided the failure of those imperialist wars, and not race. Just as they decided the imperialist wars of the 19th century, when European armies armed with modern firearms fought people who often just had spears and shields.
Naturally you will protest and call this pattern of history dysgenic, which would make your epistemology Gnostic. But my philosophy is more simple. Principles that win are better than those that lose. Mao Zedong was probably the best Clausewitzian war theorist of the 20th century.
I don't like irrational migration as put forward by capitalist interests, FWIW. Criminal people of any race should be treated accordingly, including the lumpenproletariat elements of the homeless. But do recall that it was Communist East Germany that built the Berlin Wall.