How would you marginally improve the health and appearance of the average 18-24 year old male? What peaty protocol would work best?

Posts made by Sugar
What is the most effective protocol for young men to looksmax?
RE: What do you think about the raw milk only crowd on social media?
@Mallard6146 Have you tried some of the organic grass fed pasteurized brands? Raw milk is definitely miles better than conventional store milk, and I've had the same brain fog sick feeling after drinking too much conventional store milk, but I don't get that from organic pasteurized.
RE: What do you think about the raw milk only crowd on social media?
@Sugar I'd also like to mention that I did attempt the whole raw primal thing for a period of time, and although I'm sure I did my body good with lots of raw milk, it was certainly difficult to adhere to, and was financially unfeasible. Not only do you have to compare raw milk and organic pasteurized, but also like I mentioned above, raw butter and organic grass fed pasteurized, raw cheese and say, European cheese or organic pasteurized cheese. Of course the primal diet has all sorts of ridiculous rules, but once I left the cult I've always had questions about what's the best dairy to consume, and what to do when you're on a budget.
I think Peat is good at conveying the idea that dairy pasteurized or unpasteurized is good for the overall population, and from my experience going to a wealthy school with a bunch of handsome jock chads, I'm sure they had frequent home-cooked meals and perhaps organic milk, but I'm sure they did not eat completely ideal.
What do you think about the raw milk only crowd on social media?
I prefer raw milk overall, and my local source that's somewhat far from me has it for $4 a gallon, but it's still not convenient enough due to my transportation options at the moment. This price contrasts the other farms I've bought from which were $15 a gallon, and $20 a gallon in the city I was in before.
Ignore my specific situation with the best price imaginable because it is relatively uncommon to find raw milk within close proximity, and if you can find it, it's objectively very expensive especially when compared to organic milk you'd buy at the store, giving raw milk a perception of being a luxurious drink drank only by the wealthy. I guess it's not that bad if you only drink a little bit of milk every day but it adds up if you drink larger amounts of it each day.
While I prefer the taste of raw milk over organic pasteurized, I question if raw milk is worth the price and the effort it can take to obtain it, and I'm skeptical of this idea of organic pasteurized milk being poison/a complete negative to put into your body, largely being driven by the raw primal WAPF community. I also question if the nutrient profile in raw butter is far better, and worth $15 to $20 a pound, compared to $5-$6 a lb Irish grass fed butter.
Is the BAP sphere going full on troon?
What the hell has been going on the past few days??
RE: BIOHACKING by Nathan Hatch, "F*** Portion Control"
@Amazoniac that girl isn't even peaty
What do you see as the most effective detox protocol for modern dietary and environmental toxins?
How do we cleanse the human race and make them more pure?
RE: Striking potent effects of a single dose of TUDCA
@thyroidchor27 I think liver health and liver detoxing is very important. Detoxing the brain seems to have worthwhile results long term and slowly too. I'd like to try TUDCA but I've had decent results with a dandelion milk thistle tea and taurine. Definitely feel healthier after going through the detoxes. The Amazon reviews on TUDCA seem to be intense.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Crypt-Keeper You could make the same argument for the toxicity of the modern woman's body. Are they supposed to pass their toxins onto their offspring? I only think healthy male sperm would be high in toxins if a man's body is going through detox. A healthy male body shouldn't constantly be heavy metal toxic.
RE: Daily Aesthetics Dump: Embracing Energy, Beauty, Strength, and Greatness
@Norwegian-Mugabe you're the king of aesthetic posting
RE: When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?
Apparently SolBrah is only 23 years old. Not sure how true this is, I've seen someone mention it in a YouTube comment and on Twitter, but crazy if true. He looks old for sure, I thought he was 30 or 40.
RE: What to do about histamine intolerance?
@Mulloch94 I already stopped a while ago, definitely gonna focus on copper heavy foods.
RE: What to do about histamine intolerance?
@CO3 What a joke. Just any anti histamine you can pick up at Walgreens? I'm just gonna assume you meant Cyproheptadine and thank you, though I would like to get to the root cause.
What to do about histamine intolerance?
My histamine tolerance seems to be just getting worse, I'll get a headache if I eat too much aged cheese, yogurt, etc. I even had my throat swell up after eating whey protein last week and I could barely breathe. I've tried beef kidney powder but it didn't do much for me, the serving size is probably not enough to make a difference.
This all started from me taking too much nicotinic acid (flush niacin) and NAC which I'm sure really depleted my copper levels. What do you guys think can help me get back to normal?
RE: When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?
tfw you realize lifting weights and eating edgy raw meat won't save the white race
Biggest Peat dickriders on Twitter/X?
Who do you think dick rides the man the most to the point where they believe he couldn't be wrong about a single thing?
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Ecstatic_Hamster I do have experience with going without it for longer periods of time, I don't really like it all that much. Plus keep in mind what I just mentioned above. At the very least look into it.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
I recommend ejaculating daily if you're taking a detoxifying supplement/compound. Whenever I used to take nicotinic acid I would make sure I ejaculated after because of how detoxifying it is. Of course drinking a lot of water and having regular bowel movements is good too, but I'd do all 3.
RE: Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?
@Ecstatic_Hamster said in Is semen retention energy healthy energy or stress hormones/cortisol?:
@Mulloch94 if you don’t ejaculate once a week or so, sperm will resorb into the body, which requires deployment essentially of anti bodies, the garbage collection system of the body. It isn’t healthy. But ejaculating daily or whatever is a great way to leak out masculine sexual power and lose it.
Very interesting you post this. I definitely wouldn't recommend going too long without ejaculating. People think it's some elite evil propaganda to say that ejaculation lowers the prostate cancer rate but I believe that semen is similar to other bodily fluids in the toxic modern human body and contains toxins/heavy metals that are released through ejaculation and not ejaculating means accumulating these toxins in the testes. Aaajonus Vonderplanitz (who I don't agree with on most things) talks about ejaculation as a form of detox in men. I like to refer to nofap along with cold showers as entry level "self help". Toxic people who watched a few youtube videos and decided to spike their cortisol with cold showers for "energy" or people that are essentially deciding to accumulate more environmental toxins in their testicles.
It would be interesting to see a long term study of people doing semen retention and measure their cortisol levels and heavy metal concentration in their sperm.
Why are post 24 year old girls in America so unattractive?
Are women's metabolism and hormones being completely and utterly obliterated by this age? Just look at any girl you went to high school with and compare her photos when she was 17-18 to now. The prettiest girls I went to school with, essentially gigastacy goddesses, have their beauty hanging together by a thin thread, like the next 4 years are going to be a rough PUFA ridden He'll for them. Before I would worship the ground they walk on and be the happiest man on Earth to be with them (they were that pretty) now I wouldn't even give them the time of day and they certainly wouldn't be my first option.
Is this why post wall 35 year old women are calling every guy a pedophile? Is this some sort of humiliation ritual where you have to be forced to endure a 35 year old aging American woman for the rest of your life? Are they having Nietzschean resentment towards younger women because its over for them?
Edit: Forgot to mention the heavy amount of tattoos, alcohol, nic vapor, makeup, and takeout they put into their body. Their body becomes more and more toxic over the years, further hindering their fertility and ability to pass on healthy offspring. Autism rates go up the older a woman gets, probably partially from the toxin accumulation passed onto the child.