I am dealing with shortness of breath as well as edema in my ankles and my waist that is reminiscent of last year's leadup to heart failure.
This time I know better on what causes it, and am taking things to my own hands rather than defer to the expertise of my cardiologist and my pulmologist. Although I will be forever thankful to my doctors for saving me from death from heart failure, I realize seeing them to solve this repeat issue is only going to lead to the same issue cropping up every now and then, with each time making me weaker. This rinse and repeat cycle only ends with me weaker and closer to death in a slow death spiral common to patients having been confined for heart issues.
I surmised by deductive reasoning that when I used zapper emf frequency to spur my lymphatic system to release dead red bloods that had congested in my lymph, it let loose a mass of RBCs into my lungs. The enzyme heme oxygenase began to produce carbon monoxide and iron from the heme in RBC. Free iron is toxic as well, but I shall concentrate in the interest of brevity on the harm being caused by the carbon monoxide.
The CO (carbon monoxide) causes the lungs to be watery and to restrict breathing. So much so that I experience hardness of breathing, and my spO2 levels would plunge 88, though this sporadic, and values of 75 would occasionally come up. This isn't good.
The doctors would never see this as a CO issue from dead red blood cells. the cardio would give me BP medication to lower BP and diuretics to get rid of water in my lungs. My pulmo would concur.
I did some research on how to deal with CO poisoning, and got a lot of hits, and all of these solutions involve the use of methylene blue at large amounta such as 50mg to 70mg to be taken in one sitting diluted in 100ml water. There is another option, using IV and using less water.
Well and good. But I would wonder why I can't find a protocol using MB for my situation. Further search only got me treatments using oxygen and hyperbaric oxygen. Personally, I think this is inane.They won't work. As how would more oxygen work when the lung is watery and can't take in oxygen in normal amounts.
I've taken lower amounts of mb to see if I could see mb effective at lower doses. But the doses I've taken are really low, just to be safe (although I'm aware that dosing is biphasic and lower doses can make it ineffective or even harmful).
I've done a day at 3 doses of 16mg (40 std drops of 400 mcg) and another at 3 doses of 32mg. Both are no good.
Am thinking of doing at a much higher one time dose of 35mg (which is half of the dose for CO poisoning common for CO inhalation in enclosed garages) and if this doesn't work I'll punch it up to 70mg.
I think 70mg is safe, but thought I'd run this by you guys here.
Incidentally, my case of CO poisoning via heme oxygenase may be more common but never diagnosed. I just happen to stumble upon it when my zapper emf treatment caused this issue. I think anytime the lungs suffer and is congested, the possibility of red blood cells dying en masse can result in the pooling of rbcs that are a ticking time bomb waiting to be released. What about the case of long CoVID also?