Your timing is perfect! I'm back to having issues sleeping last night. I think it is serotonin buildup due to lungs becoming edematous, and when in bad shape for whatever reason the lungs lose its ability to deactivate serotonin.
I haven't tried using negative ion generators but I think it will help in an incrementally synergistic way, given the edematous condition. I've found using methylene blue, red light, breathing carbogen, vitamin d, eggshell calcium supplementation, magnesium carbonate - altogether help in minimizing the effect of carbon monoxide in causing edema in my lungs, which is the result of heme oxygenase breaking down dead red blood cells producing CO, biliverdin, and iron. I have an ongoing release of previously congested dead rbc's from my lymphatic system which sees no end until all the dead rbc's are flushed out of my system. I'm dealing with the after effects of heart failure which began with bronchitis that caused a mass killing of RBCs that overwhelmed my system. Normally RBCs die and get recycled and/or excreted in small manageable quantities, but in a larger scale the body can't manage it well enough. And I don't think our doctors are trained to handle such cases, which having a Peat viewpoint and approach helps us see through.
So far I've benefited from reading Ray's research and insights into heme oxygenase, and I have an approach to deal with the stressful conditions involving carbon monoxide and iron release by heme oxygenase. The healing and recovery process is slow, and for the next 3 months I imagine I have to be at rest as my breathing is strained and my blood pressure would remain high as a result of my phagocytes having to eat up iron and it's waste be excreted out fecally.
I'd appreciate very much your passing on what info you have on negative ion generators. If I end up buying one, it would just add to my toolbox of useful devices outside of the medical complex, which I haven't regreted acquiring.