@jamezb46 Good thought, Haidut recommended that in the comment section of the original thread on the low toxin forum.

Posts made by alfredoolivas
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@sushi_is_cringe I haven't got a good physique. I can dumbell press 110lb dumbells, but I don't know what my bench or squat or deadlift is, as I don't enjoy these exercises / care about anabolism and therefore don't take the gym seriously. I have never mentioned anything about anabolism in these steroid debates, as I am not interested in anabolism. If you want maximal anabolism, then take a bunch of estrogenic steroids, HGH and insulin bulk with a lot of food, sleep well and train very hard. Very boring to talk about and the results do not look appealing.
I simply discuss the metabolic, genomic, pharmacokinetic, and psychoneuroendocrinology aspects of steroids, amongst other topics. If my lack care about anabolism, means you are not convinced by my arguments and the studies I reference, so be it.
Edit: I have had nothing but positive experiences of running this much gear for nearly a year. I have no estrogenic symptoms; no hair loss, no water retention (in fact it was lowered by testosterone), no gyno, no roid rage, nothing negative. I also have no estrogenic symptoms that may been seen in a positive light, such an excessive sex drive, mania, disinhibtion, excess anabolism.
I simply have a good sex drive, confidence, masculinity and okay anabolism from this dose. Nothing else. The best way I can describe this cycle, is how people describe being on primobolan or masteron.
I am doing this all without an AI; I would be much more interested, about how I can handle this much test sustainably without an AI and estrogen issues, than anabolism or my physique. Just saying.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@sushi_is_cringe Probably have shrunk, but I don't think I would of noticed my nut size change or semen volume change, if I didn't know I was on gear.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
DHT has a binding affinity twice that of T, so 5mg of DHT is equivelent to 10mg of T and D bol has a binding affinity 5 times that of testosterone, so 34mg of Dbol is equivelent to 6mg of T.
So the androgens you will be taking MIGHT be equivalent to 16mg of T. I have no idea, I am just referencing cell studies and binding affinity of steroids, not their activation of the androgen receptor or their transcription of the androgen receptor.
So 160mg of pregnenolone.
Don't know why you are taking dianabol... because it doesn't significantly lower LH, even though it cuts T in half? It is liver toxic, and it creates such shitty side effects in people.
People are always trying to find something that is safer and better than simply taking testosterone... Dianabol is not the way to go.
RE: Favorite Peat Miracle story & Is potato protein really that good?
@Kilgore said in Favorite Peat Miracle story & Is potato protein really that good?:
Why did you do that? And how did you eat it?
Because I am an idiot. I boiled them mashed them up with lots of salt ,some days 60g of salt, without adding any cream or anything, and added ketchup to them. That is the only way I could eat them; for some reason the combination of the soft creamy, salty, savory potatoes with the tangy, sweet, salty ketchup, is amazing, I couldn't get bored of them.
I gained like 15kg+ of fat, got really really bloated due to the pottasium. The best change I have made to my diet is staying within the RDA, and ideally below the RDA for pottasium. It is the best diuretic ever, I have zero facial bloat. That change alone is stronger than any supplement or diet I have done, and if people are wondering why they are holding so much water, I would strongly reccomend them to check if they are taking too much pottasium.
Edit: with or without the sodium I was bloated, it wasn't the salt causing these changes on the potato diet.
@Luke said in Favorite Peat Miracle story & Is potato protein really that good?:
Were you once a member of a German acne forum by any chance? I remember there was a guy who ate kilos of potatos daily.
Great food.
No, and no, but the latter is biased, I have had a horrible experience from taking in excessive amounts of potatoes, and have very bad memories associated with them.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@jamezb46 Are you referencing this study?
Pregnenolone (P5) fully prevents testicular atrophy due to steroid (ab)use or high estrogen
According to Haidut's calculations, this study has shown that pregnenolone used in doses of 10x -15x that of testosterone, will fully prevent gonadal atrophy, from testosterone and estradiol.
Not sure if the studies he referenced showed the levels of intratesticular steroids after the pregnenolone, but maybe one can assume that pregnenolone improved intra-testicular levels of androgens.
However, he also referenced this study showing that testosterone can actually inhibit gonadal atrophy, and is gonadotropic.
“…It will be seen that at low dosage levels delta-5-pregnenolone is even more gonadotropic than testosterone, methyl testosterone, androstenediol or dehydro-iso-androsterone, while at the 10 mg. dosage level delta-5-pregnenolone is less effective than the above compounds. ....small doses of testosterone cause a testis atrophy which is not seen at high dose levels (1 1). This fact could best be explained by the assumption that comparatively low doses of testoids inhibit the gonadotropic hormone secretion of the pituitary and thus cause a secondary testis involution which, in the case of high doses, is over-compensated by the direct testis-stimulating effect of these compounds."
"As it has recently been shown that the testis atrophy caused by estradiol can be inhibited by testosterone and progesterone[2,3]"
This makes perfect sense given testosterones (and all other androgens) anti-estrogenic effect
This actually explains my experience with testosterone very well; I have been currently, running 2100mg of test enanthate a week, for the past 9 months, and have not seen a too significant reduction in semen volume.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
"Normal men produce ~45 mcg of estradiol each day, a sixth of which is secreted by the testes and the remainder of which is derived from the extraglandular aromatization of circulating androgens"Only 45mcg of estradiol is made daily from the 20-25mg (my estimation of DHEA, testosterone, androstenedione levels?) pool of aromatasable androgens, so yeah, the aromatase enzyme isn't directly lowering androgen levels by stealing androgens, even if it is extremely elevated @jamezb46
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@jamezb46 Very interesting. Yes, the testicles will reduce their expression of crucial steroidogenic enzymes, in response to more androgen agonism in the testicles.
As seen on the graph, R1881 / Methyltrenbolone, was able to reduce hCG stimulated expression of intratesticular 3-beta HSD levels.Estradiol also does the same
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3862577/@jamezb46 said in DHT as an alternative for TRT:
It could also be that there is excessive conversion to estrogen, but I think the testicles are also being inhibited.Generally, a minuscule amount of androgens are converted into estrogen. Testosterone is roughly 200–1,000 times higher than estradiol in concentration.
That is why androgens are measured in ng/dl, whereas estrogen is measured in pg/dl.
So it's impossible for testosterone to be significantly lowered, due to aromatase "stealing it" and turning it into estrogen. Estrogen will only lower testosterone by inhibiting LH and lowering steroidogenic enzymes. And it does so very well -
RE: Favorite Peat Miracle story & Is potato protein really that good?
@Kilgore I ate 4kg of potatoes a day for months, and the anabolism I got from it didn't compare to when I started to add animal protein in my diet.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@sushi_is_cringe I doubt that. Which study and what doses were used? The doses used medically tend to be quite low. With Mesterolone / Proviron, the medical community actually noticed it's lack of effectiveness, and that's why studies were performed with doses mesterolone, up to 150mg a day, as they were trying to push it's limits. Even with these 100mg+ doses, it seemed to be non-supressive in most people. With the regular 25-50mg doses? Unsuppresive for all patients.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@ooopilled It likely wouldn't compare, according to this study:
A group was given 120mg of testosterone undecanoate daily orally. Note that oral testosterone undecanoate, has a half life of a few hours, due to first pass metabolism. It does not build up in the system, and has a much shorter half life than proviron (12-13 hours),
Another group was given 150mg of mesterolone (Proviron) daily, and the effects were compared.TU is the testosterone undecanoate group & mesterolone is the Proviron group
"The effects seen for TU on these variables are much better than those observed for M. The low activity 01 M found in this study is in agreement with observations by other authors (10 - 12) and by ourselves (Franchi unpublished data). In view 01 this low activity we decided to use a considerably higher daily dose of M than that recommended. "
Proviron does seem to bring strong mental benefits; a study showed it was as effective as SSRIs in treating depression. However, this is likely due to neurosteroid metabolites, and not due to Proviron being a decent androgen. In the end, Proviron does not shut down the HPG axis, and this is a clear sign that it does not considerably agonise the androgen receptor in humans
Furthermore, as James pointed out, Proviron is only available as a pharmaceutical in the middle east, such as Omar and Kuwait. Any "Proviron" currently sold by vendors, are guaranteed to be counterfeit, as it is not even produced in Turkey or anyother country anymore, and it is a very rare medication to be prescribed. This is verified by personal experience as well, as the Proviron I received from Turkey, were revealed to be counterfeit when I scanned their QR code on the Turkish medicine verification app.
Therefore, proviron has the disadvantage of only being available from underground labs, if you want a drug you can trust is real, use TRT as you can get that prescribed in the US.
RE: Seidigestan / Utrogestan. OTC Progesterone contains Titanium Dioxide
@CO3 https://www.onasnatural.de/products/luna-oil-5 German Progest E. Crazy that you can get pharmaceuticals, but not supplements. They ship from Czech Republic according to the website.
RE: Making progesterone at home
@JamesL Yes, you need a lab to do that
RE: Making progesterone at home
@JamesL, do you mean produce the hormone itself? Impossible to be done at home unless you renovate your house into a lab
However, you can get progesterone powder and make your own Progest E using vitamin E, if that is what you are enquiring.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@ooopilled said in DHT as an alternative for TRT:
Yes, I have injectable DHT
Unless you made it yourself, it's likely fake.
@jamezb46 said in DHT as an alternative for TRT:
Actually I think you would highly benefit from the oral medication Proviron. It is a non-hepatotoxic DHT derivative. Specifically it is 1-alpha methyl DHT. It is also a pharmaceutical in Germany manufactured by Bayer.
It can increase libido, decrease body fat, oppose estrogen, increase reproductive health.
No, it's not available as a pharmaceutical in Germany or anywhere else in the world, it isn't even made anymore... it also hasn't been shown to decrease body fat or oppose estrogen. All studies have shown it to do is increase libido, reproductive health and act as a potent anti-depressant.
It now only exists as a counterfeit drug, for chums that see a Bayer logo and think that the medication is legit.
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
@metabolicmilk Since you're using less common solvents and a long list of excipients, you'll need to make sure every excipient is fully miscible with each other and that your active ingredient dissolves properly in the solvent.
DMI and Propylene Glycol aren’t widely used in labs, so there’s little to no published data on how well hormones like testosterone dissolve in them. And when it comes to other excipients like squalane and IPM, there’s absolutely no data at all on how they interact with DMI or Propylene Glycol. Additionally, there is no data on how IPM interacts with squalane, for example.
Chat GPT is very, very bad at estimating data. It won't estimate figures unless you force it to, for this precise reason. Therefore, ignore its solubility and penetration figures.
The only realistic way you may achieve this is ordering an excess of all of these ingredients and figuring out the miscibility of the active ingredient and excipients by trial and error; and even if you do this, you will have no idea if the active ingredient exists as crystals inside the gel, or if it is dissolved inside the solvent. Pharmaceutical gels are designed to have the active ingredient to be either crystalline or dissolved in the gel; when it's crystalline, the crystals will sit on top of the skin and absorb into the skin, creating a more local effect. When the API is dissolved in the gel, it goes systematic.
Even if you do this, it might simply not work. My recommendation is this: injectable testosterone propionate will offer testosterone that has a 19-hour half-life, quicker to apply than a gel, cheaper, MUCH more convenient (you don't have to make it), and it is researched, therefore, you will know exactly how much testosterone will be going into your blood stream and for how long. It won't hurt to inject if you use a 27g needle, in your buttocks, therefore, I am willing to say it may be more comfortable to use.
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
@laoa Seems like a great recipe thanks for sharing
RE: Would taking thyroid supplements be a good way to lose visceral fat?
@Pooooop If you lower calories sure
RE: DHT Enanthate
@risingfire I used close to 200mg daily on average, applied topically dissolved in DMSO, for 6 months. I have tried doses in the single mg range and doses up to 400mg.