Blood work will be helpful like reverse t3 too. Personally anxiety from high adrenaline will make my throat feel tight and I get nauseas. I noticed adrenaline symptoms from half a grain of cynoplus after a few weeks and it’s all normalized over time
Posts made by BroJonas
RE: Thyroid inflamation after months of supplementing
RE: Thyroid inflamation after months of supplementing
@Sippy I saw quotes from Peat saying reducing the stress hormones with exogenous thyroid can help the TSH kick in again which can maybe over stimulate the thyroid. Also him saying he’s experienced tension in the throat area from thyroid increasing need for magnesium and adding in more reduced the tension.
I’d say reduce the dosage a bit. Make sure the dosages don’t have more than 10 micrograms of t3 so split it up throughout the day.
RE: Thyroid inflamation after months of supplementing
@Sippy The old ray Peat forum has some threads on this experience if u look up “thyroid throat tightness tension”
RE: Girthy paenis. How to?
Clamping works like a charm. Added an inch over many years.
T3 pooling from low cortisol?
Any merit to the idea put out by Stop the Thyroid Madness that t3 can pool in the blood due to low cortisol?
They say it can be caused by low or high cortisol and even low aldosterone. Seems like they think low cortisol is common
RE: Stinkier the poop the healthier?
I recall Peat saying if your poop smells rotten you probably feel rotten.
If milk is making your poop super foul you’re probably not digesting it that great
RE: Best Carbs for Athletes To Use Instead Of Rice/Potatoes, Recipes For Juice/Gelatin
I like dates, grapes, mandarins and juice along with my meal instead of having rice and potatoes all the time. All the starch took a toll on my digestion having it all the time. I do smoothies with banana too
And I wouldn’t juice carrots, it’s a f ton of beta carotene. It’s better used for the fibers
RE: Supplementing T3 not safe afterall?
@Master I don’t recall them talking about cycling thyroid. Peat says in the summer people tend to need less thyroid
But also how much t3 were these people taking? Taking more than 10mcg at once regularly can backfire when the liver starts expelling excess thyroid
RE: Does anyone else hate raw primal diet cultists?
Yeah I talked to a lot of long term dieters and they all dealt with various issues still, wished they had a happier story to tell me. One that avoided water and just ate tomatoes instead vomited every morning -detox-. Another had weird neurological problems and couldn’t touch anything metal, no doorknobs, serious emf sensitivity, would sleep in the grass for relief. Another got painfully obese for the sake of detox.
Malcolm Gold had some primal diet videos and Aajonus said he developed a tumor in his eye on the diet and they cured it by putting grass fed cow shit in it….
The whole only needing 3-4 hours of sleep thing reminds me of people like Goggins or mark walberg. I think it’s a sign of possibly enlarged or over excited pituitary. Elderly get this too. Where stress hormones wake them up too early and just can’t back to sleep.
RE: Does anyone else hate raw primal diet cultists?
Omg I’m sorry u went through that. Somehow I made it out without any obvious issues. I did develop gyno during that diet. But I was also recovering from severe malnourishment and anorexia. The steady supply of protein helped me put on some good muscle but it took way too long. A peaty diet would have gotten me there in half a year. I was so tired on primal I quit skateboarding and even weightlifting stalled and I would take half a year off out of necessity.
I remember a guy from the forum said he’s been on the diet like 10 years and all his toe nails have fallen off and everyone was trying to pick apart his diet what he was doing wrong but no seemed like he did all the juices, cheese trains, milkshakes, cheese with honey for mineral etc all was by the book.
Cynoplus troubleshooting
I seem to run into issues adding in t4 from cynoplus pretty quick.
I do great on t3 taking 5mcg with each meal until I get my temps to 98.6. But I still wake up in the morning exhausted, puffy eyes, and temps around 97. So I thought after being on t3 only for a couple months maybe adding in cynoplus slowly I can get my overall temp up through the day and night.
It’s been a few weeks now I’ve ramped up slowly and now I’m taking 20mg of cynoplus every night which is a bit under half a grain.
I feel like I’m running into the same symptoms I’ve experienced before with t4, brain fog especially in the beginning of day, pretty on edge with anxiety and adrenaline feeling at times esp in morning, and it seems my temps are worse now than before, feet and hands not staying as warm as t3 only.
Is this me adapting to more thyroid and I should keep the dose low and steady until it resolves? Am I adjusting to lower stress hormones? Or am I building up t4 and reverse t3 and blocking my metabolism?
RE: Craziest Delusions from the Normieosphere?
Really any comment section on something health and nutrition related makes great rage bait. It’s almost as toxic as internet politics.
RE: Huge Difference in Morning vs Noon Body Temp
@arkos I’m in a similar position.
I’m super sluggish in the morning too. Usually pretty congested and eyes get puffy. I think it’s cause my metabolism gets so low over night. But it cranks back up to 98.6. Especially with bits of t3. I’m taking a small amount of cynoplus hoping to get my morning temp up.
But at least cortisol isn’t cranking so high in the morning to make the temps high. But also maybe my circadian rhythm is flipped cause usually the evening is when I really feel energized
RE: How to cope with not having optimal development
@Cerbrosyn 21 is still really young. By 30 your face and body can mature a lot. I know it has for me.
During my crucial development years I had a severe eating disorder. And my way to recover from it was doing low carb for years. My rib cage growth seems stunted but I’ve developed good muscle around it now. I’m almost 30 and my beard is still filling in and my face is still maturing.
Id recommend bodybuilding to help develop your androgens and express them in the physical
RE: Mike Fave is on fire
Michael Favorite
I love him and Jay Feldman.
It’s like free uni with their podcast.
RE: why do i have low appetite and nausea in morning?
It’s weird cortisol can make people hungry. But cortisol is highest in the AM and people commonly have no appetite in the AM sometimes to the point of being nauseated at the idea of breakfast. Maybe it’s high adrenaline that’s really suppressing appetite.
Either way if you’re low thyroid u won’t be storing much liver glycogen. And through the night u really start digging into the stress hormones and fat oxidation making for an unpleasant feeling morning
RE: Does anyone else hate raw primal diet cultists?
@Sugar I think the man was very sure of himself. And he would lie for the sake of promoting what he thought was the truth. But the guy didn’t have a good grasp of physiology or biochemistry. And it sucks that his followers being so involved in health get put in a box with his paradigm when there’s soooo much more to learn
RE: Endurance exercise causes (peripheral) hyper-cortisol state
@haidut So this isn’t something someone can run a test for?
It’s crazy how close to useless blood tests are the more we learn of this stuff
RE: The Randall effect - my understanding
@kenji When u eat a low fat high carb meal it will probably make your blood sugar crash quicker increasing adrenaline and lipolysis, more fat in the blood. The body does its best to balance out.
Eating in a way that balances blood sugar throughout the day will help reduce the stress hormones. Which is usually a more balanced macro meal. 2-3 times carb to protein and enough fat to make it last. The high stress hormones is what really increases systemic free fatty acids and can be more problematic than fat from a single meal.
But the Randal cycle is helpful for slowing down glucose uptake so u can go meal to meal with ease and not dip into stress.
Anything else just seems like a misunderstanding of that system leading to weird food ocd
RE: How do you make eggs taste good?
@Lovesickhs18 I usually do sunny side up fried in butter. Scrape the white off the yolk to get all the whites cooked. Salt heavily.