@peatyourmeat Does saying that make you feel better about the life you live?
Posts made by dan.dominic
RE: I will show you why I am an anarcho capitalist libertarian
RE: I will show you why I am an anarcho capitalist libertarian
@peatyourmeat "Yet another advantage is made apparent by the words of the Philosopher [Aristotle]. For when a certain Simonides maintained that man should neglect the knowledge of God and apply his mind to human affairs, and declared that a man ought to relish human things, and a mortal, mortal things, the Philosopher contradicted him, saying that a man ought to devote himself to immortal and divine things as much as he can (10 Ethics 7, 8). Hence he says (in 11 On the Parts of Animals 1, 5) that though we perceive but little of higher substances, yet that little is more loved and desired than all the knowledge we have of lower substances. He also says (in 2 On the Heavens and the Earth 12, 1) that when questions about the heavenly bodies can be answered by a short and probable solution, the hearer rejoices greatly. All this shows that however imperfect the knowledge of the highest things may be, it bestows very great perfection on the soul.
And consequently, although human reason is unable to fully grasp things above reason, it nevertheless acquires much perfection if at least it hold things, in any way whatever, by faith.
Thus it is written, matters too great for human understanding have been shown you (Sir 3:25), and: the things that are of God no man knows, but the Spirit of God: but to us God hath revealed them by his Spirit (1 Cor 2:10)."-Summa Contra Gentiles 1, Saint Thomas Aquinas.
RE: Does anyone else hate raw primal diet cultists?
@BroJonas Man thats crazy. The thing that sucks is that when I was doing it people had no idea that people had done the diet before and got really messed up. All I'd see is how Aajonus supposedly cured 97% of people with cancer and all these crazy anecdotes and stories that he'd talk about in his interview about his iridology, how he sleeps 3-4 hours a night and has energy, etc. Some of those people really need to hear about all the people that got screwed up on it.
RE: Does anyone else hate raw primal diet cultists?
@Kilgore You dont realize that its the logical conclusion of some of these paradigms. A lot of carnivores or keto people will harp on all day about "nature" "evolution" and "unrefined foods". Then theres the whole "you cant trust anyone in the government" thing that makes you really susceptible to this. Well if you really think about that hard enough you become very suseptible to ideas like this. And some people have a ton of discipline to the point they can supress cravings (like I did when I got kidney stones because I believed water was going to dissolve my nutrients) and other things so long as the paradigm in their mind is telling them that this is the logical thing to do.
That's not to say that the people, like myself, who get wrapped up in this arent responsible in many ways. The whole paradigm is the by product of a whole cocktail of particular vices, like slander, credulity, food obssesion, dishonoring parents, as well as a disturbed state of health (although those two things feed eachother).
RE: Does anyone else hate raw primal diet cultists?
@BroJonas Its a horrible place to be stuck in. I used to do that diet. The thing is that if you get bad symptoms, they will say its detox or youre not doing it well enough. If you feel better when you eat cooked food, then its cause you stopped the detox from happening. Getting energy from certain things like coffee or cooked food is attributed to "stress hormones". I had 3 kidney stones during the time i subscribed to that paradigm at 19 years old.
One of the The only good thing I can say about that diet is how good of a calcium intake you get. If you're following the advice about raw cheese and milk consumption, you can easily be getting 4-5g per day.
RE: Peaty alternatives to Pasta?
Have you ever heard of gnocchi? Basically the flour is diluted with potatoes. Not gluten free but better (and tastes better) for what you’re looking for.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@CO3 Can you really not tell the difference between "don't drink coffee" from the Mormons and commands from the Church like "make an examination of your conscience every night before you sleep and ask for forgiveness" or "Interpret your neighbors actions in the best light that you can for him" or "the worst sin that we can commit in word against our neighbor is to mock and ridicule him".
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@CO3 Did you even read the letter I showed you from years before WW2 started denouncing key talking points of Nazism? This led to the persecution of Catholics in germany. How about the past 100 years that the Church has fought for the unborn children of whom a billion whom have been concieved have been terminated? How about the Amazonian Indians who Pope Pius X went out of his way to give a voice and to deplore the behavior of the European nations who were exploiting them in the early 1900s, follow up on what Benedict XIV deplored in the 1700s exploitation of the Natives? This is all just in the past 100 years and is verifiable extremely easily. You said "literally every time" which is a blatant lie. This disproves you. Its that simple. Do you care at all that God said bearing false witness is worthy of death? Like how much does that affect your thought process? If it doesnt affect your thought process at all then I'm done responding to your claims since it's so disgusting and vile to read you speak such blatant lies against thousands of human beings.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@CO3 Its also strange how you say most "normal people" agree while following a dietary lifestyle so diametrically opposed to what "normal people" agree on nowadays. You even quote "the scholars" when it comes to historical criticism methods yet "the scholars" in nutrition would tear this diet to shreads. If thats your metric for judging the truth then you just refuted all of Ray's work.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@CO3 You can have your opinion. Just know that it is 100% garunteed, whether you are right or wrong in your accusations against your neighbor, that God will "take you to court", analogously, and make you prove your claims against your neighbors. This will happen for every accusation you make against people. And, even more tragically, the same measure you use against others will be used against you when you are judged for your actions.
I also encourage you to analyze which vices in your life are at odds with what the Catholic Church tells you are immoral. See if you can cut those vices out, especially ones involving your interactions with other human beings and human authorities, and I'd be suprised if your comprehension of the Catholic Church doesn't dramatically change.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@CO3 As far as I'm aware its not a matter of faith who was the one who composed it. I also dont make my decision based off the whims of scholars since God gave them no authority over me. What matters is that it contains the truth and the Church has approved it. You might be looking at this from a protestant point of view where there's no authority outside the texts themselves so if you cast doubt on who wrote the text then its a big deal. Rather, the authority includes the hierarchical structure established by Jesus Christ that will endure to the end of time.
RE: Effect of Aspirin on Male Hormones, Testicular and Epididymal Histology In Mice
@Mulloch94 I also see that they injected it into the mice, rather than how we take it through our digestive system. And yea the dosages were give twice per day. If you're around 80kg then those doses would be like 800mg per day or 4000mg per day. Interestingly the 800mg per day had 3x as much testosteroone as the control, but the 4000mg HED had 3x lower than the control.
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@CO3 NO church that has apostolic origin accepts those books. There is minor discrepancies in our different cannons but the Gospel of Thomas is definetly not one of them. You can even see this in smaller churches such as the Assyrian church of the East who have no "clout" and are seperated from the Catholic church for 1600 years yet still have relatively the same cannon. Even the protestant churches that broke off and absolutely hated the Catholic Church have not accepted those books as part of the cannon. The same can be said for the Apostles Creed that even the Lutherans and Anglicans (who persecuted Catholics for like 400 years in Ireland) accept.
RE: Why are you all so religious
@CO3 I dont get why that data would be a lie. You're saying our church supported the nazis, and prusmably youre using some sort of mainstream data. Yet when Im using data youre saying its dubious. Anyone can look at the map at who voted for Hitler and its almost identical with the Protestant areas, and the Catholic areas didnt vote for him. And, like I said, the Pope publicly called him out in this encylical from 1937:
"8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds."
"11. None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are "as a drop of a bucket" (Isaiah xI, 15)."
"17. The peak of the revelation as reached in the Gospel of Christ is final and permanent. It knows no retouches by human hand; it admits no substitutes or arbitrary alternatives such as certain leaders pretend to draw from the so-called myth of race and blood."
"The Church founded by the Redeemer is one, the same for all races and all nations. Beneath her dome, as beneath the vault of heaven, there is but one country for all nations and tongues; there is room for the development of every quality, advantage, task and vocation which God the Creator and Savior has allotted to individuals as well as to ethnical communities. "
And as a response:
"The release of Mit brennender Sorge precipitated an intensification of the Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany.[63] Hitler was infuriated.[2] Twelve printing presses were seized, and hundreds of people sent either to prison or the concentration camps.[2] In his diary, Goebbels wrote that there were heightened verbal attacks on the clergy from Hitler, and wrote that Hitler had approved the start of trumped up "immorality trials" against clergy and anti-Church propaganda campaign. Goebbels' orchestrated attack included a staged "morality trial" of 37 Franciscans.[64] On the "Church Question", wrote Goebbels, "after the war it has to be generally solved … There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[64]"
RE: Why are you all so religious
@CO3 I didnt use the what about the other guys argument. If I implied that than I'm sorry. My point was that the abusers have by and large been exterminated, although there is still some of them in there. This was to show that it's not something that's intrinsic to Catholicism, and that it was a scandal over a certain time period in our churches.
Its horrible how you present data and make conclusions presumably off the same sources, then when I do it you make the data out to be dubious.
RE: Why are you all so religious
@CO3 No Im talking about overall. It was a period of scandal that has dramatically decreased over 95%. 19468d2a-738b-47ea-b7ad-68cddecdbf6e-image.png
RE: Why are you all so religious
@CO3 I already admitted that its harder to see the Catholic faith and church as divinely instituted due to the bad actors. It's harder for me to see it too but I realize that its not contrary to reason that God would temporarily allow certain evil individuals to exist in his church.
Your comment on the "party" was something that happened in Poland, unless youre referring to something else that I never heard of. And my point wasn't that these evil people aren't still there, its that its dramatically less and practically lower than any other instution in America at this point in time. You saying "but yea there were these people who did this" is tonedeaf to me talking about the overall decrease and overall lower than the most common instituions in America now after it has been cracked down on.
I also dont subscribe to the anti vatican 2 and anti liberal stuff. So I dont know why youre mentioning that to me. The church has a lot less crime now than it did before Vatican 2.
Also you dont know what youre talking about WW2. The voting maps show that all the areas that were Catholic were the ones who didnt vote for Hitler. Its like a direct cooreltaion. The Pope wrote encylicals in the early days of hitler's regime admonishing racial identity politics. Pope Pius XII was credited with saving thousands of Jews.
RE: Why are you all so religious
@Hando-Jin Considering that you live in a world of decay where noone can maintain optimal energy function and they eventually die and suffocate to death even though we all desire to have happiness to the fullest should be a sign that the way the world is now is not how it used to/is supposed to be. We are designed and drawn to immortal happiness, immortal regeneration.
I'm not saying that this is a sole reason to believe in the Christian worldview but the fact that everything is striving towards infinite happiness but is not able to achieve it is something to ponder.
RE: Why are you all so religious
@Truth The abuse crisis has drastically gone out of our Catholic institutions in America to almost non existent compared to what it used to be, meanwhile every other institution still has the problem at horrible rates. A few decades after the hierarchy and church members really understood what was going on it was very cracked down on.
I understand that it makes it harder to see that the instution is divinely instituted, but it is not contrary to reason that God would temporarily allow certain individuals to exercise their wills in an evil way against him and against others in his church.