@HeightOptimized Until you have a study that shows calcium intake along with caffeine, there is no evidence to show that "it just pauses growth plates".

Posts made by izkrov
RE: Caffeine is BAD for GROWING TALLER
RE: Testosterone + DHT cycle
That seems like unphysiological amounts of test/dht. I don't think ray recommended more than 4mg of test, and that's after thyroid/dhea/pregnenolone were okay.
During stress, testosterone aromatizes to estrogen, and those symptoms are highly conducive of that.
An aromatase inhibitor like aspirin would be good, and progesterone to oppose the estrogen. -
RE: Caffeine is BAD for GROWING TALLER
@HeightOptimized I don't understand.
RE: Caffeine is BAD for GROWING TALLER
@HeightOptimized said in Caffeine is BAD for GROWING TALLER:
https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-2891-11-56#:~:text=Current evidence however relate caffeine,reducing intestinal calcium absorption efficiency.
This article cites the exact same author from the study I linked -- R P Heaney. He himself said there's really not that much of an effect on calcium absorption, saying "Current evidence relates caffeine to reducing calcium absorption efficiency" is just outright wrong, or misses the fact that very small amounts of calcium intake can offset the negatives.
Estradiol levels in the controls were relatively consistent, without age variation (Fig.(Fig.6b).6b). However, caffeine-fed rats exhibited a significantly higher E2 level after 2 weeks of caffeine exposure compared with the controls (P < 0.01 vs. CT). After 4 weeks of caffeine exposure, E2 levels in the caffeine-fed groups were profoundly decreased compared with those measured at 2 weeks, and even lower than for the controls. In addition, total T4 levels of serum samples obtained after 4 weeks of caffeine exposure only were measured, due to a shortage of 2-week serum samples (Fig.(Fig.6c).6c). Caffeine-fed groups showed significantly reduced levels of T4 compared with the controls (P < 0.05 vs. CT), no difference was observed between the caffeine-fed groups.
This study I think shows decently what's going on. High caffeine intake relative to calcium intake (they simply didn't give them calcium) is stressful in nature, hence the estrogen increase. Caffeine helps convert T4 to T3 in the liver, but without the increase in nutrients to meet the metabolic demands the only thing the cells can do is divide. Eventually though there's a stabilizing effect
RE: Caffeine is BAD for GROWING TALLER
Most of the links you posted are broken, and even from the captions don't seem relevant.
From this study:
Low calcium intake is clearly linked to skeletal fragility, and it is likely that a high caffeine intake is often a marker for a low calcium intake. The negative effect of caffeine on calcium absorption is small enough to be fully offset by as little as 1-2 tablespoons of milkOther studies which I think you have linked (I can't know because you didn't copy paste correctly) seem to use intravenous caffeine rather than oral intake. I'm not sure it's safe to bypass the liver like that.
RE: White tongue
I've never tried it, but some copper dissolved in camphoric acid could be useful. Ray tried it and it seems like it worked.
RE: Neighbors WiFi rattled me
The only time I feel a difference with EMFs is when the power goes out or there's no signal anywhere like in the forest, like some kind of vague relief. Otherwise by default I don't feel any drawbacks.
RE: Wisdom teeth growing on nerve
I've heard taking DHEA helped correct wisdom teeth (Actually I think it was Ray that said DHEA corrected his wisdom teeth)
RE: Cenforce 200 Mg: Increase Intimacy Between two person
seems another nitric oxide vasodilator. damages the heart like viagra.
RE: ADHD, Severe fatigue, digestion problems etc..
@questforhealth Kale from what I remember was pretty good, it's got good calcium. It also has selenomethionine (which mimics methionine restriction) there as well. Too much of it would eventually be thyroid suppressive though
RE: ADHD, Severe fatigue, digestion problems etc..
@questforhealth I've read before if there's an imbalance in calcium:phopshate, that PTH turns glucose to lactic acid to dissolve the bone and restore the balance. It could be why eating sugar is giving you a negative effect. A lot of milk, Vitamin D and K2 (so you can use the calcium properly) ought to be helpful I think.
RE: Any experiences with DHT supplementation?
I went up from half to full 25mg tablets of proviron a day before, it had its pros and cons. Libido and energy was high, but so was my aggressiveness and argumentativeness. I don't think I was stressed, just had it in me a greater tendency to "stand up for myself". After awhile there was a diminishing returns on both pros and cons, where I felt a decent energy increase but didn't have any drawbacks.
I honestly haven't read too much on DHT otherwise
RE: 10th Grade Daughter is Vaping
There are a myriad of studies establishing correlation between THC and psychosis/schizophrenia. The basic google search says "Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases" (5 sources in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/)
The mechanism is a bit more difficult to prove. Ray Peat says about schizophrenics:
"Schizophrenics were significantly more hypofrontal than the controls" (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7892362/)
"Decreased frontal cortical glucose metabolism has been demonstrated in adult schizophrenics both at rest and while engaging in tasks that normally increase frontal metabolism," (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9437771/)There's a similar structure to cannabis users:
Cannabis Abusers (started from a young age) show hypofrontality and lower brain glucose metabolism (https://www.nature.com/articles/npp201667)
Acute marijuana users are on the same trajectory as chronic marijuana users from (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12784905/)
Haidut writes about how it increases serotonin signalling, with a link between serotonin and forms of psychosis
All over the place you'll find that neurosteroids rise in the brain in order to counteract the effects of drugs like cocaine and this is also the case with pregnenolone in response to THC
When you first smoke weed it is difficult to get high, but with each subsequent time you do it, it gets easier for you to get high. To me this means the THC interferes with the way pregnenolone is structured in the brain. THC also inhibits steroidogenesis by preventing the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone. I think if this pregnenolone isn't converted into anything downstream, it's just excreted.
There's also a structurally similar lesser brain glucose metabolism (which is seen in aging: Lower brain glucose metabolism in normal ageing is predominantly frontal and temporal) akin to schizos.
Anecdotally every pothead I know has the demeanor of an easy going, chill guy but seemingly blows up at the slightest inconvenience, has difficulty sleeping, has tubby tits (it's also anti androgenic from what I remember) and has some form of anxiety.
Honestly just tell her to smoke cigs.
RE: Getting my hearing back.
@questforhealth Not sure about improving bloodflow as being directly regenerative, but I think a fren of mine had hydrogen peroxide put through his ear, and this large fibrotic mass was taken out, and he could hear much better. Clearing things out probably helps.
This is probably wrong, but I was thinking dissolving something in camphoric acid to bypass the liver and go through the lymphatic system, and maybe have an effect that way on the ears.
RE: Getting my hearing back.
I remember seeing a 1930s paper of injecting thyroxine into peoples' ears and a lot of the patients lowered their tinnitus and increased their hearing. I wouldn't know of a less invasive procedure though.
RE: Why are Statins bad if your cholesterol puts you in the range of CVD risk
The "range of CVD risk" seems a loaded term. Instead of thinking in terms pre-defined for you, you look at the physical reality that higher cholesterol people have a lower chance of CVD. It also just shows lower all-cause mortality.
Haidut wrote about CVD being caused by statins though: http://haidut.me/?p=2425
RE: Is smoking actually bad?
low dose nicotine seems pretty good since it replenishes nad+ but it seems to "go through acetylcholine receptors", whatever that means, but didn't have any effect on exploratory behavior. generally though, if it's cholinergic I'd avoid it.
anecdotally a guy I know that takes zyn felt kinda light headed taking it, but when he took it with tea it was pleasant.as for actual smoke, yeah it's estrogenic. there's a lot of carcinogens in the smoke as well.
RE: Feeling unemotional since Peating. Thoughts?
I've also noticed it's made me less receptive to software/programming. When I had a limited range of emotions, I would get into a fixation state based on solving logistics problems because it has a structure to it and is a mechanical kind of comfy, but I'm not sure if it was ever fulfilling in and of itself. It's nice when you finally get things to work in a concise manner I suppose. But ultimately it was a mindset shift for me that got me enjoyment -- doing things out of novelty (I want to, it interests me) rather than because of obligation (necessity, fixation).
I remember reading somewhere that there's a section of your brain dedicated to doing things you don't want to do and you probably decreased it significantly (making this up but it sounds real). But if you lowered serotonin and decreased compulsive behavior in you, and your interest in tech decreased with it, it seems your interest in this was more contrived than anything else. You could try a dopamine agonist like lisuride if you wish.
Deadening your heart and withdrawing emotions is protective if you were brought up in an environment that wouldn't have permitted them to develop in a healthy manner, so later you find yourself underdeveloped or "emotionally immature" in the sense you don't know what to do with them. Peating does require a stimulating environment; you can only keep yourself bored or secluded for so long. You might find a newfound appreciation and interest in talking with others. Surrounding yourself with cool people is a pretty good long term change for a stimulating environment.
RE: Copper Coil for birth control
@annis Yeah I've heard it lowers natural progesterone production, even though it releases a bit of it when in the uterus. I remember Katharina Dalton recommending a progesterone suppository of 100mg (or was it 200mg) before sex to prevent conception but I can't seem to find the source. Could be useful to someone who wants to look into it