I have the patent for DHT valerate synthesis. Maybe I’ll source stanolone from PPL and add the ester myself.

Posts made by jamezb46
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
It’s better to use a glass bottle so that the presence of crystals can be more easily confirmed
RE: CoQ10 Experiences
Like many health claims that are "well-established", this is unfortunately not so true. It's also "well-established" that serotonin is beneficial for mood and health.
Ubiquinol contributes to reductive stress. As far as I know, RP never recommended it. He always talked about coq10, and he meant the oxidized version (ubiquonone)
RE: Help with prostate-related frequent urination
Above is the link to the episode. They start talking about nettle root at around 21:40.
RE: Help with prostate-related frequent urination
In a podcast with Danny, Georgi said he thought stinging nettle root might be worth a shot. It contains anti estrogenic compounds
RE: Vitamin B6 has anabolic effects on muscle
@haidut Gotcha. Will report back after a few months of 10,000 IU vitamin d and 5-10 mg P5P
RE: Vitamin D mimics anabolic steroids – ups height, lowers myostatin, redirects excess calories to muscle instead of fat
@haidut With the half-life in mind, taking 10,000 IU-15,000 IU per day should have a better effect than taking the equivalent combined dose (70,000 IU - 105,000 IU/wk), right?
RE: sebhorreic dermatitis cure ?
@fucker I and several others have cured it with topical caprylic acid triglycerides.
RE: The immortal, eternal Bryan Johnson broke his frail, childlike ankle while dancing at age 47
@LetTheRedeemed None that I'm aware of that discuss dosing or protocols, but I do know that he recommended it for sleep apnea on the generative energy streams.
^^ Here is a generative energy podcast with Georgi discussing osteoporosis and how certain hormones and/or substances promote bone reabsorbtion (prolactin, cortisol, estrogen, to name a few)
At 12:00 they start discussing carbonic anhydrase and marble bone disease.
RE: Oral baking soda
@Insomniac Well, sodium is a lighter element, so if we're taking about making a co2 bath then the difference in molar mass might start to become significant especially from a cost perspective over time.
RE: The immortal, eternal Bryan Johnson broke his frail, childlike ankle while dancing at age 47
I suppose he could be honest about what he takes, but perhaps there are things he doesn't document, such as injectable androgens or other "frowned upon" therapies.
I would be more surprised if he was 100% transparent than if he had some skeletons in the closet.
RE: The immortal, eternal Bryan Johnson broke his frail, childlike ankle while dancing at age 47
Higher metabolic rate means more co2 production. More co2 production means less bone catabolism. Those with marble bone disease have a carbonic anhydrase deficiency and that is considered to be the cause of the massively hypertrophied bones.
So, in reality if Bryan Johnson wants to heal, he should first of all get off his stupid hypocaloric diet, incease his metabolic rate, and possible take some thiamine or acetazolamide, both of which inhibit carbonic anhydrase.
RE: What foods are you eating fr thanksgiving.
@Kilgore Duck is fkn delicious. Pan sear that shyt in ghee oh my lord that crispy duck skin and then cook in white wine
RE: Pregnenolone vs Pansterone
I don't think that the added DHEA would "do nothing" just because you're young. By that logic why wouldn't the pregnenalone also do nothing if you're not deficient?
Haidut's recommendation is not to exceed 15mg DHEA per day in 3 divided doses, and to take steroids with niacinamide to increase NAD+/NADH.
He has also posted that 2-3 mg of androsterone limited aromatase activity by 90%.
So, taking something in the range of 10-15mg pansterone + 1-2 mg androsterone per day as a male should be ideal if you want the maximum effect.
RE: How would you come off of TRT without PCT?
@hcwilliams You could try tribulus terrestris. It is known to decrease elevated prolactin, increase DHT levels and does not raise estrogen.
Perhaps also look into stronger dopamine agonists/serotonin antagonists such as the beta cabergolines or their derivatives such as lisuride, 9 me-bc, bromocriptine.
To get estrogen under control I think androsterone is a good option.
RE: Bioenergetic Pharma Companies?
Please explain where in OP there is even a hint of this "idealism" you speak of.
I ended it by saying that I doubt its realistic to work, for example, for the manufacturer of Mildronate, which is Grindeks.
Bioenergetic Pharma Companies?
I'm about to start a MS program in statistics and am wondering which pharmaceutical companies have a bioenergetic perspective?
Ideally, I want to work for/alongside a pharma company/scientists who are at least open to the idea of using metabolic modulation to achieve health outcomes.
From my brief research, it seems that many of the best pharma companies who have this perspective are in eastern Europe. I don't know how realistic it is to work for them.
RE: Oral steroids. Tbol/Dbol/Var
Yes, I did a 6 week cycle of tbol. Waiting until some injuries heal before I go back on.
I don't think sarms are as safe or effective as the orals I mentioned. But if you have some research showing that they're safe and effective, I'd be open to seeing it. I'm just not aware that they do anything better than tbol/var/dbol already can. They were also mainly developed by modifying antiandrogens, with some exceptions. Some are mixed agonists/antagonists. I'm also not sure about liver health at effective doses.