@Norwegian-Mugabe That's beautiful. Did you write it? Or where did you find it?
Posts made by jjk_learning
RE: Lyrics designed to awaken higher consciousness
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@CrumblingCookie Thank you for sharing this. It is encouraging to hear the help that dextrose has provided even if there are more improvements to be had. Thank you for taking the time to detail it for us and best of luck in your continued experimenting.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@CrumblingCookie said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
In other news:
I'm still doing the dextrose after 6 months. At >250grs daily over 4-7 servings.
It's keeping me afloat. But it's not leading me to recovery.Do you have any more detail to share on this? I'm curious what your experience is (benefits, drawbacks). It seems you are one of the few to have found it worthwhile for sticking out for six months.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
I gave this protocol a solid six months.
Approximately 5 tbsp dextrose per serving, 3x a day. So we are talking bags and bags of dextrose powder. In the ballpark of 600 calories per day from dextrose.
I didn't have major health concerns I was looking to address, but I did have some minor things I was wondering if the protocol would impact.
I have no success story to share, nor any tale of woe. I don't feel it improved nor detracted from my health.
I find myself quizzical as to the results Dr. Stephens reports having (100% success rate, curing all sorts of illnesses) versus what any of the self-experimenters have experienced (various maladies, some fledgling successes, very few finding it worth sticking out for six months).
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@Ecstatic_Hamster Very interesting, thank you for sharing.
Is there any decent food source of thiamine? Basically just pork, right?
I've heard lots of people promote thiamine and its benefits (even at very high doses) but I'm generally resistant to supplements (despite supplementing 600 calories a day of dextrose
Still, it might be something worth trying for me. I believe I've heard it referenced as sometimes being beneficial for clearing up foamy urine, which I do deal with.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes I generally have a lot of protein but I will look out for any correlation between my protein intake and shakiness. Thank you for the tip!
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes Thank you for sharing your update.
I am interested to hear how you adjust to significantly reduced glucose.
On my end, I recently traveled and took 8 or 9 days off glucose (coming from 15 tbsp/day) and felt no ill effects or feelings of withdrawal. So I was pleased with that. Nothing definitively interesting, positive or negative, to report on my experience with dextrose to date. Some potentially positive signs, some potentially negative ones. I'm back at it for now (planning on doing the protocol for 6 months).
I do have a question for anyone trying this: Have you noticed any tremors or shakiness? I occasionally have noticed some based out of my forearm area the last couple months but I'm not sure if it is a new experience or one I just never paid attention to before (my occasional slight tremor based only occurred to me after a family member asked me to be on the lookout for a shared contact's shakiness). It seems like it comes and goes and I haven't identified a definite pattern yet (e.g. does it happen X hours before/after working out and/or X hours before/after glucose dose and/or on days I eat food X). Could be fatigue due to some workout stuff or could be blood sugar related or could be something else entirely. But I'm curious if anyone else has noticed anything shakiness/tremor-related.
RE: Idealabs Muscle Building Stack
@onliest said in Idealabs Muscle Building Stack:
@Lothric Tsp of baking soda before a lift is the best preworkout I've ever tried.
How much time before working out did you take the baking soda? And did you dissolve it in water?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@Mr-X said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
Has anybody here longterm success with this protocol? I did yesterday 4 times a day one dextro energy ( 5g dextrose) just to see what happened? It reaches directly the brain and I get calm but after 30-60 minutes I get hypoglycemic response. Last week I did also what Ray mentioned in one of his videos 1 pound additional sugar in 3 days to reset the thyroid from stress. I did half a pound what it was really great more energy more calm and some effect on the thyroid where it was loosen up not so tight anymore in the thyroid area. If you hear Dr. Stephens Videos u here like nearly everybody has instant relief from his protocol I think this doesnt match with the reviews here and on RPF
I'm still trying the protocol; approximately 3 months in. So I can't say much one way or the other.
However, I agree with you. From Dr. Stephens' videos, it sounded like basically instant relief across the board, whereas that is not what we are seeing in these forums. I've seen enough positive reports to think maybe there's something to this protocol, but I've seen enough reports conflicting with Stephens' representation to question its veracity.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes Which video on his website? Right now I'm not seeing anything at https://www.peakneuropsych.com/ but I don't know if that's the site you are referencing.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
@jjk_learning said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
@S-Holmes Did he share anything specific there about cases where he has treated children with diagnoses such as autism?
Yes, but he also covers a lot of the same information in his videos on his website as well as in his books.
Once the video is uploaded I'll try and share a link. Q and A won't be included because it was held off stage in a smaller, more private area.
Thank you! I'll be interested to see the talk if you end up able to share a link.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes Did he share anything specific there about cases where he has treated children with diagnoses such as autism?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
Dr. Stephens says 4 months is usually the minimum amount of time required. I've had CFS/ME for many years so it may take me longer to be 100%.
Thank you for sharing your updates, @S-Holmes and @marmalade_cat
It's interesting to me that he says 4 months is usually the minimum amount of time required. I got the impression from watching his interviews previously that some people saw pretty major improvements basically immediately. As in, they even felt their brains turn on at the first dose. I know that doesn't mean 100% resolution by any means. But I guess but the overall experiences reported herea and at RayPeatForum (some positive results, some negative, some neutral) aren't seeming to quite line up with how it came across from his interviews (e.g. my impression was: it works great 100% of the time if you stick with it, you'll notice it working right away, and eventually it will resolve basically all ailments). But it's very interesting to follow.
All in all, I'm encouraged by some aspects of what people are reporting, discouraged by others. I'm sticking with the protocol for now. I'm fortunate to be in good health but have a few minor symptoms I'm watching out for (e.g. dandruff, foamy urine, white tongue at the back of tongue). No change in those symptoms but my subjective experience has been neutral-to-subtly positive so far. I'm a little over 2 months in (started mid-June with a 2-week break for travel in late July/early August).
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes Ha! That made me snicker
Glad to hear that your mental/emotional status is good and that your husband is seeming happier. Sorry to hear about the worsening nausea, headaches, and heartburn though.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes Will do. I restarted on dextrose yesterday (after being home and getting back to feeling good): 5 tbsp 3 times. No miracles nor setbacks to report but it still tastes good to me!
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Hi all, I'm back to share an update. I do not have any definitive explanation for what happened, but...
As I mentioned 2 or 3 weeks ago, I had been on the dextrose protocol for approximately 5 weeks (was at 5 tbsp 3x a day... so in the ballpark of 600 calories a day of dextrose). I went off of it cold turkey.
I went off it because I was going to be doing some traveling, and I didn't want to be a bother to my in-laws or family members I'd be staying with, bringing in large amounts of white powder to their kitchens. I'm doing it more experimentally as opposed to having major symptoms I'm looking to resolve anyway, so I thought it would be a good chance to ensure I wasn't developing a dependency on dextrose.
We left on a Friday, and I quit dextrose cold turkey 2 or 3 days before that (so Tuesday or Wednesday). Nothing notable to report. But then that Sunday night, I started getting pink eye and got sick generally. I stayed sick for several days while the eye discharge ran its course; symptoms were feeling cold, feverish, sore throat, tired, weak, stuffy, coughy, phlegmy. (Fortunately I was feeling much better to the point that we were able to attend an event the following Saturday and have a great time and my eyes were doing better by then-- so it's not that it was debilitating.) Almost two weeks after the initial pinkeye symptom, I still don't feel quite 100% (but by now I am very very close).
Anyway, it's the longest bout of illness I've had in years. Nothing too horrible, just the normal "sick" stuff, the body cleaning gunk out. Others in the house were also under the weather a bit (I seemed to fare worse than the others in the house).
I have no idea if the dextrose had any role in it, but it was interesting and I thought I'd log it here.
Long story short: Stopped dextrose therapy on a Wednesday, felt fine for a few days. Then got sick Sunday night and stayed that way for a while, a little sicker a little longer than typical for me. But I could theorize 1000 reasons for why it happened, and I have no clue if it had anything at all to do with dextrose. Back home now, I'll probably restart dextrose protocol in a few days.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes I will keep you posted! Keep us posted on your dream world as well
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Random report here:
I have been doing the protocol for approximately 4-5 weeks. Nothing major to report positive or negative, but it's been subtly neutral-to-positive enough that I've kept on it. I am taking approximately 5 tbsp 3x per day (so in the ballpark of 600 calories of dextrose per day).
That said, I am concerned about the potential of becoming dependent on big doses of dextrose and I have some upcoming events which will leave me without dextrose for a week or two. So yesterday I decided to test out not having any. It went fine. I didn't crave it and I didn't notice any type of withdrawal symptoms going from 600 calories per day to 0 in one shot. I was glad about that.
I'm curious whether anyone else has concerns about developing a dependency and/or has any related experience to share.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@S-Holmes said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
This just happened. Dr Stephens had asked me about sleep and dreams. I've only ever had disturbing dreams or nightmares that wake me up shaking with fear. He told me that my nightmares will end. He treats about 40 combat veterans with ptsd (and nightmares). All are free of their ptsd symptoms. And last night I had the most amazing and comforting dream. The first I remember, ever.
Wow! Thank you for sharing. Incredible.
Thank you everyone for sharing your insights and experiences.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@GlucoseOrBust Thanks for sharing your experiences so we can all learn together. It certainly takes faith to go through such a strange (unnatural) protocol.
That said, despite its oddity, some of the testimonials and simple reasoning does resonate positively. I guess that's why people like you and I are dabbling with it.