@GRay i take NDT always with food and dairy i dont use a calcium supp

Posts made by Mr. X
RE: Thyroid on empty stomach or with food?
RE: Seborrheic Dermatitis (SD) cured by Topical Caprylic Acid (C8:0)Triglycerides
any updates here on long term success? I started today with the C8 oil lets see how it goes…
RE: Tiromel T3
@Cezar4911 its very potent, we have it here. Even a tiny nibble are givin a response.
RE: Baking Soda bath for skin imflammation
how many grams in a bathtub? -
RE: New IdeaLabs Product – 3α-Dihydroprogesterone (3α-DHP)
@cdwg what effects do u get from 3aDHP alone?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
its absolutely insane that some here take up to 320grams of dextrose per day. And everybody is asking what can I do for my blood sugar crashes
is here somebody who did this protocol for several months and is now completely off glucose? I think after months of glucose loading you will go into hypoglycemic hell and youre in a worser state than before the protocol. -
RE: Bioenergetic Germany
kennt jemand gute Reiskocher & AirFryer den er empfehlen kann? Mir geht es hier vorallem um die Beschichtung. Bei vielen steht z.b. Edelstahl dann liest man weiter und es steht doch Aluminium, oder es steht Edelstahl aber dann doch irgendeine toxische Beschichtung.
Danke euch
RE: Bioenergetic Germany
@chuddy und zufrieden? Nutzt du es wegen Allergien oder generell weil in normalen Waschmitteln Semi Optimale Inhaltsstoffe sind? Waschkraft ist bei dem auch gut wie bei normalen Waschmitteln?
RE: How to get Cynomel & Cynoplus delivered to Canada and other Soycuck countries
@Serotoninskeptic i cant use liquid. Maybe dilluted would be possible
RE: How to get Cynomel & Cynoplus delivered to Canada and other Soycuck countries
for me its like 2 different animals liquid thyroid vs tablet thyroid. Liquid feels like speed to me
RE: How to get Cynomel & Cynoplus delivered to Canada and other Soycuck countries
@RawGoatMilk88 you cant compare liquid thyroid products with cynomel and cynoplus!
RE: New IdeaLabs Product – 3α-Dihydroprogesterone (3α-DHP)
@haidut what were the effects compared to 5 A DHP & AlloP?
RE: New IdeaLabs Product – 3α-Dihydroprogesterone (3α-DHP)
@AinmBeo First 5a DHP, than AlloP gone
RE: Bioenergetic Germany
@Mauritio Persil Megaperls Color, hatte auch schonmal Spee Megaperls Color aber Schrott und Ariel hat mir auch nich gefallen. Als meine Waschmaschine mal kaputt war und ich was zu meiner Mum gebracht habe, hat Sie irgendein Lenor benutzt und ich hatte die heftigsten Allergiesymptome Augen rot Nase zu alles kribbelt und tausend mal Niessen. Ich musste einige Sachen wegschmeißen selbst nach mehrmaligen Waschen ging das mich mehr raus. Danach hatte ich damals im RPF gesehen das manche Terra Wash benutzen.
Wäre Mega wenn das funktioniert, kann mir bei sowas aber nie vorstellen das die Wäsche richtig sauber wird.Wie kommst du drauf allergische Reaktion oder generell Sorge wegen der toxischen Inhaltsstoffe?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Did nobody here get blood sugar drops from glucose? I only tested it a couple of days like 3 or 4 times a day just 5g dextrose. Always felt good but after like half an hour get a heavy blood sugar drop afterwards. What does this mean? To low of a does the body need some time to adopt?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@CrumblingCookie thx for your feedback and your insides. How much Glucose are you taking per day?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@Mr-X and another thing i have at the moment some huge gallblader/liver problems. This area is really tight and painful/stuck and so on. Ive try to combat this with hot water and TUDCA. I dont want to further burden the liver/gallbladder. Do you guys think the glucuse will directly the soaking up by the brain and will not end uo fettening the liver up like fructose?
Thx guys
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Could somebody please maybe @gentlepotato or @S-Holmes share what is your current status and the status before the glucose loading protocol. What s gettin better what isnt still improved and how is the general wellbeing/health before/now maybe out of 10 or in precentage
Thanks in advance