How much of the BHB salts do you take per day?
By what I've coped to read up on BHB:
it doesn't smell as butyric acid does. It can therefore be used as loose powder.
it shares many benefits with butyric acid, mostly the general HDAC-inhibition which is super super crucial for maintaining intestinal stem cell renewal to thwart lasting damages from chemical, toxic, irradation treatments.
-2b. the removal of inhibitions for the mitochondrial enzyme hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA synthase HMGCS(2) is decisive for that stem cell renewal.
-2c. glucose dieting is the worst for healing intestinal issues as, in total contrast, it inhibits HMGCS2 even significantly more instead of helping this much needed recovery pathway.
-2cc. going by this to me new info I really shot myself in the guts, metaphorically, by hoping for relief and recovery through glucose. Since my health issues start or end in the guts it now appears I've put the cart before the horse. Insert an array of swear words here. Damn!
some intestinal bacteria can even use their β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase to convert it to butyric acid.
-3b. it's a substrate for the fragile lactobacilli to form beneficial biofilms (purportedly very rare) so they can maintain their colonisation and barrier assistance
inulin (prebiotic) converts mostly to butyrate instead of acetate or proprionate. So the L.reuteri yoghurt making benefits surely rely a lot on the generously added inulin as a distinctly L.-reuteri-independent treatment.
I'm going to buy potassium-BHB and eat that as high as my potassium requirements allow. I'll aim for 20g a day whereof it's 5g potassium.