@mostlylurking impressive. I’ve found Ray’s recommendation of small amounts of thiamine & t3 to boost cognition to be very effective for studying.

Posts made by skylark
RE: Clearing "mental hurdles"
RE: Stimulating Appetite
Appetite is driven by the demands of your cells, the interrelationships between you, your cells and various generating systems within your body and the anticipatory response between you and your environment. Have you tried eating tastier food?
RE: Best magnesium supplement?
Magnesium Hydroxide can be mixed with carbonated water to create a potent Mg Bicarbonate tonic.
RE: Cutting on the RP diet
When you’re cutting, either from restricting calories or preferably by raising the metabolic rate, you’re going to have less energy in the system and most facets of health will suffer. Focus on lowering stress and increasing youth-promoting hormones like thyroid, progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA before and during the cut. A clean bulking phase followed by a shorter cutting phase serves well to bolster nutritional stores prior to the cut. In the cut, I would increase ratio of carbohydrates to protein slightly and prioritise gelatinous sources of protein over muscle meats. I would also focus more so in concentric loading of muscles during training. This is to lower inflammation while maintaining muscle mass during the cut.
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
Highly anti-inflammatory, quieting to nervous system, calming to mind and generally stabilising to the whole system.
RE: White tongue
@PrinceMyshkin how’s your sleep? Do you wake in the night? Other than meeting nutritional requirements, saliva production, as well as all secretions in the body, is mediated by the tone of the nervous system. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system will shut off bodily secretions, starting in the mouth. Do you have any signs of high adrenaline, rapid hr, cold extremities?
RE: Fragrances, scents, pheromones
@Pillman My grandma lived in a small flat in the East End and I have the fondest of memories of that place. It had an energy in the air made sweet through constant cooking, baking, spices. The scent of ‘home’ which is very calming & I’m certain it lowers sympathetic-nervous tone. Don’t know if it’s pavlovian anticipatory response or something more. Maison Margiela’s Replica By The Fireplace has this.
My other grandparents lived in the countryside & had a dense forest of old trees on their land. Memories of my childhood are laced with the damp smell of earth, moss and decomposing wood - it’s this I find most intoxicating of all. England’s capricious seasons create wonderful scents.
I can’t believe what you said about the colour mauve… I’m scared
RE: White tongue
I think it’s got to do with saliva production and composition. I never scrape my tongue and it’s always clean & pink even with drinking 2l milk/day but if I have high dose cyproheptadine, which is known to lower saliva production as well as modify its composition, I get dry mouth and coating. I think the composition of the saliva is also modulated by stress hormones such as cortisol and estrogen and co-factors like cholesterol and vitamin A and of course thyroid.
Hate the sound of velcro
Does anyone else have a physiological repulsion to the sound of velcro? I get a physical feeling like an itch in the back of my throat when I hear it and even when I just imagine the sound. It makes me feel like I’m turning inside out. I’ve never met anyone that shares this with me.
RE: I suspect my gf is hyperthyroid, any advice / tips?
@raytreats I don’t associate anxiety & restlessness with high thyroid, pretty much the opposite. Has she tried progest-e or carrot salad?
RE: Peaty dreams?
@VirtueAgonist had a dream Dr Peat & I were queuing to get into a nightclub & he wouldn’t stop talking about how wrong the cell membrane theory was
RE: Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
“The soul of man, with all the streams of pure living water, seems to dwell in the fascia of his body.” - Dr. Andrew Taylor Still
The alignment of the fascia is key for purposes of communication between physical body and beyond, and it is the prime circuit used in certain practices of transcendence. It acts as a resonator to transmit and receive electro-magnetic signals.
(They’re doing this to me tomorrow)
RE: Fragrances, scents, pheromones
JPG Ultramale fo today. Trash sickly sweet cloying. Sweaty yoga pants femael teases me incessantly at uni, she wants my sex. too much going on in the top/mid notes, cluttered, drydown musk is quite cozy though