What a weird post. Ray has said himself that glyphosate causes genetic, mitochondrial and nerve damage. Just because it's water soluble and leaves the body quickly doesn't mean it's not toxic and degrading to an organism. It will leave permanent changes to an organism, just like any powerful substance, and in the amounts used by the agricultural industry, it's completly ignorant to believe that it doesn't have a significantly negative effect on modern ecology and the biological quality of man.

Posts made by skylark
RE: Glyphosate doesn't matter
RE: Gamechanger “Nootropics”
Combo of Rhodiola, Schisandra & Eluthero mildly improves cognition but like most adaptogens, become less effective on repeated doses - so I save for exams & such.
RE: Peat diet and the risk of Vitamin A toxicity, fatty liver
Many things become toxic if you're hypothyroid.
RE: Struggling with Eating Disorder
I think having meaning and purpose in your day to day life is required to escape from these sorts of thought patterns. Ray has this fascinating quote on appetite here and relates it to a function of our own will, or the will of each of our cells working towards a common goal. If you have purose in your life, food and diet become simply something that serves that purpose - and so you learn quickly which foods are most effective for you. It's hard to do anything without a stable source of calories and nutrients though. Cyproheptadine could help in such a transitory period, Sun & Steel by Yukio Mishima, too.
RE: Europe & Raw Milk
@alpine-raspberry I think it's important to see what the cows look like, what they eat, what the farmer and his family look like too.
RE: Peaty Snacks & Desserts
I like to put a cup of frozen blueberries in a pan with a small amount of water, add sugar and reduce to sauce, pour hot over Skyr or greek yoghurt.
RE: Peat - inspired meal prep
@PeaterDinklage For bulking, probably in general too, whatever you find easiest to digest. For me, I can eat so much more rice than any other carb source. I don't think there's anything wrong with rice for increasing calories, it just contains far less vitamins and minerals than potatoes.
Luca Turin's Secret of Scent & Vibration theory of olfaction
For anyone interested in fragrance, scent and olfaction, I highly reccomend Luca Turin's Secret of Scent series on Vimeo. It's a 10 hour lecture series on the evolution of fragrance and Turin's vibrational theory of olfaction. It's like $1. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/297742
Ray Peat on Luca Turin, scents. Heraclitus and consciousness:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtPKVawwBNw -
RE: Cold hands & feet – discuss causes & remedies
@pilky If you're in a colder climate, eating on an empty stomach/ breaking fast and sedentary after eating, your body is going to direct blood away from your extrematies to your digestive system - that's an appropriate response to economise on energy. Initally, after eating a big meal, it's going to cost energy to digest it before you can use the nutrients. Smaller, more frequent meals help.