@Orindere Absolutely, the most effective way to learn a new language is probably to fall in love with a girl who speaks it.

Posts made by skylark
RE: Most effective way to learn a new language?
Most effective way to learn a new language?
Other than b vitamin cookies.
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
@brightside well that’s the thing, a full replacement with T just seems like too much trouble, like I’d have to source hCG and maybe an AI if I want to mitigate potential risks? And consider PCT… like my life is rather unpredictable so I couldn’t guarantee the amount of stress I’d have to meet at a given time in the future, let alone getting these substances across borders..
So for now I might just play around with very low doses of T, just to get a feel for the hormone rather than achieve any results.
RE: Unpleasant experience on thyroid
When you first start increasing my the level of t3 in the blood, your cells & tissues will become sensitive to any excess adrenaline that is in your system. It’s common for hypothyroidism to be compensated by an excess of stress hormones that your tissues have become desensitised to. Starting thyroid often leads to a sudden increase in requirement for essential nutrients such as magnesium, glucose, ect. Of course, caloric intake should be sufficient, it’s important to keep on top of this as sympathetic nervous tone will lower your appetite and can create a viscous circle.
Don’t disregard the idea that you may not need to supplement thyroid.
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
@brightside very good. I still have a bag micronised T base which I haven’t even tried yet, so I’m going to give one of these recipes a go. I’m not really that fussed about T though, as I find DHT so effective for almost any type of injury/ailment - and I haven’t noticed any suppression dosing up to 30mg, just a subtle and short rebound maybe 24hours after a dose. Do you think supplementing DHT alongside T will have a more stable/constructive effect than T alone?
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
@brightside You should bring your transdermal recipes over from RPF, that was a quality thread. Do you have a current preference atm? I've only ever used pure DMSO.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
Has this guy always been a complete loon or is there a possibility of outside interference? Perhaps some of the older RPF members who were somewhat closer to the 'lion' would care to speculate. As an outsider, it seems that his behaviour has changed radically in the past months.
RE: Best Milk Powder Pancakes recipe?
Substitute some of the milk powder and sugar for condensed milk. Massive difference, makes the pancakes less dry, more chewy. Too much condensed milk & it becomes hard to cook tho.
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Aryan_Racist squat & deadlift, I don’t see the point to isolate glutes unless you’re a girl
RE: Aspirin problem
@Ecstatic_Hamster thanks. Would you think it’s worth perusing? If I feel fine without it, but it does improve my sleep at the cost of raising my nutritional requirement?
RE: Aspirin problem
@dt I haven’t had liver for a while, I’ll see if that makes a difference. I take 6mg mk4 daily, perhaps not enough.
@Ecstatic_Hamster Now you mention it, the day following aspirin I will feel really sleepy after breakfast, which does suggest a blood sugar problem.
Aspirin problem
The day following aspirin use, I experience slight nausea & general malaise, like I’m hungover. These symptoms are proportional to the amount of aspirin I use the day prior. I like to use around 500mg before bed and find it powerfully lowers stress and promotes restful sleep, but these symptoms occur a few hours after waking the next day. I’m using store bought aspirin with fillers, starch, talc ect - but I dissolve it in warm water with baking soda and try not to drink the solid particles. Any ideas?
RE: Has anyone combined progest-e and cocaine?
@Peatslop-enjoyer to mediate excitotoxic effects, I think coke is almost always taken with alcohol for this reason, and I think progesterone would work in the same way, but more effectively.
Has anyone combined progest-e and cocaine?
I'm considering this and am looking for real experiences.
RE: Level the mountains/Fill in the valleys
@Nabokov Both have to be true. If it wasn't for Ray's will to life, which I think of as THE will to life, which he so naively possesses and which he has to so naively possess lest he would not be able to penetrate the question of biology so directly, higher life could not be pursued in the first. Everything else is superfluous. And Ray understood hierarchy, biological hierarchy of bodies of cells and of states of bodies, he understood subordination and cooperation and competition because they are part of the same self-ordering process, whether in the body of an organism or in a nation.
Also, there's a difference between the retard argument of 'genetic determinism', as used by modern medicine, which is fundamentally an anti-Nietzschean denial of the will, and true 'biological determinism', in the sense that all rational thought stems from the BODY and the question of inheritance is as important to an organism as the question of the biological effects of its own environment like how Nietzsche writes about. This is all in accordance to Ray's thought. But the question is whether something exists priori to the will to health. To make yourself healthy, you must already be healthy at the bottom of your nature.
RE: Optimal PEATY thyroid levels?
@Jonnie The standard ranges for free T3/T4 are an appropriate guideline but it's almost useless analysing the these, especially if you're not also measuring RT3. IF all other hormones are balanced and you are metabolically healthy you should see a TSH <1. However, TSH can be suppressed by cortisol and other hormones in various states of pathology, so a low TSH is not a reliable indicator of thyroid health by itself. If the TSH is too high (anything above 1 is sub-optimal, above 2 I would consider significantly inflammatory) then you should aim to lower it. Simultaneous cortisol, DHEA, Testosterone, Cholesterol, temp, pulse tests can help provide context.