@MB gang

Posts made by skylark
RE: Brother is having month-long psychotic episode after "Peating"
Do you know what condition the SSRIs were prescribed for? Any OCD tendencies? What did the Docs think?
Obviously thc, metergoline & cyproheptadine have strong neurological effects and can be abused. SSRIs can leave long-lasting effects and are known for unpredictable interactions with other drugs that modulate serotonin function.
Additionally, if the diet is not sufficient, increasing metabolic rate, especially through the use of drugs, can lead to deficiencies of regulatory nutrients such as magnesium & vitamin D, leading to sudden disturbance in glucose metabolism and effecting energy systems in the brain.
Supplementing milk, fruit & vitamin D usually has a stabilising effect.
RE: Brother is having month-long psychotic episode after "Peating"
concentration/name/source of thc gummies? Any other previous pathologies, particularly neurological & endocrine related? Any previous medications? Use of other recreational drugs? Any known allergies or adverse drug reactions? What were the results of blood panel? Any brain/ glandular scans?
RE: Songs you like
Béla Bartók - Romanian Folk Dances Sz 56: III. Pe-loc - Andante
This piece is about the night, cannibalism, dance between beast and prey… be careful!
RE: Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
@C-Mex surely there’s a case for Ray’s next-of-kin, Charlie is clearly profiting off of Ray’s reputation - and there’s written evidence of Ray’s disapproval
RE: Is Caloric Deficit Peaty?
When consumed, PUFA are preferentially stored whereas SFA/ MUFA are preferentially oxidised to provide energy. In context of a typically modern diet this would mean that the fat stores of most people will consist of predominantly PUFA. There have be recent studies to suggest that when fats are liberated through lipolysis (e.g. in a starved state), PUFA is preferentially released, which carries with it inflammatory and anti-metabolic activities. Whether PUFA is preferentially released due to a high concentration in the fat stores of most people or whether it’s due to another mechanism idk. @haidut talked about these studies on RPF. Generally Ray advocated for slow re-comp instead of caloric restriction, which is made more effective by the pro-hormonal effects of he’s dietary & metabolic recommendations. But he did recommend a person to take Vitamin E when dieting to protect themselves from the effects of FFA.
RE: Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
Ray’s work attracts a lot of sick people, unsurprisingly. It was just unfortunate that one of them instated themselves as “The Law” over the community for so long lmao. Best not looking back now…
RE: Serotonin
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RE: Am I Hypermetabolic?
I'm same age and I need about around 3000kcal for maintainance depending on my activity level, I can easily burn 4000kcal + if I'm out walking all day. I think Ray said he used to eat 5000kcal/ day when he was younger & working for forestry commission. He did mention that when he took T3 for the first time, it actually lowered his overall metabolic rate, shifting from a wasteful metabolism driven by adrenaline/cortisol over to a more efficient metabolism driven by thyroid - and he found he's caloric requirement dropped. He's said that he's met a lot of young men who experience this with T3. I tried it but I don't think I need it, just makes me hot and out of breath easily. If you already feel good, I wouldn't bother. How tall are you?
RE: Does tanning age you even in an absence of seed oils?
Ray describes tanning as a reaction to injury here, it’s in the context of melanoma but he relates the two. Not being able to tan is related to Vitamin D deficiency though.
RE: Waking up at 3AM
@eric I get this if I take a break from the gym & then overtrain upon returning, especially if I'm not eating enough. Are you eating regularly throughout the day, not letting yourself get hungry? It's not just before bed but frequent meals all day that keep glycogen supply stable. Dehydration can lead to overheating during the night. Too much protein before bed can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar a few hours later. Sometimes any meal too close to bed time will disturb sleep.
RE: Skyr!
@sztrapacska best yoghurt imo, less acidic than any greek yoghurt i've tried
RE: UK Specific Supplements & Food
Oh yeah and Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Acetazolamide and other prescription medicines can be aquired through online pharmacies like DrFox by filling out a quick form, they don't even check with your GP.
RE: UK Specific Supplements & Food
Very nice
I use Premier Research D3, Haidut's K2 , Regency Organics makes good superpure DMSO, Cynoplus & Cynomel through farmaciasdelnino, Hexeal Magensium Chloride, Magnesium Hydroxide can be mixed with carbonated water to create a potant Mg Bicarbonate tonic, Jarrow Formulas theanine, flowers of sulpher, Athrovite Equi Gel Collagen Hydroslate (it's sold for horses but it seems pure & dirt cheap) masa from mexgrocer, Stoats sell flour without mandated additives.
The only good OJ I've found here is sometimes Morrison's fresh squeeze but a lot of the time it's shite, clementine juice from Tesco is always ok. Lots of good finds in Costco, cheeses, french jams, californian dates... Skyr I find to be the least acidic yoghurt, fresh oysters from Waitrose, Sainsbury's organic mink is the best tasting but Tesco's isn't bad, Cocio choccy mink...
Currently looking for a source for reasonably priced, authentic olive oil and pure aspirin.
RE: Mushrooms....peaty?
@Atlas He had a preference for Agaricus Bisporus, and was under the impression that the agaritine was mitigated by thorough cooking - enough so that he was comfortable with it anyway.