That abode would be great for grounding.
Posts made by Sunniva
RE: OFF GRID - weekend cabin to full time living. Great ideas thread.
OFF GRID - weekend cabin to full time living. Great ideas thread.
Here is an amazing video with great ideas for comforts in an off grid situation. The guy who built it says he has been living there full time for 5 years. He estimates he has $20,000 in it, but notes that building materials are more expensive now.
RE: Almost 2 weeks on T3, here's what I noticed so far.
@Mauritio what do you notice if not enough B vitamins? What Bs do you take, or do you rely on food for them?
RE: My fiancé wants to stop her menstrual cycle without hormonal BC
https://expulsia.com/health/peat-index#3Go to books section, then read FROM PMS TO MENOPAUSE, FEMALE HORMONES IN CONTEXT.
That should give you some better ideas.Also, progest-e needs to be cycled with the menstrual cycle. Taking continuously will just result in it being excreted by the liver. Dr. Peat recommended at least a one week break each month, but in a menstruating woman, you want to use it in conjunction with that phase of the cycle.
RE: The pro-metabolic effects of apple polyphenols
@Mauritio absolutely!
Ray Peat In his own words:
https://www.bioenergetic.life/clips/ae826?t=1322&c=25"The biology is changed by every experience. The brain is constantly in development and that involves what you're learning. So what you learn changes your structure and so your mind is changed and so the meaning of what you learned has changed. You're changing your past every time you learn something because you become a different organism."
RE: The pro-metabolic effects of apple polyphenols
@Mauritio what is the supplement you are using?
RE: Any Recommendations for Air Fryers with Stainless Steel Baskets?
I ended up with a big boss glass air fryer. A good stainless was hard to find.
RE: Knock knees
Ray Peat talking about joint deformity and knock knees in this interview:
“…eyeball the mucusy materials that are overproduced also can cause blood vessel inefficiency and rigidity and contributes to things like varicose veins and when this material gets in the joints it causes cartilage deformities the old textbooks used to show teenagers with deformed joints that caused the same deviation of the bones at the elbow joint especially and the knee joint especially with knock knees for example but in old people you see the fingers deviating to one side because the cartilage is getting deformed the right balance of thyroid and the youth associated hormones progesterone and” -
RE: Homemade Kefir: Which grains?
@cornwallis search your area for a farmers market or similar where people sell them.
RE: What are non-Peaty things you still do?
Me too, but I make them with sprouted flour, or jovial Einkorn flour. -
RE: Progest E Love Thread
Are you needing to heat the progest-e to get the dhea incorporated?I am thinking to add appropriate amount to entire bottle of progest-e for my dad, and then have him put olive oil on skin and then spread progest-e mixture.
Or do you think the olive oil needs to be mixed in with the dhea/progest-e?
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
I think you need to find out if you have a vapor barrier or not.https://grounded.com/earthing-frequently-asked-questions-basics
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
Yes, if unsealed or sealed with water based applications.https://earthing.helpdocs.io/article/yx1291gat5-what-surfaces-will-ground-me-which-surfaces-won-t
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
You can get some grounding shoes.
Sometimes I go outside in winter in wool socks or a simple leather bottom moccasin.
Also, if you have a bare concrete basement floor, you can use that- not as pleasant as outside though. -
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
You might be familiar with Nick Pineault and Bryan Hoyer - emf people.
These are their websites.
Selling products, but good info.
I have not bought anything.
I would like a bed canopy or enclosure, but don't have the time right now to research enough. -
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
This is a company I had bookmarked when I was looking into some grounding products.They have a FAQ section that is helpful and made me realize I could not just get some products and use them.
RE: Grounding is the single greatest “biohack” I’ve ever found
Grounding outside fixed an upside down circadian rhythm for me years ago. Rising at dawn to greet the sun, and then intermittently throughout the day.
I have not done inside grounding because of the problems you can run into if done improperly.
Danny just noted on his telegram that he also needed more info to do it properly:
"Ray Peat: If you can see a tower, then you should put some chicken wire between you and the tower, and any kind of a ground connection. Plumbing is a good ground. Put a little wire to your closest faucet.
Danny Roddy: Oh, okay. So I could attach a wire to the actual faucet?
Ray Peat: Yeah, that's deeply embedded in the ground.
Danny Roddy: Oh, wow. I would've never thought of that. You could just wrap a little copper wire and then attach it to that?
Ray Peat: Mm-hmm."
Danny Roddy
I was just notified that in some homes the plumbing is bonded to the electrical ground, so be careful.Danny Roddy
I tried this today and it worked.I wrapped a 12-gauge copper wire around the faucet pipes under the sink, then wound the same wire around my bed a few times before replacing the sheet.
Using a voltmeter, I made the 12-gauge bed wire contact the neutral lead while I held the hot lead. When I touched the 12-gauge bed wire, the voltmeter reading dropped to 0.002 mV, indicating effective grounding.
As mentioned previously, this method may not work for homes where the plumbing and electrical ground are bonded or if the pipes are PVC.
Next I'll be grounding the chicken roost using the same 12-gauge wire and a new 8-foot grounding rod
RE: Pregnant peating
Ray Peat pregnancy clips worth listening to.
He also has talked about a chicken experiment, where the egg was injected with glucose and the chick's had bigger brains.
I remember craving fruit in my last trimester.