"if the hype is to be believed" - Mike Benz
So what would it do. Maybe it would share Mike Benz content with the stern tone of a T-1000 and repeatedly tell people not to get distracted.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
"if the hype is to be believed" - Mike Benz
So what would it do. Maybe it would share Mike Benz content with the stern tone of a T-1000 and repeatedly tell people not to get distracted.
Shame. Mex ran off in some interesting directions. Moving on ey
@questforhealth, would you be so kind as to take a grand inquisition of self to the post highlighted in the one you're questioning. It would be a bit more in place.
Thank you.
I'm tempted to nudge you to take your mind elsewhere entirely. For sometimes it is simply best to live a little. But I'm lacking context, time, and it is not my place.
It will. Be patient Mr Based.
What's the value in the links anyway. Have you skipped through the latest livestream. Everything you need to know for a study is right there.
Leave indignation at the side of the road.
Good day @brad. Can thread deletions require moderator approval?
Then someone can delete their posts only. If they want to scrub their side of things and leave the others behind.
They say the more you fly, the more you risk your life.
Happy Thursday.
@BioEclectic said in New "Mission" of RPF:
and whoever else...
What’s the tl;dr @BioEclectic? I really don’t have the time. I do however have the humour. In wondering what ChatGPT would contract it in to, relative to a private model.
I did have a little guilty skim of page 2 before searching for the words “satan”, “lucifer” or “devil”. Low and behold, I came upon the phrase “Satan vibe”. And wondered if Mr Mathis has spent any time wondering how the cognitive space works, or rather doesn’t, for those who may find themselves afflicted. Metaphorically or not.
Of course. I am not making statements. And there is still a humorous tone about my heart.
Great film.
@JamesGatz stop f****ing about on Twitter and make a film thread. (With humour and heart sir.)
Sleep and faith will do. Thank you for your input q4h.
But if you would. I'd quite like your reaction to the comment under that.
And to this. For if the liberal cannot be civil in conversation with the Marxist, then he is not a liberal. He is an imposter. And probably a Marxist himself.
The other way round. You tell me CO3.
@ThinPicking said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@C-Mex said in New "Mission" of RPF:
seems to be accountable to no one.
I wonder how one might go about cutting their balls off without collateral damage to SMEs. Maybe the bioenergetically charged can figure this out and make it popular.
Laws of Corporations and Other Business Enterprises - Harry G. Henn, John R. Alexander
"They are, mere adjunct, agent, alias, alter ego, alter idem, arm, blind, branch, buffer, cloak, coat, corporate double, cover, creature, curious reminiscence, delusion, department, dry shell, dummy, fiction, form, formality, fraud on the law, instrumentality, mouthpiece, name, nominal identity, phrase, puppet, screen, sham, simulacrum, snare, stooge, subterfuge, tool."Did I mention aliens exist.
I can't. Funniest shit I've read in a while. Thanks
@questforhealth said in Modern totalitarianism:
I once had an encounter with a demonic nurse.
I'm reminded (with humour) of a late 90s video game called Silent Hill.
q4h. Please try to see the good in people. Just don't be an idiot about it.
Well the eyes really are a window to the soul. But pixels on liquid crystal display aren't a complete representation. So take a pinch of salt. And keep walking.
They're bound by protocol and institution q4h. A legal industrial complex sits right next to them, bearing down on their capability and humanity.
I can scarcely sympathise as they don't seem particularly vocal about this. But I don't know. Maybe I'm missing something.
@Peatful said in Modern totalitarianism:
Im so one dimensional
That also made me laugh. Thank you. For it is an utter fallacy. And I know it!
From the son of a father who was put to sleep by Brompton cocktail under pretences I can only assume to be unintentionally false. And subsequently set free by the pursuit of Truth.
I will make a parallel thread about constructive means to ensure these things are simply not possible in future. When I can find the time and the spirit. I and we can do better. That is for sure.
And yet... here you are, antithetical to all of it Ms @Peatful
And might I share. I just made myself laugh. Imagining your car gizmo verbalising "strong arm emoji, strong arm emoji, strong arm emoji".