Methylene Blue
Several times i've read that milk reduces the effectiveness of many or most medicines, and to take them at very separate times.Whether and how much it may reduce the effectiveness of MB i have no idea, but it may be something to consider.
@Tahodama specific thing that's in milk and cheese. forgot the name.
@CO3 tyramine
Ah, looking it up now. Yeah that explains it. I'm also reading that pasteurized dairy (both present in my smoothie and cheesecake) are low in tyramine, which explains why I didn't feel any symptoms of high BP. I was also taking ~1g of aspirin before bed which may've helped.
Still intrigued I didn't notice any drastic changes in my hormone profile. Or maybe I'm just horribly unobservant. -
Thinking of starting supplementing Methylene Blue as I'm having some low blood oxygen issues. Anybody have some useful info on what would be a good daily dose? Thanks:)
@Erika I'd start with 1-2mg and avoid other MAO inhibitors to be safe.
@Lothric wow that is a really high dose. I started taking it last week (took one bottle from the lab at Uni) and just 3 drops are enough for me to feel the nootropic effects. The other day I tried taking like 9 drops through the day and i started peeing blue-ish green, so I wouldn't recommend taking that much as you can feel the effect with 1-2 drops in like half liter of water.
Anyways I'm a rookie with Methylene blue it's just my opinion analysing the start of my usage.
@Erika I started a week ago with it, I couldn't find specific recommendations for a nootropic use. I just pour 3 drops in like half a liter of water and drink it with calm without rush. I feel the effects on my cognitive skills so for sure it's having effect on cardiovascular system and cellular levels too. That's my advice as someone that just started. Once i tried to put 3 drops directly to the tongue but the flavour is not so pleasant and you feel the intensity of it too much.
@Martiño Interesting, I didn't know the nootropic effect was a thing. Definitely excited if it will have some effect of my mood. Thank you for sharing your experience with it.
I have the mb from Idealabs called oxidal. I only take one drop every other day.
I hear you shouldnt take it with coffee. Yet there's caffeine in the bottle.
How does that work? I have put it in my coffee so I'm wondering if I shouldnt -
@CO3 Do you have any actual evidence that 7mg (likely 0.1 mg/kg) is "high dose"? It's used at 15-60 mg per diem for all sorts of mental health disorders and was used at doses far beyond that in world war I for months.
@CO3 Lactoferrin probably
@happyhanneke It potentiates the effect of the caffeine meaning any caffeine co-adminstered with the MB makes the effect of the caffeine as if you had taken approx a 10x dose of caffeine. So, if you take MB with 10 mg caffeine, you get an effect from the caffeine as if you had taken 100mg caffeine.
@jamezb46 That is not true, I am pretty sure that idea was conjecture, spread by Haidut back in the day. I have had 600mg of caffeine and 10-15mg caffeine on the same day, and no, it felt like 600mg of caffeine not 6000mg.
@alfredoolivas yes that’s where I got the idea. But maybe it’s true at low doses and not high. In other words maybe the potentiation is 10x at very low doses of caffeine like 1 mg but approaches 1x as the amount increases toward some value like maybe 10mg caffeine.
afaicr (as far as I can recall) 5mg MB 3x a day is the safu dose for self-treating various issues. it's interesting because 5mg 3x a day is the safe DHEA dose too
peat is more conservative and iirc recommended like 70mcg as a safe dose. The quote from him says to take it in similar doses as thyroid hormone.
. for general wellness (a supplement you take for health benefits that you don't really obliquely notice acute effects from), something like 0.5mg a day is probably totally fine. don't take it with iron rich foods or vitamin E
I took like 100-150mg a day for like 2 weeks during wuflu. I can't say if it really helped. I have a suspicion it caused or contributed to what I think is iron lipofuscin on my finger that gradually disappeared since. I was also on a whack of cyproheptadine so that would have mitigated any potential excess serotonin effects.
the first time I ever took MB at like a 1mg dose I got this strange and not totally unpleasant sensation that my vision was widening and getting better.
Yes, the 5 mg, 3x per day sounds right. 15 mg/day is where some of the clinical trials start with mental illness sufferers like depression.
@jamezb46 Haidut says a lot of stuff man... here is a clip of him saying a few mgs of exemestane, allows him to drink 2 litres of Vodka in a single night. In most countries that is equivalent to 67 shots of vodka... wouldn't take his words as gospel.