I was born with a sensible gut, in fact my oesophagus is kinda messed up from birth and I was always cautious with food. To give you an idea, a bit too much salt make me cough and I need water when I eat for the food to pass through. As a kid, I'd simply not eat any vegetables and few fruits and gorge on milk chocolate like an absolute madman. I was of course very thin, athletic and high-energy -- though I was often constipated.
Long story short, I made my diet "healthier" from 18yo. Which means less carbs, more fibers, some PUFA, but not shunning on SFA though.
Fast forward 8 years later. It was the brightest and warmest day of august, I was with some friends in the south of France. Our only endeavors where playing card games, drinking fine wine and contemplating the blue horizon. Just endless blue and the calm stillness of eternal summer... But I wasn't feeling it, at all. I was trapped in my mind, I was in a constant state of inner inbalance. I could barely bring myself to smile.
It also appeared I often had latent, low-level nausea, for some unknown reasons. 2 weeks later I was at a family gathering and I couldn't even bring myself to help others putting away the plates and cleaning -- that's what gut problems make of you: a frail, rude, miserable human. Something was not right. I immediatly decided I'd drink a Coke -- it provided immediate relief within 1 minute. Something was not right.
A few months later, I had an appointment to the dentist. For the first time in my life (past 25yo) I had caries. "Sir, you have acid reflux." "What is this?" "It's when acid comes from your gut and allows for bacteria to evolve in your back teeth." So I began my investigation.
At this point I didn't know what to eat because everything seemed to cause nausea--hence reflux. It would take me 6 months to have an apointment with a specialized doctor.
I had heard the theory that depression is caused by bad bacteria in the gut. I thought I may have H. Pylori (which thrives in acidic stomach), so I ordered a probiotics which, studies said, was fairly effective against it. The TheraScience "HP" supplement contains 20B units of Lactobacillus Reuteri. [ https://www.therascience.com/en_uk/hp-phy393.html ] I started taking it.
1 week in, I got the result of some hospital gastro test: I don't have H. Pylori. I still caried on with the supplement.
By week 2, this weird thing happened: though my objective situation worsened by the day (left my gf, boring job prospect, etc.), I simply couldn't feel depression. In fact the joyful, careless attitude of my youth started coming back, for no apparent reason. I went from struggling to talk (a difficulty to find the proper words) to being the funniest guy in the room. I became more organized (which is a really new thing for me), much more open to people. I suddenly wanted to travel.
From week 3, I was in a constant euphoric state. Everywhere was hope and light and happiness. I've never felt this way. I was like a child again.
I emptied the supplement bottle after 1 month and had to stop. GERD was much rarer (though still there sometimes) and I seemed to have vanquished depression.
BAP talks about L Reuteri. "It induced euphoria for several days in people I know who took it." Yep.
In the meantime I had learned by inference that tanin in food hurted my gut. Tea (especially dark), dark beers, coffee grounds, dark honey, tannic red wine were an aboslute no-no. Almost everytime they'd give me almost instant nausea. No wonder I was never a big fan of those. I seem to be tanin intolerant. I learned that milk proteins grab onto the tanins and neutralize them. I now drink cappuccino.
Some months passed and something else happened. I was memed by peatists to start drinking Coke every day (.6 to 1 liter/day), also because it's supposedly good for constipated/irritated guts. Remember when I said one day Coke made me feel immediatly good? It made me feel euphoric for 3 whole days, so much so that I couldn't sleep on the night of the 3rd day, I decided to stop it. It's the cafeine.
Today, 6 months after that Coke episode, my diet has changed quite a bit. I no longer take L Reuteri, nor Coke. I do drink capuccinos though, but I do really seem sensible to cafeine when I take more than 3 cups a day -- makes my heart races.
I get much more carbs than before, from fruits, I also enjoy less protein than before. My macros are likely something like 60C/25F/15P. Of course no PUFAs. I happily gorge on milk, which I love -- until recently it disgusted me. However my important consumption of milk might be giving me constipation often. I believe upping carbs intake made my GERD disappear completely.
I still avoid tanin-rich foods but seem to tolerate them better.
I don't feel euphoric but definitely feel great most of the time. I have felt acid reflux in months now. My athletic performance have been the best in my life lately.
I'm still left with a few questions on my mind:
- Are probiotics really safe? Could have I just been lucky? Is there a risk of dependance?
- Is tanin intolerance related to a depressed gut function?
- Did some of you experience racing heart rate after intake of cafeine? Is sensibility to cafeine sign that something is wrong?
I am very grateful for all the people involved in this autistic community.
PS: Sorry for the long post...